use win32 function copyFile() ; refer MSDN for complete documentation
Can anyone please tell me, how to know whether an Event is already signalled or not.
I have an application(App01) which has an event, and checks if it is signalled using " WaitForSingleObject(mhEvent,0);"
Another Application(App02) signals App01, and it works in such a way that a switch is established and App01 just checks if this switch is on/off, and based on that it does all the processing required.
In App02 i am using OpenEvent(..) to get access to the Event created in App01. But before I call SetEvent() or ResetEvent(), I want to know whether the Event(in App01) is already signalled or not.
If it is already signalled, I would'nt need to call SetEvent() again.
this is same with the ResetEvenet().
App02 is a console app, and exits once Set/Reset is done on the App01 Event.
Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Thanks in Advance.
Thanks & Regards,
I do not know of such a function. Try using a Semaphore instead. Initialize it whith a value of 1. Whenever an instance of App2 wants to Signal App1, it decreases the Semaphore by one and then signals to App1 using the Event. App1 then checks the Semaphore. If it is 0, then it does all its calculation, resets the even (better would be an auto-reset event), and then increases the semaphore again. This way, you automatically implement a queue for all instances of App2, that want to signal App1. No signal is lost. Of course, i do not know if that was what you intended.
If you wanted to check because of performance issues, you can neglect that. Conditional execution creates performanceoverhead itself, and a vain call to SetEvent() will not matter. In any case App2 should not be the one to reset the Event. App1 should always do that, to indicate that it is waiting.
Hope that helped a little.
Thanks for reply.
But the requirement is that i work with App02 and not touch any code in App01. So I cannot add any codes in App01.
Now when Event is signalled from App02, there must be some mechanism on the OS side so that it keeps record of the signal and when App01 WaitForSingleObject(mhEvent,0) is called it will be able to read that it has been signalled. I want to know if there is an structure/any thing else which i can access from App02 and know if it(App02) had signalled App01 in a previous run.
Thank You.
Thanks & Regards,
Greetings all,
I have a problem with my namespace extension that is really causing me problems.
The namespace extension is fairly standard, I use the Shell View created by SHCreateShellFolderView in my IShellFolder::CreateViewObject function.
Here's the problem- every time the user double clicks a subfolder of my extension, a NEW view window is created- it's not shown in the same window. I've tried using only one static instance of the IShellView created by SHCreateShellFolderView in every CreateViewObject function, but when I do this, when the user double clicks on the subfolder they don't navigate into it, they remain in the same folder.
This is really holding my project back at the moment, please everyone any ideas would be enormously appreciated!
Thanks in advance,
Dave Kerr
I've found the following page in msdn:
Which describes how to call an open folder dialog box through the .NET framework. Is it possible to avoid having to use this syntax and call the open folder dialog box directly on the win32 api? Similar to how I'd call MessageBox() for instances?
No, it doesn't. It tells you how to do it using Win32. This IS the direct way of doing it.
Christian Graus - Microsoft MVP - C++
Metal Musings - Rex and my new metal blog
What am I missing here at the top of that page it says:
.NET Framework Class Library
FolderBrowserDialog Class
Note: This namespace, class, or member is supported only in version 1.1 of the .NET Framework.
and than in the c++ example you have to inherit the following class System.Windows.Forms.Form
Am I just being very dim and missing the painfully obvious or does the above page not describe how to open a folder dialog using the .Net framework rather then just being able to directly call a function which is in one of the win32 dlls in the same fashion as you'd call GetOpenFileName()?
in the link you provided there is no trace of .net....
Ah I'm an idiot, This is what I ment to paste I had the other window open as it was looking at using that as well.
Hi all,
How does one profile timing for VS 6.0? Does it give you the timing in seconds or percentage? I would like to have timing in seconds, how do i obtain that?
How does one repeate the above for VS 9.0?
I do understand this might be the wrong forum to post this question but I am not getting the answer in the right forum, so I thought here I could grab some attention.
Try searching on the net for DevPartner Profiler. It integrates fully into visual studio .NET (and 6.0 too I think, I've been using it for years..) and is very well featured.
Dave Kerr
I am very sorry, forgot mentioning this. I am wanting to profile my VC++ application in VS 6.0 and VS 9.0.
I am not sure if the mentioned would solve my purpose. Lastly but not the least thanks for replying.
i have windows xp home edition sp2.
i am working in visual C++ 6.0.
i have a chatter client (Sample).
i don't know how to connect to sever.
how can i make server on my laptop.
i want to know possible solutions.
If you have the visual C++ 6.0 installed on your laptop as well, simply copy a chat server from the internet and run it. Get the IP of your laptop and ask the client to connect to the server using that IP.
i have copied the server(Sample of visual C++) from internet. but how can i get the ip address.
actually i have to just check the sample program of visualC++ 6.0
for chatter it asks me to provide the
for server it asks me to provide
1) channel.
now what should i do
How to remove or changing the color of the splitterbar between two panes?
I while back I found on Code Project a menu system that behaved like the ones found in 3DS MAX. However I have been through all of the menu controls and can't find it.
I wonder if anyone knows where it is located for me?
I remmeber a article but it is for DialogBar
That's the one, thanks. Wouldn't of thought about looking in DialogBar. Went through Menu and Lists but turned up nothing.
Is there any good Detours 1.5 API references or documentations out there ?
I have read through Detours.pdf and sources like verify.cpp and still
lack of informations to understand sample sources given.
eg: from VERIFY.CPP
static VOID Dump (PBYTE pbBytes, LONG nBytes, PBYTE pbTarget)
for( LONG n=0; n<nbytes; n+="16" )=""
="" {
="" printf("="" %08x="" (="" %i="" bytes="" ):="" ",="" pbbytes="" +="" n,="" nbytes);
="" for(="" long="" m="n;" m<n+16;="" m++="" )
="" if(="">= nBytes )
Decode("Original", pbCode, NULL, 3);
Decode("DetourGetFinalCode with Skip JMP", DetourGetFinalCode(pbCode, TRUE), pbCode, 3);
Decode("DetourGetFinalCode no Skip JMP", DetourGetFinalCode(pbCode, FALSE), pbCode, 3);
Q1: What is cfSkipJmp in DetourGetFinalCode() ?
Q2: What is the return of PBYTE in DetourGetFinalCode() refers to ?
Q3: What is n+=16 means for ?
I think the answers will be quite low level, but I really need extra informations
in order to understand what the source trying to give.
I have read through Detours.pdf but still I found insufficient to understand as
the questions stated above.
Any advise is appreciated.
Thank you.
Best Regards,
Ricky Gai.
I prefer more BoxedApp SDK. It costs much cheaper, but in the same time works much perfectly!
Hello guys!
I want to share an object between two DLLs. One DLL is managed and the other is unmanaged. I was panning to create an extra DLL and declare a class as in the shared data segment. But things don't seem to be working so far. How would you guys do this?
Thanks in advance.
It is impossible to change your past. But it is possible to ruin your present by worring about the future.