We're looking into it and if after testing we find it is a moderation queue issue we'll fix it.
Sorry about that.
Chris Maunder
The Code Project | Co-founder
Microsoft C++ MVP
I click on the link for "HelpBuilder - Visual Studio user friendly documentation by jack.vseumel" and get the message
"This article has not yet been approved for publication by our membership. It should be available soon.
Please go to the .NET Framework Table of Contents to view the list of available articles in this section."
It appears this article was submitted on July 2nd of 2012. How long does it take to approve an article.
That article was not accepted for publication, and is not available.
One of these days I'm going to think of a really clever signature.
Thank you for your reply. The message WAS a little confusing.
I am astounded that "Window docker application By MR. AngelMendez | 17 Aug 2012 | Article"[^], has been approved, and published.
There is nothing original in it, and the title is mis-leading: he is not discussing anything to do with "docking," but simply discussing the well known api hack to launch another application inside a C# Windows Form.
imho, that's a very bad thing do in all but the most unusual scenarios: unless the author shows how the Windows Form in C# can inter-operate with the captured application, which would be a tour-de-force of API manipulation, I would guess, but is also of very limited use (the exception being, of course, the whole inter-operation structure is pre-defined, as it is with "Office Automation."
Further, the article first cites someone else's work as the source of where the author discovered the simple fact of how you change a Form's opacity:
"I got this information from Mahesh Chand he made a great article about this here is his link if you want to check it out. http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/uploadfile/mahesh/trackbar-in-C-Sharp/."
Then, immediately after that citation, disclaims it: "Actually, I don't remember where I got code My apologies, if you want to use another way then I would suggest looking at Mahesh Chand's article."
The trivial discussions of how you make a Windows Form TopMost, and what a Windows Form TrackBar are: are here elevated to undue importance complete with screenshots.
Unfortunately this is an example of a type of a large number of articles that are posted here that just recite the author's experience of their own personal discovery of something well-known, or are completely unnecessary tutorials, many of them by students who just want the "sublime feeling" of having something published on CP (or want something to put on their resume ?).
This article makes me wish that there were a "Report" button on articles, independent on "ratings" !
What happened here ? There's barely enough material for a Tip/Trick here, if the author would care to post only the already well known API hack for launching another app inside a Windows Form.
best, Bill
"One of the few good things about modern times: If you die horribly on television, you will not have died in vain. You will have entertained us." Kurt Vonnegut
modified 16-Aug-12 20:31pm.
BillWoodruff wrote: This article makes me wish that there were a "Report" button on articles, independent on "ratings" !
Red flag next to tabs at the top, next to article star rating.
A few Minutes back I have posted my article and I don't see any code or attachments in the Browse code section of my article. But I have attached a .zip file which contains the source code. Can you please tell me how to confirm if my article has attachments or not ?
All fixed.
Chris Maunder
The Code Project | Co-founder
Microsoft C++ MVP
blog Rss feed URL[^] This is what url I used to feed my blog for CodeProject but it seems CP is not feeding blogs properly. Its have been more than month but I cant see my last blog (Entitled :Cryptography : Symmetric Encryption by Symmetric Algorithm Classes – Part 1 ) is being feeded.
Please check whats wrong.
It looks like your <description> tag does not contain the entire post. Is there a way you could change that?
Sean Ewington
The Code Project
what <description> tag ?? I have checked my url feed again by per post. everything is looking fine and CP has also consumed my previous blogs with same mentioned URL whatever dont know why this time getting problem
It looks like you're using wordpress.com so please do the following: Code Project Technical Blog FAQ[^]
Really we just need to have your full text in the feed. (if you look at the <description> tag later your whole post should be in there).
Please let me know if you run into any problems.
Sean Ewington
The Code Project
Sean Ewington wrote: Really we just need to have your full text in the feed.
Oops! my setting was changed! my bad
now I have changed to "Full text" from "Summary" for each article in feed show. and also have again review of category name.
Now I think everything is fine and hope soon CP will start to feed my blog.
Hey Sean! just notice that after chaging setting too the Rss feed url is not able to show full text blogs in Firefox, but strange is that I am able to get Full text in IE(Internet Explorer).
It looks damn Irritating because showing fulltext in IE but not showing in Firefox.
Bizarre. I guess the real trick is to see if it shows up in our feed or not. When did you change it?
Sean Ewington
The Code Project
Sean Ewington wrote: Bizarre.
Sean Ewington wrote: I guess the real trick is to see if it shows up in our feed or not.
Yeah Its working in CP Feed.
Sean Ewington wrote: When did you change it?
four days back. 16 Aug
Sean Ewington
The Code Project
Got it. Thanks Mike.
Sean Ewington
The Code Project
1. I am using VS Studio 2012 RC: can I reliably assume that all examples I compile against Framework 3.0, are going to be usable (assuming I am using zero new features of C# post FrameWork 3.0).
And, yes, of course, I will test the code to make sure, but I'm just curious to know what you would expect. Since my hard-disk crash and system restoration, I haven't bothered to re-install my copy of VS 2010 Pro.
2. My goal is to write what is essentially a "Tutorial" that will take newcomers to WinForms from "soup to nuts," via starting out "simple," and then, gradually, adding on levels of complexity.
At the same time, I hope that the final outcome (the final project) will be useful, and interesting, to advanced WinForm programmers: at least reflect some "novel" ways of approaching certain tasks.
I am debating right now whether this should be one article, with carefully "moving toward more depth" "segments" ... and each segment accompanied by a complete downloadable zipped solution.
My concern is: that if I separate this out into a series of articles, the chunks, segments, whatever, may not have really enough "meat on the bone" (content), to "measure-up" to what I consider the standards for a stand-alone CP article.
I would appreciate your opinions, ideas, reactions, particularly to issue number two.
thanks, Bill
"Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real." Niels Bohr
I guess it depends on how tiny the segments are. A single article would be the safer way to go, but as long as you solve something substantial on each segment, I suspect you'll be OK. I'd be happy to look at any drafts as well.
Sean Ewington
The Code Project
Thanks Sean, even if "belated," for your response: at this point I feel one longer article with "segments" is the way to go.
best, Bill
"One of the few good things about modern times: If you die horribly on television, you will not have died in vain. You will have entertained us." Kurt Vonnegut
Hi guys, When I tried to modify the source URL of my Technical Blog is changing to Article.
How can I change only the URL?
Christian Amado
Olimpia ☆ ★★★
Please mark as answer, if it helps.
Hi Christian,
Is this the source URL on the article itself? Is it not the correct one once the blog has been aggregated?
Sean Ewington
The Code Project