The Answer was in the Wiki [^]of the page.
Good Luck
I tried to using BuildZip printer to recreate my pdf files.
And retried to use LRFTools to convert them but the result the same.
Have no change.
Any option when printing(dpi,color,...)
In another way, i used calibre(.exe) tool, it can convert some (better than LRF tool) but not convert successfully 100%.
Can anybody tell me the best software(opensource are welcome) to convert pdf to epub.
Thanks and regards !
I don't see any Java there. Plenty of JavaScript, but no Java.
Try the Web Development forum.
Incidentally, this sort of thing does nothing useful:
<br />
newTable = null;<br />
delete newTable;<br />
You have set the variable to null before calling delete, so what exactly will be deleted?
I'm trying to debug a code. I'm trying to plug in numbers for the code below, but how do I initalize (!m). !m is suppose to be a boolean.
The error I'm getting for (!m) is:
symbol : variable m
location: class homework3.Main
if (!m)
package homework3;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int a;
int b;
int c;
int d;
int x;
int y;
int z;
if (a>b)
if (b>c)
if (y==x)
else z++;
if (!m)
System.out.println("You may find yourself");
System.out.println("Living in a shotgun shack");
System.out.println("You may ask yourself");
System.out.println("Well - How did I get here?");
if (x!=0)
if (a!=c)
if (c==5)
System.out.println("Same as it ever was"+a);
else if (c==6)
System.out.println("Same as ot ever was"+b);
else if (c==7)
System.out.println("Same as it ever was"+c);
System.out.println("Same as it ever was"+x);
I also need to deteremine the output for the code as well.
For Example:
int a=2; b=4; c=7; double x=2.0; u=3.14; z=-7.0;boolean m=true;
I was going to try also to add this in the code above but it does not work either.
You're creating variables but not initializing their values or setting them anywhere, furthermore as you pointed out you are testing a condition on a variable (m) but never assigned it a value or declared that value anywhere, so it doesn't exist.
Try adding to your code a boolean m = false (or true ) and go through your code, I did not go through the entire application but you might have similar errors.
Try making your application accept input to assign to each variable so then you can run tests for different possible outcomes.
There is no 'm', no wonder the messages make little sense.
Plz tell me the language which is easy and used for developing software.My age is 15 so plz tell me which i can learn easy.
If you have no background in computing then I would suggest you start with Visual Basic. Have a look at these tutorials[^] and see how you get on.
zero.zero wrote: I suggest you start with SMALL BASIC
Good suggestion, I had forgotten about that.
Personally i suggest Java, because there are plenty of tutorials and it is completely free and easy to learn. I have recently began programming Java and i eally enjoy it!!!
Ok anybody go any good links some PDF Format tutorails for Java???????
Why not try the "source" of all Java --- www.java.sun.com? They have tutorials for everything in Java!
AF Pilot
i have tried the Java.Sun site but they dont get to the point quick enough .
TGeist wrote: they dont get to the point quick enough
Wrong. If you look in the right place, they get to the point. Also the important, nay huge, point that needs to be made is that all the tutorials start with the basics and build up from there. What a stupid idea, you wouldn't create a java application that way...
Panic, Chaos, Destruction.
My work here is done.
hi guys,
can anyone send me the name of J2EE books which are good and easy to understand.
I would start with this book[^]. Google a bit to get it.
sir help me in this regards,i vl waiting for ur positive reply.
Your task is to create a programming system for a ferry. The ferry transports passengers and vehicles (cars, busses, lorries and bicycles). The ferry has space for 200 passengers and 40 cars. A lorry need as much space as two busses or 8 cars. A car need as much space as 5 bicycles. There are different fees for different vehicles and an extra fee might be added for passengers. Use the following fees:
1. Passenger without vehicle, 20 kr.
2. Bicycle 40 kr (passenger included).
3. Car 100 kr + 15 kr/passenger. (maximum 4 passengers)
4. Bus 200 kr + 10 kr/ passenger. (maximum 20 passengers)
5. Lorry 300 kr + 15 kr/ passenger. (maximum 2 passengers)
Every type of vehicle (car, bus, lorry, bicycle) will inherit from the class Vehicle. The functionality of the ferry is given by the interface Ferry :
public interface Ferry {
int countPassengers(); // Number of passengers on board
int countVehicleSpace(); // Used vehicle space. One car is 1.
int countMoney(); // Earned money
Iterator iterator(); // Vehicle iterator
void embark(Vehicle v); // Embark vehicle, warning if not enough space
void embark(Passenger p); // Embark passenger, warning if not enough room
void disembark(); // Clear (empty) ferry. The money earned remains,
// i.e., is not reset to zero
boolean hasSpaceFor(Vehicle v); // true if we can embark vehicle v
boolean hasRoomFor(Passenger p); // true if we can embark passenger p
String toString(); // Nice looking ferry status print out
A vehicle cannot leave the ferry until the ferry has been disembarked and the same vehicle cannot embark twice. The ferry iterator should iterate over all vehicles embarked (not the passengers). Also write a test program FerryMain.java, embarking a number of vehicles and passengers, showing the functionality of the methods.
# Exercise 2 (Getting Started with JUnit)
In this exercise we provide you with two classes. DataNetwork is a utility class, used in a real life project, to convert sequences of bytes (comming from the network) into Java data types. DataNetworkTest contains the tests for the previous class. Your task is:
1. Create a new project in Eclipse.
2. Configure the project to use JUnit 4 (see above).
3. Copy this two file (you will need to create the package da2222 first).
4. Execute the test and see the green bar.
5. Uncomment the second assertEquals and see the red bar. :'(
6. Make it green!
7. Append a small comment in the getShort() javadoc explaining what happened.
package da2222;
* Utility class to retrieve data from a byte array (in network format).
public class DataNetwork {
* Get the byte in the specific offset.
public static byte get(byte[] data, int offset) {
return data[offset];
* Get the short in the specific offset. Big endian
public static short getShort(byte[] data, int offset) {
return (short) (get(data, offset) << 8 | get(data, offset + 1));
package da2222;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import org.junit.*;
public class DataNetworkTest {
public void testGetShort() {
byte[] data = new byte[] {(byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x20, (byte) 0x84};
assertEquals(0x0020, DataNetwork.getShort(data, 0));
//assertEquals(0x2084, DataNetwork.getShort(data, 1));
# Exercise 3 (Writing JUnit Tests)
In your first assignment, Exercise 7, you implemented a class Arrays.java containing a number of methods that manipulated integer arrays. The task is now to implement a JUnit test (ArraysTest.java) for the class, verifying the correctness of each method.
# Exercise 4 (Generics and JUnit)
In your first assignment, Exercise 12, you provided a class that implemented a simple Queue interface.
1. Convert your implementation (both the interface and the class implementing it) to a generic Queue.
2. Write a JUnit test (QueueTest.java) for the generic Queue implementation that verifies the correctness of each method in the interface. Remember to test also the "extreme cases" (operations on an empty Queue, add a huge amount of elements...).
Air,Food,Water,and Google absolute necessities for life.
If you did not nail down the OO assignment from last time then go over it again. For JUNIT follow these:
2. eclipse guide[^]
3. Others[^]
Good luck
Please suggest an idea of implementing a dictionary program in Java using collections.