Good day,
I have the following problem:
I want to launch a specific application through a program I developed (C# .NET/C++). Unfortunately, this program cannot be started through the usual ways like Process.Start, Shell, etc, because it refuses to be started automatically. I already tried to start a .lnk file or to do the whole thing via cmd, unfortunately the program always knows that it was not started by hand. I also tried to open it via the web browser, but even there it recognizes the difference between a manual and automated start.
I am now looking for a way to start a .lnk file (this contains the parameters), but just as if I double-click on it, so that this program does not realize that it was started automatically.
I don't want to use something like AutoHotkey because I want the program to work the same on every computer. Is there any way to disguise the call so that the program doesn't notice.
I would be very grateful for any help.
Programming language and way doesn't matter to me in principle, as long as I can integrate it into my C#/C++ project by a call.
No idea why this is so easy. But I really have to thank you! I have already tried it with start, but the idea to use explorer I would never have come.
It works now! Thank you very much!
I've spent many years with WinForms and have concluded learning UWP is long overdue. I'm doing OK so far, but the one thing I'm having trouble finding info about is the UI Element properties. Namely, the Brush, Layout, Appearance, Common, Automation, etc. properties you see in one form or another for all UI elements in the design view.
I realize this is not a very specific question and I did search, but found nothing.
What I'm looking for is some documentation/link describing in detail all of these properties and what they have in common to the UI Elements. Understanding is key to better programming.
Thanks for any recommendations.
R. Wey
For what it's worth, you've identified the most obscure properties; even "Brush" shows up as Foreground, Background and Fill (and not as a "brush" per se) in "UI Elements".
It was only in wine that he laid down no limit for himself, but he did not allow himself to be confused by it.
― Confucian Analects: Rules of Confucius about his food
Given more investigation since my original post, I understand what you're saying.
My general problem is that I never jumped on board the moment WPF came out, as Windows apps were never my true occupation. I've built numerous WinForms apps, some quite polished, for utility purposes and WinForms has served me quite well. I am now faced with "catching up" and painful as it is I feel confident I will eventually succeed.
To answer my own question, however, I've found an excellent video series on YouTube by Bob Tabor which presents a 70+ part series on UWP.
For anyone interested (newcomers like me), the first video is UWP 001 Series Introduction - YouTube[^]
You can search YouTube to easily find all in the series.
R. Wey
I have a few executables that I sign with my code signing certificate.
Each file ends up with a slightly different timestamp because it's using a web based time server.
Does anyone know how to give each file the same exact signature timestamp?
The difficult we do right away...
...the impossible takes slightly longer.
Thank you for the reply, Victor. But that function doesn't set the timestamp of the digital signature, only the file attributes.
The difficult we do right away...
...the impossible takes slightly longer.
Message Closed
modified 15-May-21 5:57am.
So what's with the spammy "trackeasy" link?
Did you want to remove that now or wait until you get banned for spam?
Yeah, I already tagged him, but points for wrapping it in some semblance of a decent question.
I have a .NET Core WebAPI, and I have the db connection string stored in the appsettings.json.
In my company, the policy is the db password would change every 6 months. Since this is a pretty common IT security requirement, I wonder how other people handle their application's connection string?
Every 6 months, edit the appsettings.json, re-deploy
Just go and edit the connection string directly on production server while it's running (since the appsettings.json is read during run time, I assume this would not be a problem?)
How do you guys do this?
We are using on-prem Azure DevOps, if that makes any difference.
modified 18-May-21 9:17am.
With 20+ applications on various production servers around the world, alright Asia, we wrote an application specifically to change the passwords every period. It could only be launched by a manager who's balls were held between 2 bricks. Getting the dammed thing out of source control was a bitch.
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity -
I'm old. I know stuff - JSOP
MaxwellMiky wrote: Since this is a pretty common IT security requirement, Not for db passwords, in my experience. We don't ever change db passwords.
It seems like the only option is to coordinate the changing of the password and updating the json file at the same time, after hours if that's an option.
Use Integrated Security=SSPI, e.g.
Server=xxxxxxxx;Database=xxxxxxxx;Integrated Security=SSPI then it is all controlled by AD. No changes needed
This runs under the context of the user and user's will not have any permissions to a sql database.
I would like to create a c # wrap to call the API of the exchange btc-aplha as it implements the DCY currency which is the only one of an Italian project. My difficulty is understanding the rules for implementing key based authorization. Documentation is very sparse
I'd like an icecream.
Reposting isn't going to help. Just makes me skip the question, becuase you impatient and I prefer those who aren't.
Contact their helpdesk. This site doesn't provide help with third-party stuff. We can help you with anything coding-related, but don't know how their API works. If it sucks, it sucks, and let them know.
Bastard Programmer from Hell
"If you just follow the bacon Eddy, wherever it leads you, then you won't have to think about politics." -- Some Bell.
Thanks for the reply. Yes, I have already written to them, but they have not replied. In the link I have attached this is indicated
Is formed using the request body and the secret by this algorithm:
All keys of the object of the request body are sorted alphabetically;
All values of the object of the request body are merged into a string with adding a secret at the end, which you get when logging into the system;
The entire string is hashed by the sha256 method
hash('sha256', parama_A + param_D + pamam_B + param_C + 123 + secret)
I would like to create a wrap to call the API of the exchange btc-aplha as it implements the DCY currency which is the only one of an Italian project. My difficulty is understanding the rules for implementing key based authorization. The documentation is very sparse and I don't understand the examples which are in phyton or node.js
Can anyone help me to implement the following methods I took from the node.js example
<pre>const hmacSha256 = require('crypto-js/hmac-sha256');
const request = require('request');
const BASE_URL = 'https://btc-alpha.com/api/v1';
const API_KEY = '0000-0000...';
const SECRET = 'Z%2........';
function serializePayload(payload) {
return Object
.map((key) => key + "=" + encodeURIComponent(payload[key]))
function getAuthHeaders(payload) {
const sign = hmacSha256(API_KEY + serializePayload(payload), SECRET).toString();
return {
'X-SIGN': sign,
'X-NONCE': Date.now()
function getWallets(callback) {
payload = {};
const options = {
method: 'get',
url: `${BASE_URL}/wallets/`,
headers: getAuthHeaders(payload)
request(options, callback);
function createOrder(order, callback) {
const options = {
method: 'post',
url: `${BASE_URL}/order/`,
headers: getAuthHeaders(order),
form: order,
request(options, callback);
getWallets((error, response, body) => {
console.log('error', error);
console.log('body', body);
const order = {
type: 'buy',
pair: 'BTC_USD',
amount: '0.0001',
price: '0.1'
createOrder(order, (error, response, body) => {
console.log('error', error);
console.log('body', body);
Hello Friends,
I'm looking to sign a message in Dot.Net with an OpenSSL Library. I've found a couple different options, but thought it worthwhile to ask if anyone has experience with RSA crypto from Dot.Net on Win10 before I dive into evaluating different packages. I'm not adverse to purchasing a good library.
"Qulatiy is Job #1"
modified 7-May-21 13:57pm.