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Running a Business

Questionhelp needed Pin
rakmik116-Dec-17 4:04
rakmik116-Dec-17 4:04 
AnswerRe: help needed Pin
jschell1-Jan-18 7:00
jschell1-Jan-18 7:00 
AnswerRe: help needed Pin
Randy Ga22-Feb-18 8:06
professionalRandy Ga22-Feb-18 8:06 
AnswerRe: help needed Pin
_Flaviu5-Mar-18 0:12
_Flaviu5-Mar-18 0:12 
AnswerRe: help needed Pin
cathwest9-Oct-18 23:45
professionalcathwest9-Oct-18 23:45 
QuestionIndemnity Insurance Pin
R. Giskard Reventlov1-Sep-17 11:18
R. Giskard Reventlov1-Sep-17 11:18 
AnswerRe: Indemnity Insurance Pin
DerekT-P20-Sep-19 2:13
professionalDerekT-P20-Sep-19 2:13 
Questionrobot detecting algorithms ? Pin
Isawyouoo11-Aug-17 11:47
Isawyouoo11-Aug-17 11:47 
I'm thinking months of a bot(algorithm) that can detect algorithms(written in assembly or any language) and say what they are talking about.

int factorial(int number){
int fact=1;
for(int i=1;i<=number;i++){
return fact;
the robot will read this(analyze it) and say to me that this is an algorithm that calculate factorial, it's a function that return an integer, what...(maybe he should execute it virtually, track registers, vars...) our technology is slow in development, we just invented computers, no robots yet Frown | :(
AnswerRe: robot detecting algorithms ? Pin
jschell17-Oct-17 7:28
jschell17-Oct-17 7:28 
GeneralRe: robot detecting algorithms ? Pin
Isawyouoo22-Oct-17 10:17
Isawyouoo22-Oct-17 10:17 
GeneralRe: robot detecting algorithms ? Pin
Eddy Vluggen23-Oct-17 0:59
professionalEddy Vluggen23-Oct-17 0:59 
GeneralRe: robot detecting algorithms ? Pin
Isawyouoo5-Nov-17 0:44
Isawyouoo5-Nov-17 0:44 
GeneralRe: robot detecting algorithms ? Pin
Eddy Vluggen5-Nov-17 1:05
professionalEddy Vluggen5-Nov-17 1:05 
GeneralRe: robot detecting algorithms ? Pin
jschell5-Nov-17 7:15
jschell5-Nov-17 7:15 
GeneralRe: robot detecting algorithms ? Pin
Isawyouoo5-Nov-17 23:51
Isawyouoo5-Nov-17 23:51 
GeneralRe: robot detecting algorithms ? Pin
Sascha Lefèvre6-Nov-17 0:13
professionalSascha Lefèvre6-Nov-17 0:13 
GeneralRe: robot detecting algorithms ? Pin
jschell8-Nov-17 5:57
jschell8-Nov-17 5:57 
GeneralRe: robot detecting algorithms ? Pin
DerekT-P20-Sep-19 2:41
professionalDerekT-P20-Sep-19 2:41 
AnswerRe: robot detecting algorithms ? Pin
Richard MacCutchan5-Nov-17 2:14
mveRichard MacCutchan5-Nov-17 2:14 
GeneralRe: robot detecting algorithms ? Pin
Isawyouoo6-Nov-17 0:06
Isawyouoo6-Nov-17 0:06 
AnswerRe: robot detecting algorithms ? Pin
Sherinsun29-Oct-18 21:18
Sherinsun29-Oct-18 21:18 
SuggestionAutomation Testing Tool Pin
Alisha Henderson28-Apr-17 3:16
Alisha Henderson28-Apr-17 3:16 
GeneralRe: Automation Testing Tool Pin
Ravi Lodhiya26-Dec-17 21:18
professionalRavi Lodhiya26-Dec-17 21:18 
QuestionWhat's stopping you? Pin
Member 1287125225-Nov-16 23:58
Member 1287125225-Nov-16 23:58 
AnswerRe: What's stopping you? Pin
Richard MacCutchan26-Nov-16 1:16
mveRichard MacCutchan26-Nov-16 1:16 

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