Hi itz possible,
you implement all the ADO classes into your class. Take a template
then... call the ado object.
I dont why you want to call all this.
Best of Luck
We have written an ou-of-proc, Free threaded, ATL server.
When 4 web users call this server for 5-6 hours, this server hangs, and a new instance of the server is launched in the memory. And the new server also not responds to user calls.
Can somebody tell me the possible cause of this trouble?
I have soem queries regarding component versioning.
I had a component named "Old_Component" exposed as an STA, out-of proc COM server, developed in VC++. This is wrapped by another component "Old_Component_Wrapper" which is in-proc COM server and exposed to client.
Now we are planning to provide new version of our product.
In new version, we are thinking of removing the wrapper layer. That is we want to expose "Old_Component" to client instead of "Old_Component_Wrapper". Can you tell me is this possible? Or what can be the possible issues in doing this?
Yes, it is possible. All you are doing is taking a contained or aggregated server and making it an independent out-proc server.
Thanks for your reply. I have a further query:
What shall happen to the clients who were using "Old_Component_Wrapper(DLL)" server? Shall they be able to use new "Old_Component(EXE)" without any change in their code??
I am not familiar with out-proc COM server. My thought is that the out-proc COM server will be a new version or even an entirely different server from the old one. Yes, the clients will have to change their code.
can someone plz tell me from where can i get a sample OLE control with automation supported..
kindest regards
I want to register a component to regitry(the component is not realized,I just want to practise the procedure ).my code is bellow:
HKEY hKey;
char szKeyBuf[512]="first key";
const char* szValue="first key";
LPTSTR class_name="first class";
long lResult = ::RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szKeyBuf, 0, class_name,
if(lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS)
cout<<"Error Happened"<<"\n";
i wrote a EXE server using ATLCOMwizard in VC++6.0.the server was successfully registered
in my machine. here i used custom interfaces of mine.
now i have to create client to test that. help me to create client.
And also remote clients could able to instanceiate the server and use the interfaces.for that what should i do to fullfill the requirements.
I've encountered a probably setting a default property on a COM interface I am generating. This interface, IField, is generating dynamically from my application, and extends another of my interfaces, IMessageComponent (also generated dynamically, which inherits from IDispatch). I want to make the Value property (which is read/write) the default of the IField interface, so i've the the ID to zero.
When using it from VB6, it sometimes works. It always works if I am reading the value from the default property.
e.g. str = msg.Segment.Field This always works
However, when setting the value it does not work if there the object is set indirectly. For example:
Dim fld As Test.Field
fld = msg.Segment.Field
fld = "blah" This always works
msg.Segment.Field = "blah" This never works works - VB always gives a compile-time type mismatch error.
Has anyone encountered this previously and know of a workaround?
Hi Dave,
Dim fld As Test.Field<br />
fld = msg.Segment.Field<br />
fld = "blah" This always works
I couldn't understand how the code above works without error.
Because 'fld' is just a variable of type IField, not an instance of IField. So the statement 'fld = msg.Segment.Field' shouldn't work. Even if u r calling
CComObject<CField>* pFld;<br />
hRes = CComObject<CField>::CreateInstance(&pFld); in Segment , that line should be set fld = msg.Segment.Field . Then fld = "blah" is ok. Because now field is refering to an active instance of IField in 'msg.Segment'
Sameway if msg.Segment.Field = "blahh" gives a type mismatch error, then msg.Segment.Field might not be an active instance, make sure u had called hRes = CComObject<CField>::CreateInstance(&pFld);
does this make sense...?
best wishes ... mil10.
You're right, the line should be "set fld = msg.Segment.Field" - it was that in my VB code, but as I am a C++ programmer, not a VB 'programmer', i forgot it when i wrote that message.
However, i can guarrantee that the object does always exist - that's why I don't understand why it doesn't work...
Anyway, I'm just looking for ideas...
Try to debug into CField::put_Value from vb exe and see what is happening inside CField::put_Value . Since u r not a vb prgmr , i donno whether u familier with debugging into an atl dll from vb.
anyway FYI -
Just create the vb app with the code msg.Segment.Field = "blahh" into an EXE.
Then change ATL project build setting to Win32Debug
Goto "Project->Settings->Debug->Executable for debug session:" and browse the VB exe path into the text field.
Put break point in CField::put_Value , then run the ATL project by F5.
best wishes..mil10
I do know how to debug from VB, but unfortunately it's not going to help here. It's a compile error, not a runtime error.
Seems very strange..if u mind to send me the source code I am ok to debug. otherwise try unregister/reregister or more safely try on another mechine. Because I had faced almost simialr prblm early. Initialy the DISP_ID was 1. After registration with 1, I changed it to 0 to set it as default. Again registred the component but, showed err in my mechine but worked fine in another mechine( with fresh registry entries).
best wishes..mil10
Thanks for the offer, but don't worry about it. I'll give it a go on a clean machine and see what happens. If that doesn't work, then i'll just leave it as is - the default property would be a nice extra to have, but it can still be used fine without it.
Thanks a lot for your help.
Because "Field" property gives an object (some interface like IField or IDispatch), the VB makes some additional action.
fld = "blah"
This always works because the VB cannot assign the string value to the object variable. He should call some method(property) for this. And this action is a calling of property-by-default (with dispid=0) if this property is presented by the object.
msg.Segment.Field = "blah"
This never works because the VB will call the "Field" property of msg.Segment object with parameter which equals to "blah". It gives the compilation error because probably the "Field" property does not have the parameters.
Try the following construction
msg.Segment.Field() = "blah"
With best wishes,
I am working in a framework in my COM server where I have a thread . From this thread I need to send events out of the Server which I am not able to do normally . What should I be doing in order to be able to send out events !
Related article in MSDN is
Events and threads
The good doctor alluded to problems he was having with events and threads earlier.
Here's the basic rule: Unless you do something special (more on this later), you always have to fire your events from the same thread that called IConnectionPoint::Advise. You may not normally start another thread and fire events from that thread. Why? Well, to fire an event means that you call into another object using an interface pointer.
But, in COM, you are never allowed to pass interface pointers between threads; you must marshall them instead. This is not terribly difficult to do, even though it involves calling the API with the world's longest name: CoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream. (Perhaps it's named for a small town in Wales.)
You pass the stream pointer to the other thread (guaranteed to work in this special case) and call CoGetInterfaceAndReleaseStream in the new thread to get a marshalled interface pointer. Unfortunately, ATL's event firing implementation doesn't marshall the interface pointers, so it'll take some work to fire events from another thread.
In two common cases, this isn't an issue. If you're firing the event in response to a Windows message, such as a mouse button down message, you'll be okay. You'll be running on the same thread you were created on when you received the message.
Or, in our example, we fire an event in response to a method call. Again, this is safe, because the method will be called on the same thread you were created on.
It's only when you explicitly create a thread yourself (such as to sleep, or do some background processing) that firing events from the newly created thread becomes difficult.
So Do I have to Marshall the Interface to the COM server or all the IConnectionPoint Interfaces ?
CLSIDFromProgID returns CLSID successfuly but CoCreateInstance fails saying that that class is NOT registered?
CLSIDFromProgID and CoCreateInstance use the different branches of Registry.
Also, you can ask the other context for the object in CoCreateInstance. For example, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER for out-proc server (EXE server).
With best wishes,
Hmm. Ok. But I already call CoCreateInstance with CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER to call out-proc server. How did you know? Are you saying that I should try different one?
Could there be something wrong with my out-proc server?
Try to use CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER instead.
With best wishes,
I use OleCreateFromFile to create some ole bitmaps at the start of my program. This bitmaps are embeded in some richeditctrl's. The problem is the more bitmaps I have, the longer it takes for my program to load (because it reads the files from the disc).
I want to use OleCreatePictureIndirect which creates ole's from HBITMAPS that I can build from my resource bitmaps, reducing in this way the loading time. But I dont seem to get this function in vc7.0. Can you help me with this, please?
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.
I intend to write a permanent MS Excel COM Add-In (dll) for experimental data analysis in VC++. Though, the registration in Win2k registry works fine, I can’t add the generated dll to Excel using Extras->COM Add-Ins->Add in the Excel menu. The file don’t occurs in the dialogs list view after click on the add-button from the open-dialog.
I’ve been trying to get a clue following the chapter “Building a minimal COM addin” from Amit Dey’s excellent article “Building an Office2K COM addin with VC++/ATL” as well as several other MSDN-articles, however without success. It works fine with Outlook2k but won’t with Excel2k. What’s my mistake? Any ideas?
Thanks in advance for any respond.
hi there
i wanted to know what is the variant data type (VT) for a LONG POINTER?
ie for long it is VT_I4 but what about a long *??