then how can write this code:
--->if( (send(sockfd,sendline,strlen(sendline),0)) == SOCKET_ERROR)
by the way:
i have change the line:
if ( (fp = fopen(filename,"r")) != NULL)--->
if ( (fp = fopen(filename,"rb")) != NULL)
Change strlen(...) to just use MAXLINE (what you are requesting from fgets). For network efficiency, you should make sure that constant is at least 700 bytes, but less than 1000.
Or, alternatively, read in the entire file first and then send it over the socket.
If you decide to become a software engineer, you are signing up to have a 1/2" piece of silicon tell you exactly how stupid you really are for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week
i'm trying.
waiting for further explanation....
Zac, I don't think it's that simple. I am not familiar with RAR file format but I imagine it has a header that contains numeric values (multi-byte) and therefore byte ordering would be required.
led mike
me think that whatever file format is sent, it can be seen as a string "containing" nul characters ('\0') but you can always send the length of bytes to be received first...
If you just send it directly (basically, just like a binary FTP), you don't have to worry about byte ordering.
If you decide to become a software engineer, you are signing up to have a 1/2" piece of silicon tell you exactly how stupid you really are for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week
Doesn't that depend on what the receiving process is going to do with it? FTP just saves to disk what if the receiving process is going to process the data, say decompress it?
led mike
if it decompresses it, it already got it (as if it was on the disk...)
Judging from his code, I doubt it is trying to decompress the stream as it comes across (which, actually, can't be done with the RAR format anyway). For it to be any use, he would have to write it back out to a file and then decompress the file. Doing that doesn't require any byte ordering changes.
If you decide to become a software engineer, you are signing up to have a 1/2" piece of silicon tell you exactly how stupid you really are for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week
you can't you have to learn how to work with (read/write) binary data. fgets() also is a "string" function.
led mike
then something functions must can work with binary data,
what are them?
for later use!
-- modified at 14:03 Wednesday 20th September, 2006
Use fread() to read and fwrite() to write binary data.
OOOOOh ye!
Thank you very much.
i have done with it finally!
It hasn't been mentioned yet (or I didn't see it), but you cannot open the .rar file with notepad. Notepad views only TEXT files, and a .rar file is binary.
You'll need a binary file editor/viewer to see the complete file. (You can open it with Visual Studio in binary mode.
Hope that helps.
Karl - WK5M
PGP Key: 0xDB02E193
PGP Key Fingerprint: 8F06 5A2E 2735 892B 821C 871A 0411 94EA DB02 E193
Is that mean i cann't use fputs()/fgets() in this way?
Can i use fread()/fwrite() in binary mode?Or there is another way?
I met a problem.
I have a server and a client.
Client connect to server. It works and client can send message to server.
But how can I send message from server to client?
I try to let server connect to client, but it says it already connected.
How could I let server send message to client,too?
Can somebody give me an example?
Thanks a lot.
Server can not connect to client. It can - of course send data as a reply but
can not initialize connection. You have to open another port (socket)
to listen. It is mean your application must have both parts - server and client.
(client has to also listen - to be possible to connected it by "server")
I have an application that have two threads - listen(recv) & connect(send)
but I can send once, I cant send twice.
I try to download the file. But it's a webpage.
Yes it is a web page listing articles that contain sample/example Socket code. Please "READ" the web page.
led mike
Thanks for your help.
It's a stupid question.
I forget to login.><
Is your server/client system using SOCK_DGRAM or SOCK_STREAM. if you are using SOCK_STREAM then once the connection is accepted using the accept function there should be a socket variable that the client is connected to.
SOCKET server;
//assume already in listen state
SOCKET client = accept(server, ...);
use the client variable to send messages back to the client machine like the following:
send(client, ...);
Chipper Martin
I've got a standard MFC MDI app, and want to change the "MFC" icon to my own. In resource view, I've tried editing the icon (in VS) changing what file it points to, even deleting the "MFC" icon file - all make it look right in the resource view, but run the app and the "MFC" icon is still there. Is this called out explicitly in code somewhere?
have you changed all the devices in the icon ?
a .ico file have several images of different sizes/resolutions, so if you don't change them all, you'll get strange behaviors ....