Why pick the ones you don't understand (and which most likely the "teacher" didn't either, at this stage). 30 Days.
"Before entering on an understanding, I have meditated for a long time, and have foreseen what might happen. It is not genius which reveals to me suddenly, secretly, what I have to say or to do in a circumstance unexpected by other people; it is reflection, it is meditation." - Napoleon I
<pre>How to add horizontal line under DIV</pre>
I never mastered web development, but I did master the horizontal rule.
"Before entering on an understanding, I have meditated for a long time, and have foreseen what might happen. It is not genius which reveals to me suddenly, secretly, what I have to say or to do in a circumstance unexpected by other people; it is reflection, it is meditation." - Napoleon I
The horizontal rule answer will work perfectly. But, if you don't want to create a separate element (tag) for it, then there is a second way... just use the bottom border on the div tag itself. Divs by default will span 100% of their container, so the net effect would be the same as a hr tag but while keeping the document tree clean.
#with-border {
border-bottom: black 1px solid;
<div id="with-border">
Jeremy Falcon
there is a <hr> html tag for this purpose, and you can further sytle it with CSS if you want.
1. You are replying to the wrong person.
2. The post is almost a year old.
3. The <hr> element was already mentioned by Richard MacCutchan in the first reply to the question.
Resurrecting old posts to repeat what has already been said stinks of plagiarism, which is not tolerated here, and of "rep point farming", which is also not tolerated.
If you're going to reply to a question, make sure you have read and understood the question, that your answer hasn't already been posted, and that you are replying to the correct message.
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer
vefaakin wrote: there is a <hr> html tag for this purpose, and you can further style it with CSS if you want. And it shouldn't be used. Stop giving terrible advice online. It's conflating presentation with semantic markup of a document. Using an hr tag is no better than using a bold tag or marquee tag. Just because they exist doesn't mean it's a good idea.
Jeremy Falcon
Also, I think the only reason your question was downvoted btw was because it was poorly formatted. You'll probably get more answers if you put just a bit off effort into the question. Just a tip for next time.
Jeremy Falcon
I am attempting to add facebook and twitter share button plugins to the pages of a website I am working on. So far I have only added them to three pages because I am having mixed results with functionality on both my local copy of the site and the live version.
In order to generate the code for the facebook share button on each page, I followed the instructions here - https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/share-button.
In order to generate the code for the Twitter share button, I followed the instructions here https://publish.twitter.com/#
For both the facebook and twitter share buttons I generated the code using the urls of the live site and pasted that code in both the relevant live and local pages.
The code generated and embedded in the divs "shares" and "share-box" is as follows:
<div id="fb-root"></div>
<script async defer crossorigin="anonymous" src="https://connect.facebook.net/en_GB/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v16.0" nonce="bZ0Vs3J7"></script>
<div id = "shares">
<div class = "share-box">
<div class="fb-share-button"
<a target="_blank" href="https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fsuperspreads.co.uk%2Fsuperspreads-area-I-cover--plasterer-dewsbury-west-yorkshire.html&src=sdkpreparse" class="fb-xfbml-parse-ignore">Share</a>
<div class = "share-box ">
<a href="https://twitter.com/share?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw"
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Opera is the only browser that tolerates the plugins on both a local copy of the site and the live version
In firefox, the local copy of the site tolerates both the plugins and they work as intended. That is clicking the "share" or "tweet" buttons activates the relevant plugin and provides the opportunity to share the chosen url on facebook and twitter respectively. The information in the page specific open grapgh tags and twitter meta tags are collected also.
As you hover over the facebook button, prior to clicking, the code that will be parsed is:
As you hover over the twitter button, prior to clicking, the code that will be parsed is:
https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^buttonembed|twterm^share|twgr^&text=Areas I cover| Plasterer | Super Spreads - Dewsbury - West Yorkshire&url=https://superspreads.co.uk/superspreads-area-I-cover--plasterer-dewsbury-west-yorkshire.html
With the live site, firefox shows the anchor text for each button, "Share" and "Tweet", when the page is first loaded, but not the graphics for each button. When the page is refreashed "Share" dissappears. "Tweet" remains and the link works to a point but not all the intended code is parsed. The plugin is reduced to providing you a means to tweet something but not share the intended url. Hence as you hover over the twitter anchor text, in this instance, the code that will be parsed is:
chrome and edge behave the same for both the local and live versions of the site: The facebook button functions and displays as intended. The twitter button only displays the link text, "Tweet", and as with the live firefox twitter link, not all the intended code is parsed.
safari struggles to fully load the pages of the local version of the site that have the facebook and twitter plugins code active on them. And won't go beyond the SERP when you click on the live site link there.
Because the plugin code comes from the recommended sources, and has been pasted into the sites html as instructed, I really am at a loss as to how to tackle the problem. Has anyone encountered this before and solved the issue?
I wondered if it might be something to do with my host provider but then the problems are not limited to the live site....
Thanks, in anticipation of your response.
I have discovered that all the functionality failings mentioned in my original post are only relevant to when you are on a desktop device! I'm unsure about tablets aswell becasue I don't have one to test with...
However, I downloaded all the browsers to my mobile and the share buttons worked on all of them. Plus the information they retrieved from each page for sharing purposes was accurate also.
I am still stumped, and cross actually, that there should be an issue with the functionality on desktop appliances. Although 98%+ of social media browsing is carried out on phones and tablets in 2023 overall just under 50% of other browsing is still carried out on desktops (https://www.broadbandsearch.net/blog/mobile-desktop-internet-usage-statistics). Plus with all the efforts web designers/developers have to go to to make their sites work on all platforms, why are big tech providing code resources that are throwing up these problems?
I still want to keep this post open because the issue is not solved on desktops. And I'm about to design a site that sells images. I doubt many people will part with substantial sums by what they see of these images on a mobile device... And they are hardly going to be encouraged by seeing/experiencing broken social links on all the pages they care to view on their desktop.
If anyone can share with me how they incorporated their share buttons across all devices successfully, I'd really appreciate it.
UPDATE-2 > PROBLEM SOLVED > 27.04.2023
As I pointed out in my first post of this thread, I assumed the best way to achieve adding facebook and twitter share buttons to a site I work on would be to utilise the code generation tools I found on official sources for both facebook and twitter.
I was stumped by the poor results of the plugins, produced by these facebook and twitter resources, when using a multitude of browsers on a desktop computer (chrome, firefox, edge, safari and opera).
When using the internet, on a desktop computer, to do doing something non code related I stumbled upon a webpage that had functioning social media share buttons. I viewed the source code and adapted what I found for the site I work on - including styling these buttons in a fashion that suited the sites colour scheme. My adaptations worked for both facebook and twitter. This webpage also had code for sharing the page via email. So I adapted that too. Soon after this I found a simple way of incorporating a share button for whatsapp too.
The bare-bones code to add these four share buttons, so that they work across all platforms, is as follows:
For a facebook share:
<a href="https://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=[the url of the page you want to share goes here]"></a>
For a twitter share:
<a href="https://twitter.com/share?url=[the url of the page you want to share goes here]"></a>
For an email share:
<a href="mailto:?[the url of the page you want to share in the email goes here]"></a>
To share via whatsapp
<a href="https://wa.me/?[the url of the page you want to share in the whatsapp message goes here]"></a>
The site I found left the anchor tag textless and just styled it with an icon for each share.
In my case I chose to add the text "Share", "Tweet", "Email" and "WhatsApp" to the anchors just so it will be a bit more informative to the person browsing what the button does. It seems there are many webpages out there that have both share and follow social media anchor tags on their pages - but no instructions to the person browsing which anchors do which! In recent discussions about this I've found that this leaves tentative users (usually over 45 years of age) to ignore them out of fear. And leaves confident users to leave them alone because they don't have time to go through the irritation of not knowing wheather the anchor in question will take them to the social site in question or wheather it will give them the opportunity to share the page they are on. I concluded each scenario is a potentially wasted opportunity so designed the share buttons to be more instructive.
In the interests of being instructive (particularly for the tentative user) I also designed the anchor tags to behave like anchor tags. That is they behave differntly in the hover state than the resting state.
Furthermore, because I incorporated image-based icons in the anchor tags I was legitamately able to use the title property, which in best practice is reserved for images, within the anchor tag. This way fool proof instructions about the intention behind connecting with the ahcor could be relayed.
Finally, in order to do what I could to keep the person engaged with the site I added the 'target="_blank"' property to the anchors. So the code might not generate pop up behaviour, but atleast engaging in the share would lead to a new window being opened rather than being taken away from the site completely.
By the time I'd incorporated all this instruction via code, the facebook share button code, for the index page of the site I work on, looked like this:
<div class = "fb" >
<div class = "fb-share-box-image">
<a href="https://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=https://www.superspreads.co.uk/"
target="_blank" title = "Share this page on Facebook or in Messenger" >
<div class = "fb-share-box-text">
And the styles for it were as follows:
border:0px solid red;
border-radius: .25em;
.fb-share-box-image a{
background-image: url(facebook-and-messenger-share_match_anchor_5.png);
border:0px solid red;
.fb-share-box-image a:hover{
background-image: url(facebook-and-messenger-share_match_hover_3.png);
border:0px solid red;
border:0px solid blue;
As you look at the live share button here www.superspreads.co.uk
The "fb" class formed the perimeter of the whole brown shaped button.
The "fb-share-box-image" class is what adjusted the look of the anchor image and text according to resting and hover states.
The "fb-share-box-text" class confirmed the position of the anchor text within the image.
You will notice each of the classes contain 0px solid borders. Switching these to 1px solid was very useful when it came to seeing how everything was fitting together.
If you view the html source code of the index page you will notice that as well as parsing the url for the page to be shared, additional text is being parsed also. In the case of:
1...The Twitter share... This is to accomodate the twitter card generated by sharing the page. The card itself is determined by the information contained in the twitter meta tags situated in the header section of the page.
2...The Email share.... This addtional text is added so that the subject and body fields of the email are pre-populated. This is just a suggestion and can be altered by the user but a tentative user may find this pre-population useful.
3...The WhatsApp share.... This addtional text is added so that the message content is pre-populated. Again this is just a suggestion and can be altered by the user but a tentative user may find this pre-population useful.
4...The Facebook share.... No additional text is required because the facebook meta tags (situated in the header section of the page) contain all the detail to be parsed.
The text to be parsed on each of the web sites pages twitter share was individually typed to match the meta data contained in the pages twitter:title tag.
I hope this thread is now of use to budding social media coders
احتاج الى اكواد صفحه ويب جاهزة بلغة htmlو css
Google translate: I need ready-made web page codes in html and css
Two things;
1) This is an English language site, and we can only accept and answer questions in that language.
I have run this through Google Translate to produce a probably-good version, but you should check it and make sure it does say what you are actually asking.
2) While we are more than willing to help those that are stuck, that doesn't mean that we are here to do it all for you! We can't do all the work, you are either getting paid for this, or it's part of your grades and it wouldn't be at all fair for us to do it all for you.
So we need you to do the work, and we will help you when you get stuck. That doesn't mean we will give you a step by step solution you can hand in!
Start by explaining where you are at the moment, and what the next step in the process is. Then tell us what you have tried to get that next step working, and what happened when you did.
If you are having problems getting started at all, then this may help: How to Write Code to Solve a Problem, A Beginner's Guide[^]
"I have no idea what I did, but I'm taking full credit for it." - ThisOldTony
"Common sense is so rare these days, it should be classified as a super power" - Random T-shirt
AntiTwitter: @DalekDave is now a follower!
I am struggle (I know alost nothing about html) to insert three div's inside a div, something like this: Untitled hosted at ImgBB — ImgBB[^]
I have succeeeded to put only the fist div (that one with date), but the next ones (image + texts) I cannot (yet). How can I add the next two (image + mult line texts) ?
Here is y trial (didn't work correctly):
<div style="width:100%;height:100px;border: 1px dashed #4b2869;clear:left;">
<div style="width:100px;height:100%;border: 2px dashed #4f2869;display:flex;text-align: center;align-items:center;">
<div style="display:flex;">
<img src="www.test.com/img/etc.png"/>
<div style="display:flex;">
text text text text text text text text text text text text</br>
text text text text text text</br>
text text
Can you guide me to solve this task ?
There are a couple of ways to do this, but let's go with the flexbox method since that's something worth mastering anyway.
section {
background: cyan;
border: 2px dashed blue;
display: flex;
height: 100px;
section img {
width: 50px;
height: 50px;
section > * {
background: yellow;
border: 2px dashed orange;
padding: 1rem;
section > *:last-child {
flex-grow: 1;
<img src="//www.test.com/img/etc.png"/>
text text text text text text text text text text text text
text text text text text text
text text
By default, flexbox will do what you're looking for except for one thing. If you want the last div to take up the remaining space, then you'll need to use the last-child selector to specify that.
Jeremy Falcon
Thank you a lot Jeremy. It works for this test, however, I don't think I would go with this solution, because the rest of my html pages are not made it with you approach, and I guess will be difficult to control that pattern several times:
<div style="width:100%;height:100px;border: 1px dashed #4b2869;clear:left;">
<div style="width:80px;height:100%;border: 2px dashed #4f2869;display:flex;text-align: center;align-items:center;">
<div style="width:100px;float:right;">
<img src="MyImage.png"/>
<div style="float:right">
text text text text text text text text text</br>
text text text text</br>
text text text text text text text
You see, the text from the first box should be ceneterd aligned, as long the last box (the right one) should have left - top text centered.
_Flaviu wrote: You see, the text from the first box should be ceneterd aligned, as long the last box (the right one) should have left - top text centered. The right box does have text aligned that way. It's the default. Check it out.
As far as the first box, look into the first-child selector. It can be used in much the same way as the last-child one used in the example.
Jeremy Falcon
Yes, its working now, thank you a lot !!
You're very welcome.
Jeremy Falcon
Also, it's worth nothing that you only need to set display: flex on the outer container, not for every item.
Jeremy Falcon
Muppet has asked Wombat something about web push notifications - a topic they both know next to nothing about.
Q: who knows even less than who?
you cannot push something to a 'normal' user .. their modem/router firewall will block it. So it is a sort of fiddle... one way or another you have to get the user to install some sort of program. I gather browsers are maybe going to add some sort of such facility...
This is precisely what you can do now... look up "Web push notifications" - it's all the rage.
You have to get permission from the user (browser), but that's all.
well if the browser has now got that option...
yes... it looks like a push to the user... but actually the pushed messages are stored 'somewhere' and your browser pulls them
No... there is a push...
yes from your end you just push ... but the browser has to actively retrieve them
you cannot push a message into a user's PC .. well not unless they set their firewall to always accept unexpected messages
Your browser is not constantly polling the server in case there's a message for it... the server tells (pushes to) your browser it has a message for it
no it cannot! it simply won't get past the router .. unless something is telling the router it wants it
the messages will just sit there waiting if the user's browser is offline
of course it can get past the router - all routers are open to web traffic
because your browser has sent out a message .. and the router will accept a response from whoever the message went to.. within a time limit
and these ntofiicatsion work by your broswer telling the server it will accept pushes from it - this is why you have to subscribe to them
yes.. but the brower still has to ask for them! .. if you just fire a message at a router... how does it know which of many computers using it should get that message
it knows by which browsers are signed up to accept them
no.. the router has no idea what program is using it
so how does the browser know when to ask for a message then?
becasue when you tell it to allow notifications - from a specific source ... it remembers that and asks occasionally.. i think the default timeout for the router is about 15 seconds.
no - I am 100% sure that isn't how it works
it will be interesting to time how promptly the notification appears
anyone can simply poll a server on a timer
a server.. yes!
you don't need any fancy new protocls for that
i mean any browser can poll a server using a simple javascript timer
but servers have to set their firewall to always pass messages by Port number to specific PCs
but you cannot poll me, or my router
You read up on these a bit more and then come and tell me I'm wrong!
actually there is a protocol to poll my router ... but they are no longer used because bad guys cause too much trouble.. so no router now will respond to a ping
dinner time...
but i'd bet you a rhubarb pudding i am right
WhoPinchedMyName wrote: Q: who knows even less than who?
They have a term definition problem. And both failed to recognize that.
Definition of a TCP Push.
1. There are two actors: server and client. These do NOT define implementation but rather how each behaves.
2. A 'server' is waiting for a connection.
3. A 'client' opens a TCP connection. This is exact step defines the push. The one that opens it is the only one that can be defined as doing the push.
4. The 'client' sends a message to the 'server'.
What if the 'server' sends a message to the 'client'. Doesn't matter. It can't do that until the 'client' opens the connection.
A browser, in general, uses HTTP which is built on TCP. So HTTP in any discussion is irrelevant.
A browser, as used by the vast majority of the public, does not have a public IP.
A browser, the common ones do not act as server because of that (at least for this discussion.) It would be pointless because without a public IP nothing on the 'internet' could do step #3 in the above list.
Web designers use API/libraries which use terminology that uses the term 'push' which has nothing to do with the above.
That sort of push does require that the browser acts as a client (see list above).
Terminology does not change that the 'client' (browser) must first open the connection.
An easy example of this is when a user asks for a report that takes a long time to run. They might sit there refreshing the page waiting seconds, minutes or hours for it to show up. Or the web designer might make the page refresh on its own. Thus at some point the user knows that the report is ready.
But if the browser is closed there is no way for the report service to 'push' a notification that the report is done to the browser.
OK... but isn't that more or less what Wombat is saying? The only one that can open a connection is the user's browser - they are the client - and the server can only "push" a notification to them once they (the client) have opened a conection.
What's puzzling Muppet then is, if this is the case, how it is called a "push" - it's just a case of the client polling the server until the server says "OK, now I have new message for you" and returning it - that's not really any different from a client pull, and can be done with a standard JavaScript setInteraval function and AJAX call... (and when a user subscribes, set a persistent cookie that tells the page to initiates this every time it is opened).
WhoPinchedMyName wrote: OK... but isn't that more or less what Wombat is saying? The only one that can open a connection is the user's browser - they are the client - and the server can only "push" a notification to them once they (the client) have opened a conection.
That does not contradict what I said.
That is a redefinition of what the term traditionally means. So they must define the term before they can agree on what is happening.
WhoPinchedMyName wrote: it's just a case of the client polling the server until the server says "OK
I wasn't going to read all of that but once a connection is established either side can send a request. So it is not necessary for the 'client' (my definition) to poll. However perhaps using their definition, not mine, they are redefining the term completely to suggest that the client (browser) poll is resulting in a push. That however is quite a stretch it terms not only of the original definition but even in what the meaning of 'push' is in the English language.