Sorry, but that is still not acceptable. There is no description of what actual problem this will help to solve. Two blocks of code with no details of what the code does, where it should be placed, or why. Please go to the links I gave you and read them carefully, in order to understand what an article or tip should contain. If you want further ideas then read some of the articles post by @RichardDeeming, @OriginalGriff. And here is another example of what a well written example looks like FMBomb - A Beginner's Approach to Hardware Programming[^]. And you do not need to be an electronics expert to understand the structure of the article. So stop rushing to post every few lines of code that you write, and think carefully about what you want to say.
Thank you, just edited, please review the tip/trick
Please stop posting, and read my suggestions above.
This is my entirely reviewed post, thanks
Thank you, just done, please check!
You have not done anything, you are just reposting the same thing over and over. As I keep suggestiong, stop posting something that we keep telling you is not accptable for publication. Go to the links I gave you and look at examples of properly well written aricles and tips.
I hope this is my last post, waiting for your comments.
I have added the problem description, outcome and vice versa.
Just re-worked, there's no more to add for this tip/trick - it's quite clear in the sense of term framework.
Thanks for information, It's a full article for review - IdahoJS
To add to what @Richard-MacCutchan has said, I sent you a long message two days ago which explained why we keep rejecting it, and suggesting what you need to do to get it through.
As it stand, nothing has changed that invalidates any of what I said - your framework is still unusable without significant effort being put in by every reader to try and work out what you can do with it, and what benefits they might get - and that's before they eve=n try to work out how to use it to get those benefits.
As such (and given the huge number of "frameworks" that are out there already) what you have submitted here is useless - nobody will use your framework because nobody will invest the time in checking if it will help them significantly. It's like you built a new car and hid it in a garage with a sign on the door saying "Good new vehicle inside" but bricked up the doors and windows and didn't leave any contact info! You won't sell any cars that way because nobody is going to see it.
We moderators aren't here to make your life difficult, or to be nasty - quite the reverse, we protect the site from not-ready articles, and authors from the derision and downvotes that poorer articles can receive. And to be a moderator, you have to write articles, so we know what it feels like when you slave away on something and Joe Moron from Stupidity High School, Kansas finds out it's not what he needs to hand in as his homework ...
If we let this though as it stands, it would - at best - be ignored, and more likely downvoted into oblivion.
I'm sure you have put a lot of effort into getting the framework code right but without actual info we as readers have no idea if it's something we could use in our projects.
"I have no idea what I did, but I'm taking full credit for it." - ThisOldTony
"Common sense is so rare these days, it should be classified as a super power" - Random T-shirt
AntiTwitter: @DalekDave is now a follower!
public class clsb
public string subjectName = "";
public string mainsubject()
return subjectName;
public class clsA : clsb
public string subjectName = "";
public string Allsubject()
return subjectName;
private void getdata()
clsA obj = new clsA();
obj.subjectName = "English";
string A2 = obj.mainsubject();
Dear CodeProject,
I'm really disappointed why my tip/trick is constantly deleted.
Best regards,
Mirzakhmet Syzdykov
Assuming you're referring to this one[^], it's clearly not of sufficient quality to be posted. One unexplained code-dump and a screen-shot does not make for a good tip!
The associated GitHub repo[^] doesn't provide any details either.
Take a step back, and imagine you're looking at this from the perspective of someone who hasn't written the code. Can you tell what it's meant to do, what it can be used for, or what problem it's meant to solve?
No. Because you haven't explained it at all.
Unsurprisingly, and once again to your disappointment, your "tip" is about to be deleted again. You need to put more effort into it before you post it; if you just keep trying to push it through as-is, you risk being flagged as a troll.
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer
I see. Thank you for confirming that you are a troll. Your account will now be closed.
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer
Apologies Dear Richard Deeming,
I have done the new submission with all your comments included.
Dear Richard Deeming,
Please help
Hello! I sent you my article for publication twice. The first time I sent it to the specified mail and the second time I sent it to the site itself. But I did not receive any answer, and my article completely disappeared on the site. When will I receive a response and how can I find a submitted article to your site?
Have you checked your email? If the article was rejected from moderation you should have received an email with information about it
If something has a solution... Why do we have to worry about?. If it has no solution... For what reason do we have to worry about?
Help me to understand what I'm saying, and I'll explain it better to you
Rating helpful answers is nice, but saying thanks can be even nicer.
Thanks for the answer! No, we did not receive anything, we checked the mail.
Apologies. I can't seem to find a record of your submission in any email account, or in Junk mail. Could you please resend your article to sean@codeproject.com?
Sean Ewington
i posted April 16 of this year a Tip/Trick article titled "Output to Console w/o Broken Word Wrap" it seems to not be available any longer . was it deleted as being overly trivial ?
Do you happen to have a copy of the article? Could you please email me a copy? sean@codeproject.com
I can't seem to access it from your article list.
Sean Ewington