Hi VB Experts,
I cannot update my data in the Excel and receive this error
Operator '=' is not defined for type for 'DBNull' and string '1'. The following is my codes:
Dim cnn = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + str_Database + ";Extended Properties=Excel 12.0;")
Dim cmd = New OleDbCommand()
Dim str_SQL As String = ""
Dim int_Max_SN As Integer
If (tb_SN.Text = "") Then
cmd.Connection = cnn
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT IIF(ISNULL(MAX(VAL([S/N]))), 0, MAX(VAL([S/N]))) FROM [Sheet2$]"
int_Max_SN = cmd.ExecuteScalar()
tb_SN.Text = int_Max_SN + 1
str_SQL += "INSERT INTO [Sheet2$] "
str_SQL += "([S/N], [MPN], [Description], [OEM (Manufacturer)], [MTBF (Hours)], [Failure Rate], [Repair Turn Around Time], [Utilization Rate], [Population], [Spares Required], [Testing], [Price Per Unit], [Total Cost Per Line Item]) "
str_SQL += "VALUES (" + tb_SN.Text + ", "
str_SQL += "'" + tb_MPN.Text + "', "
str_SQL += "'" + tb_Description.Text + "', "
str_SQL += "'" + tb_OEM.Text + "', "
If (IsNumeric(tb_MTBF.Text)) Then str_SQL += tb_MTBF.Text + ", " Else str_SQL += "null, "
If (IsNumeric(tb_Failure_Rate.Text)) Then str_SQL += tb_Failure_Rate.Text + ", " Else str_SQL += "null, "
If (IsNumeric(tb_Year_Of_Support.Text)) Then str_SQL += tb_Year_Of_Support.Text + ", " Else str_SQL += "null, "
If (IsNumeric(tb_Utilization_Rate.Text)) Then str_SQL += tb_Utilization_Rate.Text + ", " Else str_SQL += "null, "
If (IsNumeric(tb_Population.Text)) Then str_SQL += tb_Population.Text + ", " Else str_SQL += "null, "
If (IsNumeric(tb_Spares_Required.Text)) Then str_SQL += tb_Spares_Required.Text + ", " Else str_SQL += "null, "
If (IsNumeric(tb_Price_Per_Unit.Text)) Then str_SQL += tb_Price_Per_Unit.Text + ", " Else str_SQL += "null, "
If (IsNumeric(tb_Total_Cost_Per_Line_Item.Text)) Then str_SQL += tb_Total_Cost_Per_Line_Item.Text + ", " Else str_SQL += "null, "
If (IsNumeric(tb_Total_Uptime.Text)) Then str_SQL += tb_Total_Uptime.Text Else str_SQL += "null "
str_SQL += ")"
cmd.Connection = cnn
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text
cmd.CommandText = str_SQL
MessageBox.Show("New record has been added successfully!!", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
For int_Row_Index As Integer = 0 To dgv_Excel.Rows.Count - 1
If (dgv_Excel.Rows(int_Row_Index).Cells(0).Value = tb_SN.Text) Then
dgv_Excel.Rows(int_Row_Index).Cells(1).Value = tb_MPN.Text
dgv_Excel.Rows(int_Row_Index).Cells(2).Value = tb_Description.Text
dgv_Excel.Rows(int_Row_Index).Cells(3).Value = tb_OEM.Text
dgv_Excel.Rows(int_Row_Index).Cells(4).Value = IIf(IsNumeric(tb_MTBF.Text), tb_MTBF.Text, DBNull.Value)
dgv_Excel.Rows(int_Row_Index).Cells(5).Value = IIf(IsNumeric(tb_Failure_Rate.Text), tb_Failure_Rate.Text, DBNull.Value)
dgv_Excel.Rows(int_Row_Index).Cells(6).Value = IIf(IsNumeric(tb_Year_Of_Support.Text), tb_Year_Of_Support.Text, DBNull.Value)
dgv_Excel.Rows(int_Row_Index).Cells(7).Value = IIf(IsNumeric(tb_Utilization_Rate.Text), tb_Utilization_Rate.Text, DBNull.Value)
dgv_Excel.Rows(int_Row_Index).Cells(8).Value = IIf(IsNumeric(tb_Population.Text), tb_Population.Text, DBNull.Value)
dgv_Excel.Rows(int_Row_Index).Cells(9).Value = IIf(IsNumeric(tb_Spares_Required.Text), tb_Spares_Required.Text, DBNull.Value)
dgv_Excel.Rows(int_Row_Index).Cells(10).Value = IIf(IsNumeric(tb_Price_Per_Unit.Text), tb_Price_Per_Unit.Text, DBNull.Value)
dgv_Excel.Rows(int_Row_Index).Cells(11).Value = IIf(IsNumeric(tb_Total_Cost_Per_Line_Item.Text), tb_Total_Cost_Per_Line_Item.Text, DBNull.Value)
dgv_Excel.Rows(int_Row_Index).Cells(12).Value = IIf(IsNumeric(tb_Total_Uptime.Text), tb_Total_Uptime.Text, DBNull.Value)
int_Row_Index += 1
End If
str_SQL += "UPDATE [Sheet2$] "
str_SQL += "SET [MPN] = '" + tb_MPN.Text + "', "
str_SQL += "[Description] = '" + tb_Description.Text + "', "
str_SQL += "[OEM (Manufacturer)] = '" + tb_OEM.Text + "', "
If (IsNumeric(tb_MTBF.Text)) Then str_SQL += "[MTBF (Hours)] = " + tb_MTBF.Text + ", " Else str_SQL += "[MTBF (Hours)] = null, "
If (IsNumeric(tb_Failure_Rate.Text)) Then str_SQL += "[Failure Rate] = " + tb_Failure_Rate.Text + ", " Else str_SQL += "[Failure Rate] = null, "
If (IsNumeric(tb_Year_Of_Support.Text)) Then str_SQL += "[Repair Turn Around Time] = " + tb_Year_Of_Support.Text + ", " Else str_SQL += "[Repair Turn Around Time] = null, "
If (IsNumeric(tb_Utilization_Rate.Text)) Then str_SQL += "[Utilization Rate] = " + tb_Utilization_Rate.Text + ", " Else str_SQL += "[Utilization Rate] = null, "
If (IsNumeric(tb_Population.Text)) Then str_SQL += "[Population] = " + tb_Population.Text + ", " Else str_SQL += "[Population] = null, "
If (IsNumeric(tb_Spares_Required.Text)) Then str_SQL += "[Spares Required] = " + tb_Spares_Required.Text + ", " Else str_SQL += "[Spares Required] = null, "
If (IsNumeric(tb_Price_Per_Unit.Text)) Then str_SQL += "[Testing] = " + tb_Price_Per_Unit.Text + ", " Else str_SQL += "[Testing] = null, "
If (IsNumeric(tb_Total_Cost_Per_Line_Item.Text)) Then str_SQL += "[Price Per Unit] = " + tb_Total_Cost_Per_Line_Item.Text + ", " Else str_SQL += "[Price Per Unit] = null, "
If (IsNumeric(tb_Total_Uptime.Text)) Then str_SQL += "[Total Cost Per Line Item] = " + tb_Total_Uptime.Text + " " Else str_SQL += "[Total Cost Per Line Item] = null "
str_SQL += "WHERE VAL([S/N]) = " + tb_SN.Text
cmd.Connection = cnn
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text
cmd.CommandText = str_SQL
MessageBox.Show("Record has been updated successfully!!", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
modified 21-Apr-22 11:15am.