Tired of accidentally hitting Caps Lock or Insert while you're typing?
I wrote this NumCapsInsScroll app[^] to give you both visual and audible notifications when you hit one of those keys.
Download Here
Please provide feedback. Source code available upon request.
If it's not broken, fix it until it is
Thanks. Why not post it as a CP article?
That's pretty slick. 2 thoughts come to mind:
- Make each button optional...that is, I might not care about displaying the state of Scroll or Ins
- Wondering if it would look better as a set of icons in the system tray (next to the clock) instead of a floating window...that might go against Microsoft's long-standing position on "abusing" the system tray, but nobody's going to break down your front door and bring you in for questioning if you do. Besides, it could also be a user option (one or the other...or both, really).
Thanks for the feedback.
1) I like the idea of independently tracking each button. Easy option to add in.
2) The Toolbar doesn't have to be displayed. The second option on the Options dialog is "Show the toolbar", which when unchecked, hides the toolbar.
I got this idea from a similar app I saw that had an icon with 3 vertical bars that turned green when their specific button was pressed. I could do the same I guess.
As far as using the System Tray - Screw MS ...
If it's not broken, fix it until it is
Kevin Marois wrote: The Toolbar doesn't have to be displayed
Of course...but then, there's little point in leaving the app running if it's not going to show anything, right? My main point is that I'm not a fan of floating windows, especially if they're intended to show information you only want to quickly glance at.
But hey, these were merely ideas I was throwing at you.
dandy72 wrote: but then, there's little point in leaving the app running if it's not going to show anything, right?
Wrong. The app is monitoring the state of the keys. When you press one it plays a Click sound. The toolbar isn't really necessary. Closing the toolbar doesn't kill the app.
If it's not broken, fix it until it is
Ah, ok. That'll teach me to provide feedback for an app without even...downloading it.
No worries
If it's not broken, fix it until it is
If it's not broken, fix it until it is
Bad command or file name. Bad, bad command! Sit! Stay! Staaaay...
The driver they provide is for the multimedia keyboard which came with the PC. I downloaded the driver just in case but it does not include the num/caps/scroll lock indicator on the quick launch (lower right) toolbar. I have two other HP desktops (one with Visat 32 bit & one with XP) that came with the HP On-Screen Cap/Num/Scroll Lock Indicator installed at build. Still searching...
Article here compares both Faker and Faker.NET: [^]
Faker.NET : [^] available via NuGet: [^]
Faker : [^]
«Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.» Benjamin Franklin
Do you like the idea of sharing and giving back to the open source community?
Accounting System built in ASP.NET MVC is in early stage and lots of work to do but happy to share it to anyone. This will be very useful if you have future project to develop accounting system. We do the hard work for you! It is initially designed for a small size businesses and the idea is to help them running efficient business by using Accounting System fit to them.
Download source code here (https://github.com/codemvp/accountgo)
Feedback and comments are welcome.
A nice free color pic utility. clickity[^]
New version: WinHeist Version You didn't fall from the stupid tree you got dragged through the whole dumbass forest.
Video file type mpeg ts (transport stream) containing an mpeg4 type 2 recorded video stream.
I have a video file that is recorded from Axis mpeg 4 type 2 camera using ffmpeg. Although the camera settings are for 30 FPS (frames per second), ffmpeg and ffprobe and VLC reports that the FPS is 100 frames per second.
Anyone had a problem like this where the FPS seems to be in error?
ffmpeg -i AXIS_MPEG4_type2.ts shows 100 fps
ffprobe -v quiet -show_format -show_streams AXIS_MPEG4_type2.ts also shows 100 fps
VLC tools codec also shows 100 fps
If anyone would like to inspect this video file, email me at radnix@hotmail.com and I'll send a copy of the video file.
Would appreciate your opinion on the FPS.
...of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most.
Please read the preamble at the top of this page. Your question should be posted in a more appropriate forum.
If you have a Chromecast, some films in your computer and an android or iOs device, you are interested: Videostream for Chromecast[^]
This small chrome extension can transcode a bunch of file formats and send them to your chromecast, using your mobile device as a remote control to pause, play, select the file you want to play...
The idea is to be able to play your PC stored films and music into your Chromecast using your phone/tablet as a remote.
Should try this...
modified 20-Sep-20 21:01pm.
This links says article is removed.
modified 20-Sep-20 21:01pm.
Hi, yes it was removed. I was told that I cannt upload it without the source code here. you can download it from here http://nitzanlevi.com/?p=2824
Hi All,
i am looking forward to hear from you whether we have any free tool to be used at work for writing stories using Scrum method. For e.g. something on the lines of Pivotal Tracker etc.
Redmine, would have been my first thought.