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GeneralRe: why can we "get away with" creating static Classes outside our Namespace(s) scope (C# language issue) Pin
OriginalGriff25-Feb-21 20:04
mveOriginalGriff25-Feb-21 20:04 
GeneralRe: why can we "get away with" creating static Classes outside our Namespace(s) scope (C# language issue) Pin
Richard Deeming25-Feb-21 21:59
mveRichard Deeming25-Feb-21 21:59 
GeneralRe: why can we "get away with" creating static Classes outside our Namespace(s) scope (C# language issue) Pin
BillWoodruff26-Feb-21 18:35
professionalBillWoodruff26-Feb-21 18:35 
GeneralRe: why can we "get away with" creating static Classes outside our Namespace(s) scope (C# language issue) Pin
#realJSOP27-Feb-21 14:05
professional#realJSOP27-Feb-21 14:05 
QuestionI am getting the following error : Method not found: 'Void **************************************************************' Pin
JagadheeshAP25-Feb-21 1:22
JagadheeshAP25-Feb-21 1:22 
AnswerRe: I am getting the following error : Method not found: 'Void **************************************************************' Pin
Victor Nijegorodov25-Feb-21 1:31
Victor Nijegorodov25-Feb-21 1:31 
AnswerRe: I am getting the following error : Method not found: 'Void **************************************************************' Pin
OriginalGriff25-Feb-21 1:43
mveOriginalGriff25-Feb-21 1:43 
AnswerRe: I am getting the following error : Method not found: 'Void **************************************************************' Pin
20212a25-Feb-21 2:46
20212a25-Feb-21 2:46 
AnswerRe: I am getting the following error : Method not found: 'Void **************************************************************' Pin
Member 1508430525-Feb-21 15:39
Member 1508430525-Feb-21 15:39 
GeneralRe: I am getting the following error : Method not found: 'Void **************************************************************' Pin
Member 1508430525-Feb-21 15:40
Member 1508430525-Feb-21 15:40 
QuestionExtract RSAParameters from custom Private Key Pin
Member 1508150323-Feb-21 21:09
Member 1508150323-Feb-21 21:09 
AnswerRe: Extract RSAParameters from custom Private Key Pin
Gerry Schmitz24-Feb-21 8:50
mveGerry Schmitz24-Feb-21 8:50 
GeneralRe: Extract RSAParameters from custom Private Key Pin
Member 1508150324-Feb-21 18:33
Member 1508150324-Feb-21 18:33 
AnswerRe: Extract RSAParameters from custom Private Key Pin
Member 1508430525-Feb-21 15:42
Member 1508430525-Feb-21 15:42 
QuestionUsing azure storage account to share file with multiple users Pin
Lmathew22-Feb-21 19:06
Lmathew22-Feb-21 19:06 
AnswerRe: Using azure storage account to share file with multiple users Pin
Gerry Schmitz22-Feb-21 19:11
mveGerry Schmitz22-Feb-21 19:11 
QuestionAsync task Pin
Kenneth Haugland20-Feb-21 6:01
mvaKenneth Haugland20-Feb-21 6:01 
QuestionRe: Async task Pin
Eddy Vluggen20-Feb-21 12:51
professionalEddy Vluggen20-Feb-21 12:51 
AnswerRe: Async task Pin
Kenneth Haugland20-Feb-21 23:57
mvaKenneth Haugland20-Feb-21 23:57 
GeneralRe: Async task Pin
Dave Kreskowiak21-Feb-21 5:10
mveDave Kreskowiak21-Feb-21 5:10 
GeneralRe: Async task Pin
Kenneth Haugland21-Feb-21 8:10
mvaKenneth Haugland21-Feb-21 8:10 
GeneralRe: Async task Pin
Richard Deeming21-Feb-21 22:19
mveRichard Deeming21-Feb-21 22:19 
GeneralRe: Async task Pin
Kenneth Haugland22-Feb-21 6:58
mvaKenneth Haugland22-Feb-21 6:58 
GeneralRe: Async task Pin
Richard Deeming21-Feb-21 22:19
mveRichard Deeming21-Feb-21 22:19 
GeneralRe: Async task Pin
Dave Kreskowiak22-Feb-21 3:42
mveDave Kreskowiak22-Feb-21 3:42 

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