It will interest me, not this time, but in the real program. I modified the code like this:
LONG lValueLow = 0;
LONG lValueHigh = 0;
if (INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER == SetFilePointer(hVolume, lValueLow, &lValueHigh, FILE_BEGIN) &&
NO_ERROR != GetLastError())
TRACE("Error: %d\n", GetLastError());
return FALSE;
TRACE("%d\t%d\n", lValueLow, lValueHigh);
Thank you Superman !
You do not need lValueHigh unless the distance to move is a 64 bit value: just specify NULL instead.
Also I suggest you study the difference between a variable and a pointer to a variable, you seem somewhat confused about it.
Understood now, I didn't paid attention on that function (lpDistanceToMoveHigh , is obviously now, or, at least I think is obviously).
struct TestStruct
int x;
int z;
TestStruct S;
TestStruct Funct()
return S;
Funct().x = 100;
Will this work?
Yes, but Func() is not really necessary, since you have already declared S . You can just say S.x = 100;
Creating a function to return a structure (or anything else) is usually necessary when you cannot declare the relevant object at compile time, but need to create it dynamically. Something like:
TestStruct* Funct()
TestStruct* pS = new TestStruct;
pS->x = 0;
ps->z = 0;
return pS;
TestStruct* pNewStruct = Funct();
pNewStruct->x = 100;
the code itself will work, but will not do what I suppose you expect.
Here, Funct returns a copy of the TestStruct S.
So Funct().x = 100 will affect 100 in a temporary TestStruct that you can not use after that.
I don't know why you want to use a function to access your S structure, but the behavior you look for is probably :
TestStruct& Funct()
return S;
my actual code:
ChartNode Chart[100];
ChartNode NodeCoord(int x, int z)
return Chart[z * 10 + x];
NodeCoord(4,4).access = false;
The result I`m looking for is the same as the result achieved with this function:
void NodeCoord(int x, int z, bool writetobool)
Chart[z * 10 + x].access = writetobool;
modified 3-May-20 5:10am.
So you probably need to return a reference :
ChartNode& NodeCoord(int x, int z)
return Chart[z * 10 + x];
else the NodeCoord(4,4).access = false will assign a temporary copy of your ChartNode struct and not the one in your array.
ChartNode& NodeCoord() will work for both read and write?
If you are referring to array cells with two dimension values then you should use a two-dimensional array. As it is you can pass any values in to NodeCoord but there is no way of telling if they are valid. So you could end up with lots of random memory corruption.
Thanks Richard
How do I declare a two (or more) dimensional array? The problem is I might need arrays with a great number of dimensions. I need a `one fits all` type of solution.
modified 3-May-20 5:42am.
Just like a one-dimensional, but you declare the two dimensions. Think of it as a block of items having some number of rows and columns. so you could have something like:
#define MAXROW 10
#define MAXCOL 5
ChartNode Chart[MAXROW][MAXCOL];
ChartNode NodeCoord(int row, int column)
if (row > 0 && row < MAXROW && column > 0 && column < MAXCOL) {
return Chart[row, column]; }
return NULL; }
All of these features are well documented in the C/C++ documentation and the various tutorials on the language.
the two dimensional array seems like something too good to be true The compiler is definitely doing something suspicious behind the courtain.
modified 3-May-20 6:31am.
I think you could do with studying all the features of C (or C++ if that is what you are using). Trying to learn a language by posting questions here will take ten times as long, and you will still miss most of it.
Internally it's just continuous memory that is allocated for a 2 dimensional array (For any no. of dimensions for that matter).
The compiler uses the specified dimensions to calculate the offset into the memory to fetch.
For instance, offset of Chart[2][3] could be calculated as -
(sizeof(ChartNode) * MAXROW * 2) + (sizeof(ChartNode) * 3)
I love work. It gives me something to do between weekends.
Microsoft MVP (Visual C++) (October 2009 - September 2013) Polymorphism in C
Often I edit my posts/replies shortly after making them, I can`t organise myself in a single swing.
I have a shipping piece of software, that uses property sheets for Tools/Options. For almost all my customers everything is perfect, but for just 2 or 3 the property sheets appear as though the dialog units are too large. The fonts, edit boxes, and all controls are about 1/3 too large, but with the same 0,0 origin. Even so, the containing dialog size is unchanged, so the result is that some of the controls on the right and bottom are either clipped or not visible at all.
We only use property sheets in two places, and for customers with this problem, both instances are affected identically. This only happens with Property sheets, and not with normal dialogs.
The resources are defined in the .rc file like:
DLG_PREF7 DIALOG 10, 91, 300, 179
FONT 8, "MS Sans Serif"
LTEXT "Fixed-width font",79,7,7,119,12,SS_CENTERIMAGE
LTEXT "Proportional font",87,7,25,119,12,SS_CENTERIMAGE
LTEXT "Font size",-1,7,43,119,12,SS_CENTERIMAGE
A picture would be worth a thousand words, but I can't post a picture. Imagine if you could have used ctrl/mouse-wheel to increase the size of the contents of just this dialog.
I am stumped. Does anyone have an idea of what might be happening?
It seems to be a one of the property pages displayed in the property sheet.
How do other pages look like (I mean in the resources)?
I have run your dialog and tried various changes to see if it affects it but nothing seems to go wrong. It may be worth checking the versions of Windows that the clients are running to see if that is a common factor.
I am trying to convert a C Linux library to Windows. And I've met something weird. I have a variable:
struct dir_struct
void* display;
char directory[DIR_NAME_LEN];
but when I listed this variable on my debugger:
TRACE("\n=>%s\n", dir_struct->directory);
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Why I have this garbage ? Because my folder is Wise Registry Cleaner only ... If I would understand it, maybe I can get rid of it ...
It's showing all that garbage because the character array is obviously not NULL terminated.
You'll have to look at the documentation to see how to know the proper length of the string.
The difficult we do right away...
...the impossible takes slightly longer.
Thank you. I have seek it \0 char in that string, but I didn't found it ...
There might be some other way that the library determines the length of the string. Is there any documentation?
Otherwise you can try adding this line of code before printing the string:
dir_struct->directory[DIR_NAME_LEN - 1] = 0; <<======================This line of code
TRACE("\n=>%s\n", dir_struct->directory);
The difficult we do right away...
...the impossible takes slightly longer.
What is the complete definition of the dir_struct structure? In Linux the information provided by the readdir(3) - Linux manual page[^] system call provides a properly null terminated string.