Hi there, please help me how to speed up, i'm new in VB.NET programming, we have code to calculate salary and generate excel file with custom format (field, fonts, etc), the process is takes long time (up to 3 hours for 2000 record).
The code asf :
Private Sub tsbExcel_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles tsbExcel.Click
If MessageBox.Show("Continue Proses...", "Rekap Detail All", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2) = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub GenPayrollAll()
'Get variabel
Dim vabsDateBgn As Date = dtabsDateBgn.Value
Dim vabsDateEnd As Date = dtabsDateEnd.Value
If chkPeriod(vabsDateBgn) = False Then
MessageBox.Show("No record available", "Attention", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
End If
lblProgress.Text = "Collecting data..."
Application.DoEvents() ' Keep App Responsive
'Get header data
SQLstr = "SELECT t_Absent_h.absID,t_Absent_h.absDateBgn,t_Absent_h.absDateEnd,m_Customers.cstName,m_CustomersLocation.cloContLocation,t_Absent_h.IdEmp,m_Employee.FName+' '+m_Employee.LName AS NmEmp, m_othFunctAllowance.ofaName, " & _
"t_Absent_h.absGajiPokok,t_Absent_h.absFunctionalAllow,t_Absent_h.absSecurityAllow,t_Absent_h.absTunjKehadiran,t_Absent_h.absMealAllow,t_Absent_h.absOthersAllow,t_Absent_h.absLmbBiasa,t_Absent_h.absLmbNasional,t_Absent_h.absLmbUser, " & _
"t_Absent_h.absPotJamsostek,t_Absent_h.absPotJamsostekKes,t_Absent_h.absPotSeragam,t_Absent_h.absPotPelatihan,t_Absent_h.absPotInvDiklat,t_Absent_h.absPotAbsen,t_Absent_h.absOthersReduction, " & _
"t_Absent_h.absPromosi,t_Absent_h.absDemosi,t_Absent_h.absTotal,t_Absent_h.abs21_PPh,t_Absent_h.absTotal+t_Absent_h.abs21_pph AS absGajiKotor,t_Absent_h.absKeterangan,m_Employee.empAccBank,m_Employee.empAccNo,m_Employee.empDPermanent,m_Employee.empDResign " & _
"FROM t_Absent_h " & _
"INNER JOIN m_Employee ON m_Employee.IdEmp=t_Absent_h.IdEmp " & _
"INNER JOIN m_Customers ON m_Customers.cstID=t_Absent_h.cstID " & _
"INNER JOIN m_CustomersLocation ON m_CustomersLocation.cloID=t_Absent_h.cloID " & _
"LEFT JOIN m_othFunctAllowance ON m_othFunctAllowance.ofaID=t_Absent_h.ofaID " & _
"WHERE CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),t_Absent_h.absDateBgn,120)=@absDateBgn " & _
"ORDER BY cstName ASC,cloContLocation ASC,IdEmp ASC"
'Set command
DBcmd = New SqlCommand(SQLstr, DBcon)
DBcmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text
'Set parameter
DBcmd.Parameters.Add("@absDateBgn", SqlDbType.Date).Value = Format(vabsDateBgn, "yyyy-MM-dd")
'Set DataAdapter
DAtbl = New SqlDataAdapter(DBcmd)
DAtbl.SelectCommand = DBcmd
'Execute DataAdapter
If (DBcon.State <> ConnectionState.Closed) Then : DBcon.Close() : End If
If DStbl.Tables.Contains("tmpPayrollSlip") Then : DStbl.Tables.Remove("tmpPayrollSlip") : End If
DAtbl.Fill(DStbl, "tmpPayrollSlip")
'Add column to dataset
Dim dcH As New DataColumn("sumH", System.Type.GetType("System.Int32"))
Dim dcO As New DataColumn("sumO", System.Type.GetType("System.Int32"))
Dim dcC As New DataColumn("sumC", System.Type.GetType("System.Int32"))
Dim dcA As New DataColumn("sumA", System.Type.GetType("System.Int32"))
Dim dcDS As New DataColumn("sumDS", System.Type.GetType("System.Int32"))
Dim dcTS As New DataColumn("sumTS", System.Type.GetType("System.Int32"))
Dim dcI0 As New DataColumn("sumI0", System.Type.GetType("System.Int32"))
Dim dcI1 As New DataColumn("sumI1", System.Type.GetType("System.Int32"))
Dim dcLB As New DataColumn("sumLB", System.Type.GetType("System.Int32"))
Dim dcLN As New DataColumn("sumLN", System.Type.GetType("System.Int32"))
Dim dcLU As New DataColumn("sumLU", System.Type.GetType("System.Int32"))
Dim dcX As New DataColumn("sumX", System.Type.GetType("System.Int32"))
'Finding summary detail absent
Dim countMax As Integer = DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows.Count - 1
If countMax < 0 Then
MessageBox.Show("No record available", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning)
End If
ProgressBar1.Maximum = countMax + 1
Dim vabsID As Integer = 0
If (DBcon.State <> ConnectionState.Closed) Then : DBcon.Close() : End If
For i = 0 To countMax
vabsID = DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absID")
SQLstr = "SELECT absAbsent,COUNT(absAbsent) AS absAbsentCount,SUM(absOvt) AS absOvtSum,SUM(absAdd) AS absAddSum FROM t_Absent_d WHERE absID=@absID GROUP BY absAbsent"
'Set command
DBcmd = New SqlCommand(SQLstr, DBcon)
DBcmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text
'Set parameter
DBcmd.Parameters.Add("@absID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = vabsID
'Execute reader
DRtbl = DBcmd.ExecuteReader
If DRtbl.HasRows = True Then
Dim vabsAbsent As String = ""
Dim vabsAbsentCount As Integer = 0
Dim vabsOvtSum As Integer = 0
Dim vabsAddSum As Integer = 0
While DRtbl.Read()
vabsAbsent = VB.Trim(DRtbl("absAbsent"))
vabsAbsentCount = VB.Trim(DRtbl("absAbsentCount"))
vabsOvtSum = VB.Trim(DRtbl("absOvtSum"))
vabsAddSum = VB.Trim(DRtbl("absAddSum"))
Select Case vabsAbsent
Case Is = "H"
DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("sumH") = vabsAbsentCount
Case Is = "O"
DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("sumO") = vabsAbsentCount
Case Is = "C"
DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("sumC") = vabsAbsentCount
Case Is = "A"
DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("sumA") = vabsAbsentCount
Case Is = "DS"
DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("sumDS") = vabsAbsentCount
Case Is = "TS"
DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("sumTS") = vabsAbsentCount
Case Is = "I0"
DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("sumI0") = vabsAbsentCount
Case Is = "I1"
DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("sumI1") = vabsAbsentCount
Case Is = "LB"
DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("sumLB") = vabsOvtSum + vabsAddSum
Case Is = "LN"
DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("sumLN") = vabsOvtSum + vabsAddSum
Case Is = "LU"
DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("sumLU") = vabsOvtSum + vabsAddSum
Case Is = "X"
DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("sumX") = vabsOvtSum + vabsAddSum
End Select
End While
End If
vabsID = 0
ProgressBar1.Value = (i + 1)
lblProgress.Text = (i + 1).ToString("#,##0") + " of " + (countMax + 1).ToString("#,##0") + " Write summary to excel"
lblProgress.Text = "..."
ProgressBar1.Value = 0
'Export to excel file
'Create dimension for excel applications
Dim oXL As New Excel.Application
Dim oWB As Excel.Workbook
Dim oSheet As Excel.Worksheet
Dim oRange As Excel.Range
'Start Excel and get Application object.
oXL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
oXL.Visible = False
oXL.SheetsInNewWorkbook = 1
'Get a new workbook and create FirstSheet
Dim SName As String = "PayrollRecap"
oWB = oXL.Workbooks.Add
oWB.Sheets("Sheet1").Name = SName
'Select active sheet
Dim iRowH As Integer = 4
Dim iColH As Integer = 2
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowH, iColH - 1).Value = "SITE dan LOKASI"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowH, iColH - 0).Value = "No"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowH, iColH + 1).Value = "NIP"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowH, iColH + 2).Value = "NAMA"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowH, iColH + 3).Value = "Jabatan"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowH, iColH + 4).Value = "Gaji Pokok"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowH, iColH + 5).Value = "Jabatan"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowH, iColH + 6).Value = "Security"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowH, iColH + 7).Value = "Kehadiran"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowH, iColH + 8).Value = "U.Makan"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowH, iColH + 9).Value = "Lain2"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowH, iColH + 10).Value = "Biasa"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowH, iColH + 11).Value = "Nasional"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowH, iColH + 12).Value = "P/User"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowH, iColH + 13).Value = "BPJS-TK"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowH, iColH + 14).Value = "BPJS-KES"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowH, iColH + 15).Value = "Seragam"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowH, iColH + 16).Value = "Pelatihan"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowH, iColH + 17).Value = "Investasi Diklat"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowH, iColH + 18).Value = "Absen"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowH, iColH + 19).Value = "Lain2"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowH, iColH + 20).Value = "Penyesuaian (+)"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowH, iColH + 21).Value = "Penyesuaian (-)"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowH, iColH + 22).Value = "Gaji Sblm PPh"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowH, iColH + 23).Value = "PPh 21"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowH, iColH + 24).Value = "Gaji Stlh PPh"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowH, iColH + 25).Value = "Total Gaji"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowH, iColH + 26).Value = "H"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowH, iColH + 27).Value = "O"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowH, iColH + 28).Value = "C"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowH, iColH + 29).Value = "A"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowH, iColH + 30).Value = "DS"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowH, iColH + 31).Value = "TS"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowH, iColH + 32).Value = "I0"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowH, iColH + 33).Value = "I1"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowH, iColH + 34).Value = "LB"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowH, iColH + 35).Value = "LN"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowH, iColH + 36).Value = "LU"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowH, iColH + 37).Value = "X"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowH, iColH + 38).Value = "KETERANGAN"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowH, iColH + 39).Value = "Nama Bank"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowH, iColH + 40).Value = "No.Rekening"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowH, iColH + 41).Value = "Tgl.Masuk"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowH, iColH + 42).Value = "Tgl.Keluar"
countMax = DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows.Count - 1
ProgressBar1.Maximum = countMax + 1
Dim iRowD As Integer = 5
Dim iColD As Integer = 2
Dim vNoRec As Integer = 0
Dim vcstName As String = DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(0).Item("cstName")
Dim vcloContLocation As String = DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(0).Item("cloContLocation")
'Variable for Perhitungan summary
Dim vGajiPokok As Decimal = 0 : Dim xGajiPokok As Decimal = 0
Dim vFunctionalAllow As Decimal = 0 : Dim xFunctionalAllow As Decimal = 0
Dim vSecurityAllow As Decimal = 0 : Dim xSecurityAllow As Decimal = 0
Dim vTunjKehadiran As Decimal = 0 : Dim xTunjKehadiran As Decimal = 0
Dim vMealAllow As Decimal = 0 : Dim xMealAllow As Decimal = 0
Dim vOthersAllow As Decimal = 0 : Dim xOthersAllow As Decimal = 0
Dim vLmbBiasa As Decimal = 0 : Dim xLmbBiasa As Decimal = 0
Dim vLmbNasional As Decimal = 0 : Dim xLmbNasional As Decimal = 0
Dim vLmbUser As Decimal = 0 : Dim xLmbUser As Decimal = 0
Dim vPotJamsostek As Decimal = 0 : Dim xPotJamsostek As Decimal = 0
Dim vPotJamsostekKes As Decimal = 0 : Dim xPotJamsostekKes As Decimal = 0
Dim vPotSeragam As Decimal = 0 : Dim xPotSeragam As Decimal = 0
Dim vPotPelatihan As Decimal = 0 : Dim xPotPelatihan As Decimal = 0
Dim vPotInvDiklat As Decimal = 0 : Dim xPotInvDiklat As Decimal = 0
Dim vPotAbsen As Decimal = 0 : Dim xPotAbsen As Decimal = 0
Dim vOthersReduction As Decimal = 0 : Dim xOthersReduction As Decimal = 0
Dim vPromosi As Decimal = 0 : Dim xPromosi As Decimal = 0
Dim vDemosi As Decimal = 0 : Dim xDemosi As Decimal = 0
Dim vabs21_pph As Decimal = 0 : Dim xabs21_pph As Decimal = 0
Dim vabsGajiKotor As Decimal = 0 : Dim xabsGajiKotor As Decimal = 0
Dim vTotal As Decimal = 0 : Dim xTotal As Decimal = 0
Dim vTotalGaji As Decimal = 0 : Dim xTotalGaji As Decimal = 0
For i = 0 To countMax
'Nomor Urut
If DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("cstName") & DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("cloContLocation") <> vcstName & vcloContLocation Then
'Write sub total summary
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 3).Value = "SUB TOTAL : "
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 4).VALUE = vGajiPokok
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 5).VALUE = vFunctionalAllow
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 6).VALUE = vSecurityAllow
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 7).VALUE = vTunjKehadiran
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 8).VALUE = vMealAllow
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 9).VALUE = vOthersAllow
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 10).VALUE = vLmbBiasa
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 11).VALUE = vLmbNasional
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 12).VALUE = vLmbUser
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 13).VALUE = vPotJamsostek
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 14).VALUE = vPotJamsostekKes
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 15).VALUE = vPotSeragam
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 16).VALUE = vPotPelatihan
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 17).VALUE = vPotInvDiklat
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 18).VALUE = vPotAbsen
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 19).VALUE = vOthersReduction
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 20).VALUE = vPromosi
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 21).VALUE = vDemosi
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 22).VALUE = vabsGajiKotor
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 23).VALUE = vabs21_pph
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 24).VALUE = vTotal
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 25).VALUE = vTotalGaji
'Format excel for summary
oWB.Sheets(SName).Range("E" + CStr(iRowD), "AA" + CStr(iRowD)).NumberFormat = "#,##0"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Range("E" + CStr(iRowD), "AA" + CStr(iRowD)).HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignRight
oWB.Sheets(SName).Range("E" + CStr(iRowD), "AA" + CStr(iRowD)).Font.Bold = True
'Reset sub total
vGajiPokok = 0 : vFunctionalAllow = 0 : vSecurityAllow = 0 : vTunjKehadiran = 0
vMealAllow = 0 : vOthersAllow = 0 : vLmbBiasa = 0 : vLmbNasional = 0 : vLmbUser = 0
vPotJamsostek = 0 : vPotJamsostekKes = 0 : vPotSeragam = 0 : vPotPelatihan = 0 : vPotInvDiklat = 0 : vPotAbsen = 0 : vOthersReduction = 0
vPromosi = 0 : vDemosi = 0 : vTotal = 0 : vTotalGaji = 0 : vabsGajiKotor = 0 : vabs21_pph = 0
'Add next row
iRowD = iRowD + 2
'Write customer name
vcstName = DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("cstName")
vcloContLocation = DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("cloContLocation")
vNoRec = 0
End If
vNoRec = vNoRec + 1
'For summary sub total
vGajiPokok = vGajiPokok + DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absGajiPokok")
vFunctionalAllow = vFunctionalAllow + DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absFunctionalAllow")
vSecurityAllow = vSecurityAllow + DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absSecurityAllow")
vTunjKehadiran = vTunjKehadiran + DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absTunjKehadiran")
vMealAllow = vMealAllow + DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absMealAllow")
vOthersAllow = vOthersAllow + DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absOthersAllow")
vLmbBiasa = vLmbBiasa + DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absLmbBiasa")
vLmbNasional = vLmbNasional + DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absLmbNasional")
vLmbUser = vLmbUser + DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absLmbUser")
vPotJamsostek = vPotJamsostek + DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absPotJamsostek")
vPotJamsostekKes = vPotJamsostekKes + DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absPotJamsostekKes")
vPotSeragam = vPotSeragam + DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absPotSeragam")
vPotPelatihan = vPotPelatihan + DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absPotPelatihan")
vPotInvDiklat = vPotInvDiklat + DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absPotInvDiklat")
vPotAbsen = vPotAbsen + DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absPotAbsen")
vOthersReduction = vOthersReduction + DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absOthersReduction")
vPromosi = vPromosi + DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absPromosi")
vDemosi = vDemosi + DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absDemosi")
vabs21_pph = vabs21_pph + DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("abs21_PPh")
vabsGajiKotor = vabsGajiKotor + DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absGajiKotor")
vTotal = vTotal + DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absTotal")
'For summary total
xGajiPokok = xGajiPokok + DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absGajiPokok")
xFunctionalAllow = xFunctionalAllow + DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absFunctionalAllow")
xSecurityAllow = xSecurityAllow + DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absSecurityAllow")
xTunjKehadiran = xTunjKehadiran + DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absTunjKehadiran")
xMealAllow = xMealAllow + DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absMealAllow")
xOthersAllow = xOthersAllow + DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absOthersAllow")
xLmbBiasa = xLmbBiasa + DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absLmbBiasa")
xLmbNasional = xLmbNasional + DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absLmbNasional")
xLmbUser = xLmbUser + DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absLmbUser")
xPotJamsostek = xPotJamsostek + DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absPotJamsostek")
xPotJamsostekKes = xPotJamsostekKes + DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absPotJamsostekKes")
xPotSeragam = xPotSeragam + DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absPotSeragam")
xPotPelatihan = xPotPelatihan + DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absPotPelatihan")
xPotInvDiklat = xPotInvDiklat + DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absPotInvDiklat")
xPotAbsen = xPotAbsen + DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absPotAbsen")
xOthersReduction = xOthersReduction + DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absOthersReduction")
xPromosi = xPromosi + DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absPromosi")
xDemosi = xDemosi + DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absDemosi")
xabs21_pph = xabs21_pph + DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("abs21_pph")
xabsGajiKotor = xabsGajiKotor + DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absGajiKotor")
xTotal = xTotal + DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absTotal")
'Write to excel cell
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD - 1).Value = DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("cstName") & " - " & DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("cloCOntLocation")
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD - 0).Value = vNoRec
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 1).Value = "'" + DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("IdEmp")
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 2).Value = DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("NmEmp")
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 3).Value = DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("ofaName")
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 4).Value = DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absGajiPokok")
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 5).Value = DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absFunctionalAllow")
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 6).Value = DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absSecurityAllow")
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 7).Value = DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absTunjKehadiran")
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 8).Value = DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absMealAllow")
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 9).Value = DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absOthersAllow")
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 10).Value = DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absLmbBiasa")
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 11).Value = DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absLmbNasional")
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 12).Value = DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absLmbUser")
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 13).Value = DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absPotJamsostek")
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 14).Value = DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absPotJamsostekKes")
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 15).Value = DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absPotSeragam")
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 16).Value = DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absPotPelatihan")
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 17).Value = DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absPotInvDiklat")
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 18).Value = DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absPotAbsen")
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 19).Value = DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absOthersReduction")
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 20).Value = DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absPromosi")
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 21).Value = DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absDemosi")
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 22).Value = DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absGajiKotor")
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 23).Value = DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("abs21_pph")
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 24).Value = DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absTotal")
'Total gaji (where absTotal not minus)
If DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absTotal") > 0 Then
vTotalGaji = vTotalGaji + DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absTotal")
xTotalGaji = xTotalGaji + DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absTotal")
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 25).Value = DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absTotal")
vTotalGaji = vTotalGaji + 0
xTotalGaji = xTotalGaji + 0
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 25).Value = 0
End If
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 26).Value = DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("sumH")
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 27).Value = DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("sumO")
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 28).Value = DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("sumC")
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 29).Value = DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("sumA")
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 30).Value = DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("sumDS")
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 31).Value = DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("sumTS")
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 32).Value = DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("sumI0")
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 33).Value = DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("sumI1")
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 34).Value = DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("sumLB")
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 35).Value = DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("sumLN")
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 36).Value = DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("sumLU")
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 37).Value = DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("sumX")
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 38).Value = DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("absKeterangan")
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 39).Value = DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("empAccBank")
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 40).Value = "'" + DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("empAccNo")
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 41).Value = "'" + DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("empDPermanent")
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 42).Value = "'" + DStbl.Tables("tmpPayrollSlip").Rows(i).Item("empDResign")
iRowD = iRowD + 1
ProgressBar1.Value = (i + 1)
lblProgress.Text = (i + 1).ToString("#,##0") + " of " + (countMax + 1).ToString("#,##0") + " Write detail to excel"
'Write sub total summary for last customer name
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 3).Value = "SUB TOTAL : "
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 4).VALUE = vGajiPokok
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 5).VALUE = vFunctionalAllow
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 6).VALUE = vSecurityAllow
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 7).VALUE = vTunjKehadiran
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 8).VALUE = vMealAllow
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 9).VALUE = vOthersAllow
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 10).VALUE = vLmbBiasa
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 11).VALUE = vLmbNasional
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 12).VALUE = vLmbUser
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 13).VALUE = vPotJamsostek
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 14).VALUE = vPotJamsostekKes
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 15).VALUE = vPotSeragam
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 16).VALUE = vPotPelatihan
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 17).VALUE = vPotInvDiklat
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 18).VALUE = vPotAbsen
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 19).VALUE = vOthersReduction
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 20).VALUE = vPromosi
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 21).VALUE = vDemosi
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 22).VALUE = vabsGajiKotor
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 23).VALUE = vabs21_pph
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 24).VALUE = vTotal
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 25).VALUE = vTotalGaji
'Format excel for summary
oWB.Sheets(SName).Range("E" + CStr(iRowD), "AA" + CStr(iRowD)).NumberFormat = "#,##0"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Range("E" + CStr(iRowD), "AA" + CStr(iRowD)).HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignRight
oWB.Sheets(SName).Range("E" + CStr(iRowD), "AA" + CStr(iRowD)).Font.Bold = True
lblProgress.Text = "..."
ProgressBar1.Value = 0
'Write total summary
iRowD = iRowD + 2
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 3).Value = "TOTAL : "
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 4).Value = xGajiPokok
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 5).Value = xFunctionalAllow
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 6).Value = xSecurityAllow
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 7).Value = xTunjKehadiran
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 8).Value = xMealAllow
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 9).Value = xOthersAllow
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 10).Value = xLmbBiasa
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 11).Value = xLmbNasional
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 12).Value = xLmbUser
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 13).Value = xPotJamsostek
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 14).Value = xPotJamsostekKes
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 15).Value = xPotSeragam
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 16).Value = xPotPelatihan
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 17).Value = xPotInvDiklat
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 18).Value = xPotAbsen
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 19).Value = xOthersReduction
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 20).Value = xPromosi
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 21).Value = xDemosi
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 22).Value = xabsGajiKotor
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 23).Value = xabs21_pph
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 24).Value = xTotal
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD, iColD + 25).Value = xTotalGaji
'Format excel
oWB.Sheets(SName).Range("A1:A2").Font.Size = 13
oWB.Sheets(SName).Range("A1", "AR4").Font.Bold = True
oWB.Sheets(SName).Range("F5", "AI" + CStr(iRowD - 1)).NumberFormat = "#,##0"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Range("F" + CStr(iRowH), "AI" + CStr(iRowD - 1)).HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignRight
'Format excel for summary
oWB.Sheets(SName).Range("E" + CStr(iRowD), "AA" + CStr(iRowD)).NumberFormat = "#,##0"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Range("E" + CStr(iRowD), "AA" + CStr(iRowD)).HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignRight
oWB.Sheets(SName).Range("E" + CStr(iRowD), "AA" + CStr(iRowD)).Font.Bold = True
'Autofit column when loop ending
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(1, 1).Value = "PERHITUNGAN GAJI SECURITY"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(2, 1).Value = "Periode : " + Format(dtabsDateBgn.Value, "yyyy-MM-dd") + " s/d " + Format(dtabsDateEnd.Value, "yyyy-MM-dd")
oWB.Sheets(SName).Range("A3", "A4").MergeCells = True 'Site and Location
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(3, 1).HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(3, 1).VerticalAlignment = Excel.XlVAlign.xlVAlignCenter
oWB.Sheets(SName).Range("B3", "B4").MergeCells = True 'No
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(3, 2).HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(3, 2).VerticalAlignment = Excel.XlVAlign.xlVAlignCenter
oWB.Sheets(SName).Range("C3", "C4").MergeCells = True 'NIP
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(3, 3).HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(3, 3).VerticalAlignment = Excel.XlVAlign.xlVAlignCenter
oWB.Sheets(SName).Range("D3", "D4").MergeCells = True 'NAMA
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(3, 4).HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(3, 4).VerticalAlignment = Excel.XlVAlign.xlVAlignCenter
oWB.Sheets(SName).Range("E3", "E4").MergeCells = True 'JABATAN
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(3, 5).HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(3, 5).VerticalAlignment = Excel.XlVAlign.xlVAlignCenter
oWB.Sheets(SName).Range("F3", "F4").MergeCells = True 'GAJI POKOK
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(3, 6).HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignRight
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(3, 6).VerticalAlignment = Excel.XlVAlign.xlVAlignCenter
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(3, 7).Value = "TUNJANGAN"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(3, 7).HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter
oWB.Sheets(SName).Range("G3", "K3").MergeCells = True
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(3, 12).Value = "LEMBUR"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(3, 12).HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter
oWB.Sheets(SName).Range("L3", "N3").MergeCells = True
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(3, 17).Value = "POTONGAN"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(3, 17).HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter
oWB.Sheets(SName).Range("O3", "U3").MergeCells = True
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(3, 29).Value = "KEHADIRAN"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(3, 29).HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter
oWB.Sheets(SName).Range("AB3", "AM3").MergeCells = True
oWB.Sheets(SName).Range("V3", "V4").MergeCells = True 'PROMOSI
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(3, 22).HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignRight
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(3, 22).VerticalAlignment = Excel.XlVAlign.xlVAlignCenter
oWB.Sheets(SName).Range("W3", "W4").MergeCells = True ' DEMOSI
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(3, 23).HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignRight
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(3, 23).VerticalAlignment = Excel.XlVAlign.xlVAlignCenter
oWB.Sheets(SName).Range("X3", "X4").MergeCells = True ' Gaji Kotor
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(3, 24).HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignRight
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(3, 24).VerticalAlignment = Excel.XlVAlign.xlVAlignCenter
oWB.Sheets(SName).Range("Y3", "Y4").MergeCells = True ' PPH 21
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(3, 24).HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignRight
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(3, 24).VerticalAlignment = Excel.XlVAlign.xlVAlignCenter
oWB.Sheets(SName).Range("Z3", "Z4").MergeCells = True ' TOTAL
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(3, 25).HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignRight
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(3, 25).VerticalAlignment = Excel.XlVAlign.xlVAlignCenter
oWB.Sheets(SName).Range("AA3", "AA4").MergeCells = True ' TOTAL GAJI
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(3, 26).HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignRight
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(3, 26).VerticalAlignment = Excel.XlVAlign.xlVAlignCenter
oWB.Sheets(SName).Range("AN3", "AN4").MergeCells = True ' Keterangan
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(3, 37).HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignLeft
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(3, 37).VerticalAlignment = Excel.XlVAlign.xlVAlignCenter
oWB.Sheets(SName).Range("AO3", "AO4").MergeCells = True ' Nama Bank
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(3, 38).HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignLeft
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(3, 38).VerticalAlignment = Excel.XlVAlign.xlVAlignCenter
oWB.Sheets(SName).Range("AP3", "AP4").MergeCells = True ' No.Rekening
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(3, 39).HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignLeft
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(3, 39).VerticalAlignment = Excel.XlVAlign.xlVAlignCenter
oWB.Sheets(SName).Range("AQ3", "AQ4").MergeCells = True ' Tgl. Masuk
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(3, 40).HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignLeft
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(3, 40).VerticalAlignment = Excel.XlVAlign.xlVAlignCenter
oWB.Sheets(SName).Range("AR3", "AR4").MergeCells = True ' Tgl. Keluar
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(3, 41).HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignLeft
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(3, 41).VerticalAlignment = Excel.XlVAlign.xlVAlignCenter
'Line formated
oRange = oWB.Sheets(SName).Range("A3", "AR" + CStr(iRowD))
With oRange.Borders(Excel.XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeTop)
.LineStyle = Excel.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous
.Weight = Excel.XlBorderWeight.xlMedium
.ColorIndex = 1
End With
With oRange.Borders(Excel.XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeBottom)
.LineStyle = Excel.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous
.Weight = Excel.XlBorderWeight.xlThin
.ColorIndex = 1
End With
With oRange.Borders(Excel.XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeLeft)
.LineStyle = Excel.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous
.Weight = Excel.XlBorderWeight.xlThin
.ColorIndex = 1
End With
With oRange.Borders(Excel.XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeRight)
.LineStyle = Excel.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous
.Weight = Excel.XlBorderWeight.xlThin
.ColorIndex = 1
End With
With oRange.Borders(Excel.XlBordersIndex.xlInsideVertical)
.LineStyle = Excel.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous
.Weight = Excel.XlBorderWeight.xlThin
.ColorIndex = 1
End With
With oRange.Borders(Excel.XlBordersIndex.xlInsideHorizontal)
.LineStyle = Excel.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous
.Weight = Excel.XlBorderWeight.xlThin
.ColorIndex = 1
End With
'Footer tertanda
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD + 3, iColD + 1).Value = "Tangerang, " + Format(Now, "dd MMM yyyy")
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD + 4, iColD + 1).Value = "Dibuat oleh,"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD + 7, iColD + 1).Value = "Meylitha"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD + 7, iColD + 1).Font.Underline = True
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD + 8, iColD + 1).Value = "Payroll"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD + 10, iColD + 1).Value = "Tembusan Kasir"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD + 4, iColD + 4).Value = "Diperiksa,"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD + 7, iColD + 4).Value = "Ernina"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD + 7, iColD + 4).Font.Underline = True
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD + 7, iColD + 4).HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD + 8, iColD + 4).Value = "HR Manager"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD + 8, iColD + 4).HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD + 4, iColD + 9).Value = "Diperiksa,"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD + 7, iColD + 9).Value = "Sastra"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD + 7, iColD + 9).Font.Underline = True
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD + 7, iColD + 9).HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD + 8, iColD + 9).Value = "Wakil Direktur"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD + 8, iColD + 9).HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD + 4, iColD + 13).Value = "Disetujui,"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD + 7, iColD + 13).Value = "Thomas Torana"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD + 7, iColD + 13).Font.Underline = True
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD + 7, iColD + 13).HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD + 8, iColD + 13).Value = "Direktur"
oWB.Sheets(SName).Cells(iRowD + 8, iColD + 13).HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter
'Password for excel
oWB.Sheets(SName).Protect("gbn@123", AllowSorting:=True, AllowFormattingCells:=True, AllowFormattingColumns:=True, AllowFormattingRows:=True)
'Make sure Excel is visible and give the user control of Excel's lifetime.
oXL.Visible = True
oXL.UserControl = True
'Release object {oWB.Close():oXL.Quit()}
oSheet = Nothing : releaseObject(oSheet)
End Sub
Private Sub Delay(ByVal DelayInSeconds As Integer)
Dim TS As TimeSpan
Dim TargetTime As DateTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(DelayInSeconds)
TS = TargetTime.Subtract(DateTime.Now)
Application.DoEvents() ' Keep App Responsive
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10) ' Reduce CPU Usage
Loop While TS.TotalSeconds > 0
End Sub
Private Sub DelayMSC(ByVal DelayInMilliseconds As Integer)
Dim timeOut As DateTime = Now.AddMilliseconds(DelayInMilliseconds)
'Keep the app from freezing and allow Windows to continue processing.
Loop Until Now > timeOut 'Keep looping until the elasped time of milliseconds.
End Sub
Private Sub releaseObject(ByVal obj As Object)
Catch ex As Exception
obj = Nothing
End Try
End Sub