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Generalfor people with experience with ActiveX Controls.. Pin
safee ullah7-Aug-03 1:49
safee ullah7-Aug-03 1:49 
GeneralRe: for people with experience with ActiveX Controls.. Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.7-Aug-03 6:09
Stephane Rodriguez.7-Aug-03 6:09 
GeneralRe: for people with experience with ActiveX Controls.. Pin
safee ullah7-Aug-03 23:16
safee ullah7-Aug-03 23:16 
GeneralRe: for people with experience with ActiveX Controls.. Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.7-Aug-03 23:25
Stephane Rodriguez.7-Aug-03 23:25 
GeneralRe: for people with experience with ActiveX Controls.. Pin
safee ullah8-Aug-03 0:17
safee ullah8-Aug-03 0:17 
GeneralRe: for people with experience with ActiveX Controls.. Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.8-Aug-03 0:30
Stephane Rodriguez.8-Aug-03 0:30 
Generalcalling vc6 dll from vb6 activex dll Pin
patwilliams6-Aug-03 5:53
patwilliams6-Aug-03 5:53 
GeneralUsing MS Web Browser ActiveX Control Pin
Douglas Troy5-Aug-03 5:11
Douglas Troy5-Aug-03 5:11 
GeneralRe: Using MS Web Browser ActiveX Control Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.6-Aug-03 10:53
Stephane Rodriguez.6-Aug-03 10:53 
GeneralRe: Using MS Web Browser ActiveX Control Pin
Douglas Troy7-Aug-03 5:57
Douglas Troy7-Aug-03 5:57 
GeneralRe: Using MS Web Browser ActiveX Control Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.7-Aug-03 6:07
Stephane Rodriguez.7-Aug-03 6:07 
GeneralRe: Using MS Web Browser ActiveX Control Pin
Douglas Troy7-Aug-03 7:03
Douglas Troy7-Aug-03 7:03 
QuestionQueryInterface -- How come this code doesn't work? Pin
Popeye Doyle Murray5-Aug-03 4:16
Popeye Doyle Murray5-Aug-03 4:16 
AnswerRe: QueryInterface -- How come this code doesn't work? Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.5-Aug-03 5:49
Stephane Rodriguez.5-Aug-03 5:49 
GeneralRe: QueryInterface -- How come this code doesn't work? Pin
geo_m5-Aug-03 22:26
geo_m5-Aug-03 22:26 
GeneralRe: QueryInterface -- How come this code doesn't work? Pin
Steve S5-Aug-03 23:20
Steve S5-Aug-03 23:20 
GeneralRe: QueryInterface -- How come this code doesn't work? Pin
Popeye Doyle Murray6-Aug-03 2:29
Popeye Doyle Murray6-Aug-03 2:29 
GeneralRe: QueryInterface -- How come this code doesn't work? Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.6-Aug-03 3:40
Stephane Rodriguez.6-Aug-03 3:40 
GeneralActiveX - COM - for Excel Application control Pin
jauss4-Aug-03 23:20
jauss4-Aug-03 23:20 
GeneralRe: ActiveX - COM - for Excel Application control Pin
Steve S4-Aug-03 23:26
Steve S4-Aug-03 23:26 
GeneralRe: ActiveX - COM - for Excel Application control Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.4-Aug-03 23:48
Stephane Rodriguez.4-Aug-03 23:48 
GeneralRe: ActiveX - COM - for Excel Application control Pin
jauss5-Aug-03 1:44
jauss5-Aug-03 1:44 
GeneralRe: ActiveX - COM - for Excel Application control Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.5-Aug-03 1:50
Stephane Rodriguez.5-Aug-03 1:50 
GeneralATL Language support Pin
Ahmed Birry4-Aug-03 12:13
sussAhmed Birry4-Aug-03 12:13 
Questionproperty or method ? Pin
Brian van der Beek3-Aug-03 23:48
Brian van der Beek3-Aug-03 23:48 

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