Sure, I can give you that. I didn't really grow the program at all past this...I know that that's a bad idea, that's why I stopped coding after I checked this and found it didn't work properly.
I'm pretty sure this should be a property...it always returns the area of the polygon. That should be invariant, unless in some way the polygon mutates, i.e. I add a point. But if I don't add a point to the polygon, then it shouldn't change the value the property returns.
Class declarations:
class Polygon: Polytope
class Polytope
fields (declared in class Polygon)
private bool currAreaValid;
private double area;
size in Fold is the size of the polygon, this should be the number of points it contains. Size only changes if I add or remove a point from the polygon (but I do not yet have a remove function for the Polygon/Polytope class) Declaration:
protected int size;
It is accessible from a property Size.
tuple.First is the first element of the tuple. In this case I am using 2-tuples, of (Object, Point).
Let me know if you want to see anything else.
I haven't seen anything really suspicious so far.
I suggest you add some logging and run/debug again.
Logging could be as simple as:
public static void log(string s) {
" ["+Thread.GetCurrentThread().ManagedThreadID.ToString("X2")+"] "+s;
early on in your app, just for checking log(), and
log("area="+area+" currAreaValid="+currAreaValid);
at the beginning of your getter.
I was already printing to the Debug pane and it prints all the right values at the beginning of the getter...it's just at that one if statement, the value flips. I'm not exactly sure how the stack trace helps here...but anyway, I did find that this doesn't flip the value of the boolean flag the first time it's false, only every successive time....I'm not sure why...
Okay, now this is making no sense.
If I put a break point on the if statement, and then on the internal return statement, and I run my tests, it seems to hit the right sequence of breakpoints.
HOWEVER, if I do the same thing, and this time, on the locals pane, hit the + button to see the values of the "this," it starts hitting the wrong sequence of breakpoints and flipping the value of the boolean.
I'm so confused.
the threadID and the stacktrace come in handy when more than one thread is involved, so you can see how and why some code gets executed when you don't expect it to be.
if you think you are through observing things, and couldn't pinpoint the problem, it becomes time to suspect Visual Studio and/or .NET; yours wouldn't be the first problem today that disappears after a reinstall. See here[^]
aespielberg wrote: public double PolygonArea2
currAreaValid = true;
There's the line that sets the boolean to true. Remember looking at objects inside the debugger will evaluate the object's properties. So looking at this inside the debugger can indeed set currAreaValid to true.
Breakpoints aren't active during the debugger's property evaluation, so even if you have a breakpoint placed on that line, the value will change to true without triggering the breakpoint.
Right-click on a an arbitrary folder, choose Properties -> choose Security-tab -> Advanced -> choose Permissions-tab -> Edit... On the upper part of the window there is now a combobox saying "Apply onto" and the possible options are "This folder only", "This folder, subfolders and files", "This folder and subfolders", "This folder and files", "Subfolders and files only","Subfolders only" and "Files only". How do I modify this programmatically using C#?
I figured it out:
public struct PermissionInfo
public FileSystemRights fileSystemRight;
public AccessControlType allowOrDeny;
public PermissionInfo(FileSystemRights fileSystemRight_, AccessControlType allowOrDeny_)
fileSystemRight = fileSystemRight_;
allowOrDeny = allowOrDeny_;
public enum ApplyOnto
private static InheritanceFlags[] inheritanceFlags = new InheritanceFlags[]
InheritanceFlags.ContainerInherit | InheritanceFlags.ObjectInherit,
InheritanceFlags.ContainerInherit | InheritanceFlags.ObjectInherit,
private static PropagationFlags[] propagationFlags = new PropagationFlags[]
public static void setDirectoryPermission(string directory, string user, PermissionInfo[] permissionInfo, ApplyOnto applyOnto)
DirectoryInfo myDirectoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(directory);
DirectorySecurity myDirectorySecurity = myDirectoryInfo.GetAccessControl();
for (int i = 0; i < permissionInfo.Length; i++)
myDirectorySecurity.AddAccessRule(new FileSystemAccessRule(
modified on Wednesday, January 13, 2010 4:11 AM
Thanks for the wonderful post
I added another parameter to your setDirectoryPermission (..) function - ApplyTo. It is equivalent to "Apply theese permissions to objects and / or containers within this container only" checkbox in the object-tab, which is also the option ApplyOnto .. I think that the code is finished
For this purpose, I changed PropagationFlags with two-dimensional array and I added one more enum "ApplyTo"
Here's how it looks:
public struct PermissionInfo
public FileSystemRights fileSystemRight;
public AccessControlType allowOrDeny;
public PermissionInfo(FileSystemRights fileSystemRight_, AccessControlType allowOrDeny_)
fileSystemRight = fileSystemRight_;
allowOrDeny = allowOrDeny_;
public enum ApplyOnto
public enum ApplyTo
ObjectAndChilds = 0,
ThisObjectOnly = 1
private static InheritanceFlags[] inheritanceFlags = new InheritanceFlags[]
InheritanceFlags.ContainerInherit | InheritanceFlags.ObjectInherit,
InheritanceFlags.ContainerInherit | InheritanceFlags.ObjectInherit,
private static PropagationFlags[,] propagationFlags = new PropagationFlags[,]
{ {PropagationFlags.None,
PropagationFlags.InheritOnly| PropagationFlags.NoPropagateInherit},
PropagationFlags.InheritOnly| PropagationFlags.NoPropagateInherit},
PropagationFlags.InheritOnly| PropagationFlags.NoPropagateInherit}
public static void setDirectoryPermission(string directory, string user, PermissionInfo[] permissionInfo, ApplyOnto applyOnto, ApplyTo applyTo)
DirectoryInfo myDirectoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(directory);
DirectorySecurity myDirectorySecurity = myDirectoryInfo.GetAccessControl();
for (int i = 0; i < permissionInfo.Length; i++)
myDirectorySecurity.AddAccessRule(new FileSystemAccessRule(
propagationFlags[(int)applyOnto, (int)applyTo],
Hi I really need a pointer in the right direction im a noob to C# and coding in general but im learning. Ive googled around and cant find anything that can really help me.
I want to capture an image from a camera attached to my PCI Capture card via composite. I can get the image in a win form Picture box by using DirectX.Capture so thats fine but.. I need to know how I send this "Capture" over the network and see this in another form on another computer on the same network.
Just a nod in the right direction please.
You have 2 objectives:
1. You need a solution to save the images from PictureBox control.
2. You need a solution to send the saved images over the network.
A solution:
1. You can save the image from PictureBox control once per second (or less time.. as you wish) with the help of Timer control;
2. You can serialize the saved image and send it over the network.
This is in big steps what you need to do, but It's a first look solution!
Alex Manolescu
i want to find all * characters in a string and showing them red color in a richtextbox. How can i do that?
string str = "asd***asd***dfg***wer**";
in a richtextbox;
asd***asd***dfg***wer** --->(bold characters should be red)
A solution:
1. Convert the string to char array
2. Iterate through the char array
3. Compare each char from the array with the char *
3.1. if TRUE: write with red color into the richTextBox control
3.2. if FALSE: write current char to richTextBox control
This is it!
Alex Manolescu
You can skip 1 and just enumerate the string as it is.
there are two ways to get there:
1. using the RTB Control:
locate the substring of interest (maybe with Find), select it (SelectionStart, SelectionLength), set its color (SelectionColor)
2. using the RTF text string:
get the RTF property
assuming there is an appropriate color table present already with "red" at position 1, replace * by \cf1 *\cf0
set the RTF property again
BTW: inserting a colortable is doable too; create a real RTF file with WordPad, make sure it contains red text, save the file, then use Notepad to see how RTF encodes its commands.
Isnt there any sample code?
Hi All
I am creating an application in order to get the DOM info of a Web Page.
I cannot extract a TBODY tag using my application.
I am using
*the control WebBrowser shipped by Visual Studio
*a reference to the Com Microsoft.mshtml 7.0.3300.0
If I use the "Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar" I can see all information I need.
The <TBODY> tag has id "tbody_rank_by_level" and carries a list of <TR> tags full of data
that are showed in attributes innertHTML and innertText.
Using the code below innertHtml and innertText are both null.
What I am doing wrong?
mshtml.IHTMLDocument3 domDoc = this.webBrowser.Document.DomDocument as mshtml.IHTMLDocument3;
mshtml.IHTMLElement element = domDoc.getElementById("tbody_rank_by_level");
String innerHtml = element.innerHTML;
String innerText = element.innerText;
modified on Monday, January 11, 2010 3:07 PM
I'm wondering if there is any built in function in c# .net that can write/insert a string over/into another string and based on a "transparent" character parts of the first string is preserved?
You have two strings, strA and strB.
strA is the "base" string and strB is the "outside" string we want to merge into strA. strB overwrites strA unless the character is a blank space character.
I could/will create my own function that accomplish this but I'm curios if there's any build in c# .net function that does this. Is there any name for such operation?
Here are some examples of how I want to merge the strings:
Example 1:
string strA = "This is string A";
string strB = " This is string B";
Example 2: "Transparent blank space character"
string strA = "This is string A";
string strB = " This is string B";
Example 3:
string strA = "This is string A and it is longer then string B";
string strB = " This is string B";
There's no built in method to do this. You'd at least, have to try a Regular Expression to do something like this. I have no idea how since I'm no RegEx expert.
But, it wouldn't be hard to implement something like this yourself. I'll give you a hint: StringBuilder is perfect for this.
for example 1:
String str = strA.Trim() + " " + strB.Trim();
for other examples, you need to implement on your own.
how can i create an xml file by filling a datagrid .. to note here that we have to create an unexisting xml file... and i want to know how to name the datagrid tables and add rows knowing how much rows does the user want to add
I'm trying to make a program to automaticly check my downloads (because the internal Grabit-check annoise me and I wan't some practice).
I create a new thread for par2cmdline and can get information from the commandline except for this block:
There are 1 recoverable files and 0 other files.
The block size used was 384000 bytes.
There are a total of 282 data blocks.
The total size of the data files is 108185219 bytes
I only recieve the last line [The total size of the data files is 108185219 bytes] but i need the first one.
Here's a piece of my code:
ProcessStartInfo info = new ProcessStartInfo();
info.FileName = "par2";
info.Arguments = "r \"existing par2 file\"";
info.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
info.UseShellExecute = false;
info.CreateNoWindow = true;
Process proc = new Process();
proc.StartInfo = info;
Char[] buffer;
while (!proc.HasExited)
string tekst = proc.StandardOutput.ReadLine();
result = tekst;
Result is a public var witch I read by a timer, fetch some information and make a progressbar change.
Is the result being overwritten with the next string from standard output before the timer driven routine has read it? Why not remove the timer and process the strings as they arrive, e.g.
while (!proc.HasExited)
string tekst = proc.StandardOutput.ReadLine();