I need to build a database using vb6 and ms access for various groups or organisation which have various members, can someone suggest how to build this kind of database using ms-access, one table will have the organisation information such as its name, establishment date etc, and another database which store members for each organisation, these organization can have members of 5 nos. to 20 or more numbers, can anyone suggest how to build this kind of database, would be more grateful if someone can give a free code for this type of database.
Thanks in advanvce
Thanks for the response and suggestion, I'm not into programming deeply, just need to create a simple database which keep record for some 50/100 nos of organisation which have its name and address along with the organisation members using vb and ms-access since i have a little knowledge on this. I can manage building for the organisation but keeping record for each of the organisation members becomes a little difficult.
I have Seen this Article:
DataGridView – Stacked Header; talk about how to make Multi Layer head for DatagridView
it was on C# , I have translated to VB.net but there was some errors,
have made it before in VB.net ?
I try to attach Source code of VB.net but I have'nt seen attachment option
many thanks
You can add the relevant code, and full details of the errors into your question. Please ensure you add the correct <pre lang="VB"></pre> tags around the code.
what about if want to attached file?
There is no attach feature. You need to copy the code that has the problem and paste it into your question as I suggested above.
hello everyone I have the following format of a configuration file so I want to edit these values, the file has the following extension data.config
Image — Postimages[^]
Image — Postimages[^]
And? You never asked a question or detailed a problem you're having.
That kind of file is just your normal, everyday .INI file, completely outdated nowadays.
Hi sir,
i'm already try to pool data into listview and it worked. But i need to pool the data using timer can anyone guide me ?
<pre> Try
IBSSDR = cmd.ExecuteReader()
Dim bFlag As Boolean = True
Do Until Not bFlag
While IBSSDR.Read
Dim touch As DateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(IBSSDR.Item("EVENTDATE"))
Dim date1 As String = touch.Date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")
Dim time1 As String = Format(touch, ("hh:mm:ss tt"))
Dim str(5) As String
Dim itm As ListViewItem
str(1) = IBSSDR.Item("NAME")
str(2) = date1
str(3) = time1
If IBSSDR.Item("EMAIL") Is DBNull.Value Then
str(4) = ""
str(4) = IBSSDR.Item("EMAIL")
End If
itm = New ListViewItem(str)
End While
bFlag = IBSSDR.NextResult
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
I already add the timer :
<pre lang="VB">
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
Timer1.Enabled = True
Timer1.Interval = 6000
end sub
Can anybody help me, plz , tq
You have to call your code that retrieves the data from the database from your timer Tick handler.
Separate your code so you're putting the database retrieval code into it's own function that returns the data set. DO NOT put the code that handles putting that data into the ListView in that same code! Break that out into its own method. Methods should only do one thing, like retrieving a specific dataset from the database, or updating the data in a control. They should NOT do multiple things.
Ok thanks you for support and guide, i will try to separate task by method,
One more thing sir, how to make last item in listview always highligthed or fullselectedrow?...Hope can guide me, thank a lots.
Since some weeks i'm working on a german cards game "Schafkopf" [private] demo.
The demo is not bad but somehow my coding drifted away and appears like "Spaghetti code".
The game has 32 cards and 4 players.
For a "SOLO" or "WENZ" the declarer plays against the 3 other players.
A standard game is that the declarer plays with one "Ace" (owned by another player) => 2 play against the other 2.
The computer controls 3 players, one player is the user who can click on one of his cards (which are presented on a dgv).
The problem is that there are many, many loops when checking a players cards and endless "rules" which now are done with
"If, Then, ElseIf ..." statements.
So one of the related functions is > 500 code lines ...
I think I need a better concept, because the existing one is hard to handle, problems are not easy to fix.
Any ideas?
Example for those loops:
If MyForm.GameOver = True Then Exit Function
If GameStatus.ToString = "SpielAus" Then MyForm.GameOver = True
If GameStatus.ToString = "SpielAus" Then Exit Function
If sHandCards Is Nothing Then
' => LeadSuit n.a.
Debug.Print("ACP 516 sHandCards: Is Nothing")
Debug.Print("ACP 517 LeadSuitID: '" & LeadSuitID & "'; TrumpCardID: '" & TrumpCardID & "'")
sHandCards = sTrumpList
'sHandCards <> Nothing
'MessageBox.Show("ACP 525 sHandCards: " & sHandCards.ToString)
If ContainsHandCardsStandardTrumps(sHandCards) = False Then
'MessageBox.Show("ACP 528 sHandCards: " & sHandCards.ToString)
If TrumpCardID <> 4 Then sHandCards = sTrumpList
If TrumpCardID = 4 Then
If sHandCards.ToString.Contains("O") Then
sHandCards = sTrumpList
End If
End If
End If
If dgv.CurrentCell.Value.ToString.Contains("♠") Or dgv.CurrentCell.Value.ToString.Contains("♥") Or
dgv.CurrentCell.Value.ToString.Contains("Ⴖ") Or dgv.CurrentCell.Value.ToString.Contains("Ꚛ") Or
dgv.CurrentCell.Value.ToString = "" Or dgv.CurrentCell.Value Is Nothing Or
dgv.CurrentCell.Value.ToString = String.Empty Then
For Each row As DataGridViewRow In dgv.Rows
For n As Integer = 1 To dgv.Columns.Count - 1
If row.Cells(n).Value.ToString.Contains(GetLowOfHandCards(row.Cells(n), PlayerID,
DeclarerID, GameStatus, sHandCards, TrumpCardID, dgv, MyForm, LeadSuitID)) Then
If dgv.CurrentCell.Value.ToString.Contains("♠") Or
dgv.CurrentCell.Value.ToString.Contains("♥") Or
dgv.CurrentCell.Value.ToString.Contains("Ⴖ") Or
dgv.CurrentCell.Value.ToString.Contains("Ꚛ") Or
dgv.CurrentCell.Value.ToString = "" Or
dgv.CurrentCell.Value Is Nothing Or
dgv.CurrentCell.Value.ToString = String.Empty Then
If row.Cells(n).RowIndex = LeadSuitID AndAlso row.Cells(n).RowIndex <>
MyForm.RufAs.CardColor Then
If row.Cells(n).Value.ToString.Contains("O") = False AndAlso
row.Cells(n).Value.ToString.Contains("U") = False Then
SetCurrentCell(dgvCell, dgv, row.Cells(n), row.Cells(0), " ~ " &
(String.Format("Line # {0}", (New StackTrace(New
StackFrame(True))).GetFrame(0).GetFileLineNumber())) & " ~ ")
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
Simple thing like:
string s = dgv.CurrentCell.Value.ToString
If s.Conttains("x") or s.Contains...etc
makes the thing more palatable.
Then you look at it again; repeat.
"Before entering on an understanding, I have meditated for a long time, and have foreseen what might happen. It is not genius which reveals to me suddenly, secretly, what I have to say or to do in a circumstance unexpected by other people; it is reflection, it is meditation." - Napoleon I
Thank you.
Will use string s = dgv.CurrentCell.Value.ToString
and remove redundant code lines.
But the main question is if it makes sense using If - Then statements for game rules or if there is a better way to do this.
modified 19-May-22 3:45am.
Rules come in a form best suited for a given situation; be it "if's", tables or whatever.
Your "if's" depend on the length of your "cell value".
If it's only 1 (char) long, instead of multiple if's, you can code:
string s = "x"
if "xwz".Contains(s) etc.
if the cell value's length is greater than one, then iterate each character:
For Each ch As Char in s
if "xyx".Contains(ch) etc.
"Before entering on an understanding, I have meditated for a long time, and have foreseen what might happen. It is not genius which reveals to me suddenly, secretly, what I have to say or to do in a circumstance unexpected by other people; it is reflection, it is meditation." - Napoleon I
Well this leads me to another improvement.
Instead of many times using If statements like that
If PlayerID <> DeclarerID And PlayerID <> MyForm.iCoSpieler Then ...
If PlayerID = DeclarerID Or PlayerID = MyForm.iCoSpieler Then ...
I will use variables like
Dim bTeamDeclarer As Boolean
Dim bTeamOpponent As Boolean
If PlayerID <> DeclarerID And PlayerID <> MyForm.iCoSpieler Then bTeamOpponent = True
If PlayerID = DeclarerID Or PlayerID = MyForm.iCoSpieler Then bTeamDeclarer = True
Then i can combine 2 or 3 lines of my rules in the loops like
If n > 0 AndAlso bTeamDeclarer= True AndAlso row.Index = TrumpCardID Then
This should make code easier to read AND shorter.
In c# I'd code:
bool bTeamComponent => PlayerID != DeclarerID && PlayerID != MyForm.iCoSpieler;
if ( bTeamComponent ) ...
Note how bTeamComponent is "dynamic" for every access.
It obviously has to be scoped properly.
"Before entering on an understanding, I have meditated for a long time, and have foreseen what might happen. It is not genius which reveals to me suddenly, secretly, what I have to say or to do in a circumstance unexpected by other people; it is reflection, it is meditation." - Napoleon I
Instead of hard coding the rules, can you think of a way to load some rules from a list and check those?
Bastard Programmer from Hell
"If you just follow the bacon Eddy, wherever it leads you, then you won't have to think about politics." -- Some Bell.
I had some ideas during the last days.
It is not easy to find and fix issues with my Spaghetti Code - but the computer is already playing better than a human with beginner level.
If I only could fix 4 or 5 important remaining issues the pc would reach medium playing level.
One idea is to replace each loop with a Sub or Function (what is possible but I'm not sure it this makes sense).
A list or a xml file came also to my mind - I searched for CP articles about rules engine or business rules.
But from my findings there was nothing really easy - something that you can use easily and when you look at it some weeks later it should still look easy and allow changes without any problems.
The last thing would be to have classes for card, hand cards, cards deck, current trick and so on.
But I do not know how to bring together the properties of the classes and my existing rules.
Any link to an article which may help me would be great.
Note: My Schafkopf demo is based on A Bridge Card Game and Display Card Presentation[^]
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Bastard Programmer from Hell
"If you just follow the bacon Eddy, wherever it leads you, then you won't have to think about politics." -- Some Bell.