Member 15078113 wrote: suppose that to crate a table in a form must not be complicated It's not; I'd recommend SQLite, if you familiar with databases. It's free and small. Also comes without UI, but you can download those separate.
Member 15078113 wrote: Simplifying, I need to make a standalone application able to create, store and read a separate datafile. Saving the table in Excel format or similar would be acceptable Then EPPlus or LinqToExcel might be more suitable.
Member 15078113 wrote: The application final output would be some ASCII file with delimited data but this file is not supposed to be read by the application. That's your fourth option; CSV files. A few thousand records would hardly be a speed-problem on modern machines (anything that can run .NET).
Bastard Programmer from Hell
"If you just follow the bacon Eddy, wherever it leads you, then you won't have to think about politics." -- Some Bell.
Thank you very much.
I have been fighting Visual Studio for a couple hours and managed to create the basic GridView configuration. Although in the much simpler Arduino environment, I am familiarized with C and I have recently written a couple Classes ( I should have started before ). Nevertheless helped by some web browsing I suppose I can handle the code behind the forms.
I decided to leave Excel for later and concentrate in creating and reading CVS files.
Then EPPlus or LinqToExcel might be more suitable.
Thank you again.
Eddy Vluggen wrote: SQLite, if you familiar with databases. It's free and small. Microsoft SQL Server Developer edition is also free AND comes with free tools.
..but not exactly simple; a server, and launches a service-process. Also a bit larger than SQLite.
Bastard Programmer from Hell
"If you just follow the bacon Eddy, wherever it leads you, then you won't have to think about politics." -- Some Bell.
I want to make a server and client side WITSML (for Oil & Gas Wells Drilling Data Send/Receive). There are some SDKs here: (WITSML api library for .Net / C# client apps?). I surfed though the internet, but i have not been found any code example or guide to use them.
My Question:
==>.Are There any code example to develop a WITSML and/or WITS server and Client side software in C#?
Thank you in advance.
You already posted this question in the C# forum. Please do not crosspost. You need to go and study those SDKs and the WITSML specification language.
Sorry, Duplication was a mistake. Thank you for your note.
Hey, I know that this is a dumb question but I did this in the past and I can't find the tool now. Basically I want to combine words list so:
1st column word + 2nd column word + 3rd column word
and get all possible combinations.
Sorry if I'm not explaining it nicely.
modified 5-Feb-21 19:39pm.
You don't need a website for a database.
Member 15064328 wrote: 1st column word + 2nd column word + 3rd column word
and get all possible combinations. That'd take a lot of CPU time. Care to explain why?
Bastard Programmer from Hell
"If you just follow the bacon Eddy, wherever it leads you, then you won't have to think about politics." -- Some Bell.
Member 15064328 wrote: Sorry if I'm not explaining it nicely.
Yeah, next time tell your teacher to do a better job explaining your assignments.
How the heck did I end up here in the 'Databases' section?
Never mind. I see the original message from the lounge has been moved. I read CP through an RSS reader, and the link just forwarded me there instead of staying in the lounge.
Hi Sir,
I try to query record from Firebird where to get record today only with this statement :
Unfortunately the record appear today record and beyond ( next day upward). Can anyone help me to get record by today only.
Tq in advance.
Your WHERE clause tells it to select records where the date is greater than or equal to today. Change it to equal only.
I'm already change the statement to equal '=' but nothing record display,plz help me tq
Be aware that if your date is stored as a datetime (almost certainly is) you are going to have to get a range for the day + time.
The => you are using is a kludge to get that range.
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity -
I'm old. I know stuff - JSOP
Without knowing what column EventDate is (we can guess, but that's dangerous!) we can't tell you.
However, if EventDate is a DATETIME type, how about
CAST(EventDate AS DATE) = CAST('NOW' AS DATE) (Disclaimer - I don't know Firebird so using 'NOW' to get current date/time seems a bit weird - converting a string literal NOW to date time? I'd be more used to CAST(NOW() AS DATE) or CAST(NOW AS DATE) ... )
Thank you for your help, i can retrieve the record using your suggestion :
Hope this also can help anyone to use,
Thanks you all, you're awesome..
Have you tried adding "LIMIT 1" to the query constraint?
"One man's wage rise is another man's price increase." - Harold Wilson
"Fireproof doesn't mean the fire will never come. It means when the fire comes that you will be able to withstand it." - Michael Simmons
"You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him." - James D. Miles
create table PendingQueue (
id int not null,
DueTime datetime not null,
Payload varbinary(max),
cnstraint pk_pending_id nonclustered primary key(id));
create clustered index cdxPendingQueue on PendingQueue (DueTime);
create procedure usp_enqueuePending
@dueTime datetime,
@payload varbinary(max)
set nocount on;
insert into PendingQueue (DueTime, Payload)
values (@dueTime, @payload);
create procedure usp_dequeuePending
@batchsize int = 100,
@retryseconds int = 600
set nocount on;
declare @now datetime;
set @now = getutcdate();
with cte as (
select top(@batchsize)
from PendingQueue with (rowlock, readpast)
where DueTime < @now
order by DueTime)
update cte
set DueTime = dateadd(seconds, @retryseconds, DueTime)
output deleted.Payload, deleted.id;
Specially see this line
set DueTime = dateadd(seconds, @retryseconds, DueTime)
How this line instruct sql server to retry the update data again after 10 minute if fail to update data first time. this is not clear to me. please some one explain if you understand properly. thanks
It doesn't. It simply updates the DueTime column in the PendingQueue table, and returns the Payload and id columns of the affected rows.
There must be some other code which processes and removes the record from the PendingQueue table which you haven't shown.
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer
I have some confusion about lock (ROWLOCK ,UPDLock AND xlock). i want to know the difference among these locks. where to use UPDLock, when to use RowLock and when Xlock with a example for better clarification.
In the above sql rowlock and XLOCK both use as a result from other session records 6822 could not be read or modify. XLOCK alone is capable to lock the rows....so why one should use ROWLOCK & XLOCK together ?
if i use only xlock & HOLDLOCK then it will not serve the purpose ?
2) Tell me with example what is the difference between ROWLOCK & UPDLOCK ?
ROWLOCK prevent other session to modify data and UPDLOCK does the same thing. so what is the difference
Please anyone explain these difference with example as a result at my end i can run the example code and understand.
Sir Thanks for your reply & link.
i read about ROWLOCK & UPDLock but still not clear. they wrote very briefly. if possible sir please discuss the difference between ROWLOCK & UPDLock hint with example.