Because you are not using the database you are using c# to do all your work. So only your application will work with the creation you call a database. Most of us (and I'm an old fart) know what a relational database is used for - storing data in a RELATED form and therefore any application can use the same relationships, reporting for instance.
You need to do some research into the difference between a document database (NoSQl) and a traditional RMBDS.
While there is a need and use for NoSql your example is not one of them EVERY company needs a RMDBS for this type of data.
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity -
I'm old. I know stuff - JSOP
Hopeless Idealist wrote: I would rather type:...but all the companies demand SQL-devs.
First of course because companies do not operate to please you.
They operate to make money. And that comes from pleasing customers. Both in sales and in follow up support.
Additionally they must keep costs low.
At the end of the day technologies do not drive company success. Rather it is matter of successfully creating a product(s)/service(s) which the company can maintain and enhance. And of course then selling it in the first place.
Large companies almost always have multiple persisted datastores. And I only say 'almost' because I can't be sure that there is not one company out there that only uses one. I do know that Microsoft, Oracle, Netflix, Google and Amazon all use different ones.
hi ,
i have a list of id values ( listOfProducts ) returned from a dropdown list , i need to use them to filter in a sql request
something like this :
SELECT stock_id , loc_id
FROM S_ware D
WHERE D.product_id IN (listOfProducts) (not sure about that)
i need to get all the records that have a product id that is contained inside the list from the dropdown
Send the list of products as comma seperated to parameter List of Products and change this query into Dynamic query.
For ex: @listOfProducts is parameter. Send as tilde or comma seperated to SQL query
Inside Query, split the comma seperated and change to list. Use the below script.
DECLARE @listOfProducts VARCHAR(2000)
SET @listOfProducts='174~175~78~77~191~399~451'
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#listOfProducts') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #listOfProducts
DISTINCT Split.a.value('.', 'VARCHAR(100)') AS Prod INTO #listOfProducts
CAST ('<M>' + REPLACE(@listOfProducts, '~', '</M><M>') + '</M>' AS XML) AS String )
AS A CROSS APPLY String.nodes ('/M') AS Split(a)
WHERE Split.a.value('.', 'VARCHAR(100)')<>''
SELECT stock_id , loc_id
FROM S_ware D
WHERE D.product_id IN (select Prod from #listOfProducts)
Just for the record, that is not a Dynamic Query
There's no table named "S_ware" ... so the FROM clause will issue (most likely) "Invalid object name". I've also noticed that, in the second post to this thread, you've given a bit more information ... but you're declaring a variable as VARCHAR; the SET is ok. But suddenly 'listOfProducts' has become a temporary TABLE. So there are naming issues also.
This all sounds like pedantry from me so I'll quit. Suffice to say I'd look up TABLE, SET, DECLARE, and the advanced XML in the BOL for SQL Server version you think you have.
I need to store lots and lots and lots of timeseries data. Each series is keyed by a unique key, and once written it will almost never be updated. I'm literally after a key/value storage system that's persisted.
I also don't want to use Azure. No offense, Microsoft, but...
So my thoughts were Redis (not the safest), postgres (bit overkill), Cassandra (seems to like writes better than reads and my use case is the opposite), or mongoDB.
Did I mention I want this to cost less than a coffee a week. A good coffee, but I'm not paying $50 a month for this. Total data will be < 1TB.
Most likely this will be running on a Windows or Linux box against a .NET 5 app.
Chris Maunder
Chris Maunder wrote: and once written it will almost never be updated I love specs like this - NOT.
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity -
I'm old. I know stuff - JSOP
I can promise you that X will never, ever, ever happen. Except sometimes randomly when I need it to happen.
Chris Maunder
Have you considered good old Berkeley DB? Oracle Berkeley DB It's not a DBMS, so might not fit your use case.
Keep Calm and Carry On
I heard the name Cassandra was a direct commentary on Oracle (Cassandra being a cursed Oracle, and all that)
Chris Maunder
Data and no "record counts" makes it hard to visualize a solution; or what needs to be done with the "time series data" subsequently; or how much of it there is for a given key.
I used a database table to index a file system of postal carrier address labels (images). Mostly used as an audit trail. The label key was a GUID.
It was only in wine that he laid down no limit for himself, but he did not allow himself to be confused by it.
― Confucian Analects: Rules of Confucius about his food
Imagine you load a file that has 3 sets of timeseries data: attributeA, attributeB and attributeC. Each timseries is of the form Array<time, float> . There will be between 1000 and 15,000 time/value pairs in each series, so maybe 8Kb to 120Kb in each series.
I will never query the data in the array. I will only ever return it as a chunk of data (meaning I could compress it into a BLOB for higher storage efficiency at a tradeoff in load speed if I needed to)
A classic database such as MySQL or SQL Server seems massive overkill for this.
Chris Maunder
Trying to start a New Database in Open Office. Cannot do so, the system baulks at a missing JRE. Installed several of these, to no avail. Updated the Environment Path settings (now that brings me back 40 years)(That was on the advice on UTube from some indian Guru in these matters), Still to no avail. How can one get this DB to go! To be clear, I want (for now) to create a Database on and for one computer only.
Bram van Kampen
Well Richard,
No, Not so far, Thanks for the link. Going there next.
Bram van Kampen
Hi, everyone.
I'm trying to recover data from SQL Server using the pivot operator. My command is:
select isnull([1], 0) as Janeiro,
isnull([2], 0) as Fevereiro,
isnull([3], 0) as Março,
isnull([4], 0) as Abril,
isnull([5], 0) as Maio,
isnull([6], 0) as Junho,
isnull([7], 0) as Julho,
isnull([8], 0) as Agosto,
isnull([9], 0) as Setembro,
isnull([10], 0) as Outubro,
isnull([11], 0) as Novembro,
isnull([12], 0) as Dezembro
pivot (sum(PAPA_RE_VALORPAGAMENTO) for Mesn in ([1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12])) P1
The way it is above it works fine. Now I need to multiply the sum by a factor, say 0.95. I tried the following:
pivot (0.95 * sum(PAPA_RE_VALORPAGAMENTO) ...
pivot (sum(0.95 * PAPA_RE_VALORPAGAMENTO) ...
0.95 * pivot (sum(PAPA_RE_VALORPAGAMENTO) ...
None of these worked. Can anyone help me? Which is the right way?
"None of these worked" because the syntax for PIVOT[^] clearly states Quote: PIVOT
<aggregation function="">(<column being="" aggregated="">) So just put the results of the PIVOT into a sub-query or a Common Table Expression or temporary table or a table variable, then manipulate that data. E.g.
;with cte as
select isnull([1], 0) as Janeiro,
isnull([2], 0) as Fevereiro,
isnull([3], 0) as Março,
isnull([4], 0) as Abril,
isnull([5], 0) as Maio,
isnull([6], 0) as Junho,
isnull([7], 0) as Julho,
isnull([8], 0) as Agosto,
isnull([9], 0) as Setembro,
isnull([10], 0) as Outubro,
isnull([11], 0) as Novembro,
isnull([12], 0) as Dezembro
where P.SUPA_NA_CODIGO = 5) Tab1
pivot (sum(PAPA_RE_VALORPAGAMENTO) for Mesn in ([1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12])) P1
select 0.95 * Janeiro,0.95 * Fevereiro,0.95 * Março,0.95 * Abril,
0.95 * Maio,0.95 * Junho,0.95 * Julho,0.95 * Agosto,
0.95 * Setembro,0.95 * Outubro,0.95 * Novembro,0.95 * Dezembro
from cte; Couple of other points to note
- I've changed the JOIN to use an ON clause rather than defining the join using the WHERE clause. Your style is quite old-fashioned and prevents you from using OUTER joins
- It's a lot easier to answer questions like this if you supply the table schemas and some sample data along with your expected results. And always be specific - "None of these worked" is not helpful. "I get an error reported 'Incorrect syntax near '0.95'.' might have got you an answer quicker
as you act on a column within the select "......" statements,
you must add "group by" and the column involved.
It's from Sql engine,
in a step : it gather the columns,
in a late step : a rollback is made to apply the 0.95* operation on all selected columns.
so the "group by" recall all the 'columns' for sorting the "whole gathered" one by one.
It's really inner mechanicals SqlEngine work.
Remenber : when operation on columns in the 'select' : as "label" / maths .. , string works
add "group by" with the column required.
modified 23-Aug-21 21:01pm.
I'm really not following this at all. Perhaps if you make the amendments you are speaking about and post that code here I might understand it better?
Or if you have a link to the specific documentation that might help?
one other error I see :
from -->"tables required"<-- where column-n =<.. ( sub request ).
add as fix the table needed for the first query ( the first part )
I think you have to go on taxes early ,
insert into tax_tab (n_amount, paid) values amount=n_amount , 0.95*n_amount ;;
modified 23-Aug-21 21:01pm.
Sorry, I still do not understand what you are saying. Please post the code here to illustrate your point.
There are no errors reported in my code - or do you think you are replying to the Original Poster?
My MySQL database version is 5.6.35 and I use InnoDB.
I want to remove the Delete and Drop Table permissions of the user U1 from the table T1 in the db1 database.
The operating instructions are as follows:
<pre lang="SQL">
Revoke delete,drop on db1.T1 from U1;
No error message appeared after execution.
But after execution, the user U1 can still use the DELETE command to delete the data row in the data table T1.
You can also use the DROP TABLE command to delete the data table T1.
Thanks for replying.