Man today has been a real learning experience, is it Monday? I made a change to the Primary key of my site and I didn't realize that I needed to restart my site. I just changed hosts a few months back so am still learning abut some the idiosyncrasies with it.
Thanks for your patience,
Ok, finally got it downloaded...
On a virgin, clean machine here is the process:
1. Downloaded and saved the file. It ran after giving some warnings (IE said it wasn't a file people usually save, and Windows blocked it because it may be harmful, but I selected More Info which allowed me to "Run Anyway".
2. The installer ran, but said that .NET 3.5 was required and brought me to the Microsoft site.
3. Downloaded .NET 3.5 SP1 and installed.
4. Ran installer again, this time directly from the file and the Setup started. Setup completed adding a shortcut to the desktop. There is also a WinHeist category in the "Apps" section of the startup menu, although both links say "Shortcut to WinHeist", might want to change that to just say "WinHeist".
5. Ran program, asked me to create a database, which I was able to successfully accomplish this time. After creating the database the software ran, dialogs opened and no errors.
6. Help file still says V1, but I assume you haven't gotten that far. Also the version in the title bar ( doesn't match your download version.
Thats about all I can see, let me know if you want me to try something specific.
This was on a Windows 8 machine I assume?
Yeah I've got some tweaking to do but basically just wanted to make sure it ran in Win8.
I just pulled up the help file and am working on it now.
Thanks for all you help and patience, owe you a or
Win 8.1, as if you just did an install and ran the Windows Update until it said no more updates. Nothing more, no third-party components or any other installs. Just a fresh, windows-updated install.
I understand that everything is "visual" these days and the level of abstraction in software development is enormous, making it unnecessary for a developer to know about existence of actual ones and zeroes that make up the CPU instructions .
I know that this forum is dedicated to the latest tools primarily from Microsoft and this is not the right place to ask the question I have.
Yet I am desperately looking for the "dinosaurs" who may know what assembler is, who learned to program 30-40 years ago, and in the process of doing that came across the basic programming tools, such as command-line compilers and linkers.
I've been using bcc32 and ilink32 to build API applications for 15 years, primarily for scientific computing and hardware control.
Recently I came up with an unusual project, which requires some re-configuring of the compiler settings. Unfortunately, my post at Embarcadero (former Inprise -> former Borland) web site remains unanswered. That is why I am here "crying into the wind" for some help.
Please reply to this message if you think you could help.
I do not bother to describe the question itself in this post (to save space on the server )
modified 30-Jan-14 16:06pm.
I use it occasionally but you have more experience with it than I do.
I have some old books on Borland C++ 4.0. There is also a Quick Reference card of Compiler options. It was released in 1993 about 6 years before bcc55, but it may help.
Ok, so you made me nostalgic. I had to go find and download bcc55. The email for the download included a couple of links, this one shows some BCC55 Complier Options[^].
Jack of all trades, master of none, though often times better than master of one.
modified 20-Jan-14 10:36am.
I've created two windows 8 applications. One of them was a very useful app. Lot of users gave me good feedback. And they wish i could improve it. Some site web has choosen this app as a very suggested app.
But because of my work, almost one year i didn't touch it. Now, i want to send my app to someone else who can take care of it.
Here is the link of my app http://apps.microsoft.com/windows/fr-fr/app/putem-on-maps/af6b344c-07c1-4684-ad49-1d20b6870dc1/m/ROW
Another here is: http://apps.microsoft.com/windows/fr-fr/app/link-file/c0b3e137-71a0-473a-a02a-d8f198a4d1e2
I don't care of money earning in the future from your part. But i really want my idea could help more peoples.
If someone has interested in it, please contact me with my gmail: comiscience@gmail.com I'm Bo. Please write me the mail with English, French or Chinese please.
And i also want to know where can i find you who want to continue my idea
I have an android app that I am currently searching for beta testers.
this is the URL to download the apk it can be installed with an APK manager.
The app is a grocery list editor called Applebeans Grocery List Editor. It provides the ability to create a grocery list manually or by scanning barcodes.
Any questions please email me David.Hulse@live.com
Hey All,
I recently been developed a small app for my 3 year old daughter. The idea being that when she sits at the computer she cannot inadvertantly change anything. When she hits a key on the keyboard the number or letter will popup on the screen and a voice will say what it is. With the mouse she can move the letter around the screen. With the mouse buttons she can change the colour, and with the mouse wheel she can change the size.
A screen shot of the app can be found here (40.2 KB)
The source code with a release exe and audio files can be found here (4,092.7) KB
If you do try it out. Remember that the keystrokes <Esc><a><d><a> will stop it.
I am thinking of writing an article on it and some of the things I did to create it. If I do write an article the code will definitely have to be cleaned up first. Do you guys think it is worthy of an article here on CP, especially seeing how it is not geared towards developers.
What I need from you guys and/or gals is people who are willing to provide translations and audio files for other languages. I would really love to get this working in French, Spanish, German, and Dutch. The more the better.
If you are interested in helping have a look in the "release/audio/1033" folder and find the file named "Sounds.xml". This file contains instructions (as comments), All the GUI texts that would need to be translated, and the linkages between the characters and audio files.
For every language translated I would need new audio files and an updated Sounds.xml file.
I could also stand to have new audio files for the 2057 English UK folder.
Thanks for your consideration.
Independent ACN Business OwnerNeed a new cell phone? We supply most of the major carriers. Telus in Canada. Flash, Verizon, T-Mobile and Sprint in the USA. O 2, talkmobile, tmobile, orange, three, and vodafone in Europe. See my website for details.
Within you lies the power for good - Use it!
modified 29-Nov-13 21:53pm.
I could do a translation to german, if the request is still standing.
Veni, vidi, caecus | Everything summarizes to Assembly code
Yes, the request is still open. I appreciate your response. Everything you need should be in the ADA.zip download. If you have any questions just ask.
On a side note, if you tried the app you may have noticed that the "start from screen saver" option is a bit flakey. I have tried to improve it, but I am still not quite there.
Again Thanks for your response.
Within you lies the power for good - Use it!
I'm thinking about developing an online and open software testing website to facilitate black box software testing in terms of speed and efficiency.
The 'speed and efficiency' comes from the idea of testing the software by more than one tester, seeing that the website is open-for-public we can make sure that we are gonna find the testers quickly.
I'm NOT saying i'm going to automate tests, as the website tends to make the relation between the tester (who is a volunteer) and the one who wants his software operations to be tested.
No talking about the technical manners fulfilling the project, I just want your opinions about the concept of the project.
Your concept is to find volunteers to do structured/unstructured black-box testing? Will they be validating whether the user-stories can be executed using the system?
blzofhk wrote: I just want your opinions about the concept of the project. I doubt that anyone will work for free. Will the site be ad-supported, or would the test-applicants pay a fee?
Bastard Programmer from Hell
If you can't read my code, try converting it here[^]
hi, have been searching around for quite a while on this but have been having trouble locating an explanation.
i've read all over that unit tests need to be runnable independently from other code. this makes sense to me but my question is what to do with re-usable code?
for example:
i have 4 tests:
CreateUserTest : i create a user object in the db
DeleteUserTest: here, i want to create a user, then delete that user. so i re-use the code in the first test.
CreateGroupTest: Creates a group in the db
AddUserToGroupTest: this is another reusability example. here, i run the "CreateGroupTest", "CreateUserTest","AddUserToGroupTest"
i can run each test individually and in any order. (which is good)
is something wrong with this type of reusability?
i have everything as seperate tests in one test fixture with one setup and one teardown.
Any thoughts?
MapWindow Open Source GIS is a .NET application on top of an ActiceX control.
The ActiveX control: MapWinGIS (mapwingis.codeplex.com[^]) has been improved a lot the last years but the .NET Desktop application (MapWindow v4) has not.
Because parts of MapWindow v4 has been written 7-10 years ago we've decided to start over with the desktop version.
This version we call MapWindow v5.
We are now at the start of this project and we've made a prototype based on a new architecture.
We are now looking for software architects that want to join this project and help us set it up correctly.
We also need people with a lot of unit tests experience, because that is lacking in our community.
And of course we need C# developers that will assist us in building the application.
We already have a mailing list with additional information: http://mapwindow-open-source-gis-v5.2330349.n4.nabble.com/[^]
We cannot offer money but we can offer a lot of fun, glory and fame.
MapWindow v4 is used by over 10,000 people worldwide, including some big companies and governmental organizations.
Let me know if you have some spare time and want to join.
I am Arun with 10+ years of experience in software development. I would like to be a part of this team. Let me know the process to become a team member.
Hey guys. We've written a java based messaging program, and we'd like to have someone assist us in porting it to Android. We've tried with one developer, and he wasn't quite as great as he said he was, and we never got it working. We've got information about the program on our indiegogo page HERE. Currently, we're too busy to work on both the PC version and the Android version at the same time, as it would hinder our progress. Anyone interested, please let me know, either on here, or (faster) on Skype: methaneboy. Thanks and looking forward to finding someone to work with
Hello everyone,
I'm looking for .net devs that are free and would like to work on some fun projects.
Im currently working on news,update and login system for applications as library so if anyone is interested joining please let me know or contact me on skype for more informations. My skype name is trle94akaonlykl
What language are you using? Is it web based or application based?
This project has pretty high goals, maybe some of which will not even be reachable, but i've been working on it for over two years already so i'm not really into letting it go down the drain without a fight So having a partner or two would probably make quite a bit of a difference.
The project blog is here: http://p2p-os.blogspot.com
1) this invitation is only for the most daring: advanced C++ skills, socket programming, P2P network design, etc, and looooooots of time and dedication are required to make any progress on this beast, so please only contact me if you really have what it takes (time and the necessary skills) to get involved in this crazy venture.
2) should you be interested in participating in this project, i will have to ask for some open source coding proofs from you (or, alternatively, we'd need to have a [long] chat during which we'll need to asses together how well you'd be able to deal with the various challenges specific to this project); the thing is that this project is so complex, and my time so limited, that i cannot afford to spend time with double-checking every line of code that a potential partner will write, so i need to have some understanding of the skill set and programming experience of whoever will join
for any further inquiries, please only use the P2P OS project's "Contact" page (i.e. i will not elaborate on any project details on this website, that's what the project's blog is for)
modified 24-Aug-13 4:53am.
I'm looking for a partner in developing a programming language. The idea is a native general purpose language that is simple, but also fast enough for e.g. 3D games and doesn't limit low level programming. I develop in C#, it's a really powerful language, but unfortunately it's not good for these.
I have already made a compiler, but it is not well designed.
I'm thinking of creating a new that would be based on C# syntax.
Bird Programming Language: Part 1[^]
This thing has existed as an IRC bot for several months now (hence the name), and now it has a website. I've tested it, but I'm probably the worst person for that job - I know exactly how it works so I'm probably (subconsciously) avoiding anything that would break it. (well, I have found some problems..)
Comments about the website are also welcome, but I'm mainly looking for bugs in the engine.
Site: http://haroldbot.cloudapp.net/[^]
It only deals with 32bit integers, so "3 / 2 = 1" is not a bug.
modified 21-Aug-13 14:51pm.