Hello Team,
I am getting the below error while building my MFC project.
C2065 'IUrlHistoryStg2Ptr': undeclared identifier
I have included the <urlhist.h> header file and it is there under the 'External Dependencies' folder.
Could you please suggest me how I can resolve the issue.
Thanking you,
Saikat Das
Software Programmer
And according to the discussion below the article Access Internet Explorer's History in MFC :
Quote: Go to Parentinsert these in IEHistory.h
typedef IUrlHistoryStg2* IUrlHistoryStg2Ptr;
typedef IEnumSTATURL* IEnumSTATURLPtr;
Message Closed
modified 15-May-23 19:07pm.
Member 14968771 wrote: I still cannot use my "old - few years " account. Then post a question at Bugs and Suggestions[^] and the administrators will help you.
Send me an email (sean@codeproject.com) and I will help get you access to your old account.
Sean Ewington
The WSARecv winsock api has the ability to do overlapped i/o the second parameter is the number of WSABUFs
The sixth parameter is a overlapped structure, the 5th parameter of the overlapped is one or MORE WSAevents I would be doing a
WSAWaitForMultipleEvents with each event corresponding to a buffer when WSAevent ...n is signaled WSABUF ... n would have data I would then have to put the buffer back together think I got it right
Forgot one more thing I am doing WSAAsyncSelect to have a receive notification sent to the window when that message is sent I am assuming i/o is Imminent should I create a thread to do the
WSAWaitForMultipleEvents or since I got a notification the receive is about to happen doing it in the window under the main thread is ok
modified 25-Apr-21 23:30pm.
I create four CAsynSocket Classes in four CwinThread classes When I first create them Socket (with notification events) bind ioctl, setsockopt. I follow the CASynSocket::Socket call to sockcore.cpp and
pState-> m_hSocketWindow has a valid Hwnd Value. The context of the creation of sockets in the CwinApp after my main CFrameWnd has been created.
I then start a conversation with the server (connect send and then receive). It is at a point that I would like to give the work over to a modeless dialog. this is where things go wrong. After getting a message
from the server I try to do a detach which goes to
CAsyncSocket::AsyncSelect(long lEvent) however at this point
_AFX_SOCK_THREAD_STATE* pState-> m_hSocketWindow == NULL is NULL
Since I was debugging this in release mode I never got the subsequent assert on this.
First off in the documentation for CAsynSocket there is no mention that i need a Hwnd to process the class when I first did the CAsynSocket::Socket call with the event notification that I wanted to be informed on
I did notice that
pState-> m_hSocketWindow
had a valid window
When I first started using CAsyncSocket I know very little about TCPI/IP or OO
at this point looking at Winscok API it has much more flexability so much so it seem I dont necessary need a valid Hwnd but a kernel object such as that from CreateEvent will do
more so It seems if I want to pass notification to a different windows I just do another call to
with a new HWND
Still I am wondering why
pState-> m_hSocketWindow
went to NULL
Thanks talk about fair I don’t think it’s fair for Microsoft to Have us use CAsyncSocket
Just my opinion
He has a detach on the server side more so before any conversation gets going
My scenario involves the main windows looks if anyone wants to start a conversation with the server if I see it happens a conversation with the server is initiated I want to pass off that socket to a mode less dialog
Count the digits of a given number c programming
Ok. Did that. Did you?
Keep Calm and Carry On
That's not how it works around here. We're not here to do your work for you.
We'll help you with your code if you got specific questions or problems, but that's it.
Quote: Count the digits of a given number c programming
You don't specify what kind of number it is (floating point, integer), nor how it is provided.
Is the number coming in as a string, for example from argv passed to main ? Is the number passed in to a function as a parameter? Does the function need a particular name? Is the number allowed to be negative? Is there a maximum value for the number? Will there be decimal points? Is the number base 10, or base 2, or base 16, or is there a prefix at the front that specifies the radix?
What should the result be if no number is given, or an invalid number is given?
Are there any unit test cases that would provide a good example of how this is supposed to work?
SARKER MD KAWSER ALOM wrote: Count the digits of a given number c programming
First try to count the digits of a given number without c programming. Only with a peace of paper and a pencil!
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main() {
int number = 1234567;
int digits = log10(number)+1;
printf("%d has %d digits\n",number,digits);
Try it here[^]
I have an ancient DLL that began life with VC++ 6. It also uses Zlib for compression, again VC++ 6.
Fast forward a boat load of years and I now have a test app in VS2019. Can't load the DLL. Cannot find old debug libraries, etc.
Given that you have a DLL, you don't necessarily have the ability to recompile it. Let's say we cannot for the moment. Am I left installing ancient SDKs so that those DLLs are available for my custom dll? Don't think how to fix this, I'm trying to understand how to manage MS's myriad versions of SDKS all over my laptop. What do you do to limit the insanity?
Next question - best, most sane approach to move forward? Seems to me I need to rebuild the dll, the test app, etc so they all sync up. But I'm concerned about my customer elsewhere in the world. Do they need to install and SDK? I suspect I need to create an MSI that includes specific runtime kits.
Appreciate any guidance.
Charlie Gilley
<italic>Stuck in a dysfunctional matrix from which I must escape...
"Where liberty dwells, there is my country." B. Franklin, 1783
“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” BF, 1759
Not sure if it will fit your case but here is how I got about a similar problem:
1. make a clean virtual machine (VMware, VirtualBox, whatever you want)
2. install your DLL and use DEPENDS to find what missing SDK libraries you need
3. try to run your test app and fine tune between different versions of SDK until you make it run.
The advantage of working on a VM is that you can go back to known snapshot points and not get the "it runs on my machine" situation.
Going forward, I'd say the best thing would be to rebuild your DLL with as little external dependencies as possible. Link everything, including the runtime libraries, as static libraries. That way you can distribute your DLL without worrying about needed SDKs.
This is good advice, with one caveat.
Linking with static libraries will solve the problem only if the only parameters passed between the caller and the DLL are simple objects (char, int, ...), pointers to simple objects, or pointers to arrays of simple objects. If you try to pass something like a FILE*, there is no guarantee that the caller and the DLL agree on the format.
Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.
-- 6079 Smith W.
Truth there. The good news is that I know who my customers are and all of the data types are simple.
Shudder, I cannot imagine passing a file pointer but I guess someone might do it
Charlie Gilley
<italic>Stuck in a dysfunctional matrix from which I must escape...
"Where liberty dwells, there is my country." B. Franklin, 1783
“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” BF, 1759
I admit I'm rusty here and rebuilding my knowledge base on how all of this works. I do have a clean Xp machines, excellent suggestion.
Charlie Gilley
<italic>Stuck in a dysfunctional matrix from which I must escape...
"Where liberty dwells, there is my country." B. Franklin, 1783
“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” BF, 1759