Well I just started up Visual Studio For Windows (on Win 8.1)--- terrible name but that is what you use to build Phone Apps. I looked all over teh build settings and the only thing I ccould find was an uneditable text that said, "Targeting Windows Phone 8.1"
So, not much help there. Maybe if you get the older version of studio you can. If you can get the older version of studio.
Good luck.
Yes! you can still publish the app.
Pavan Pareta
Yes - most of my games were made in XNA (not MonoGame) and target WP7.1 (Windows Phone 7.5), which allows also them to also run on WP8 & WP8.1. May not be able to build them with the latest versions of Visual Studio though - use VS2010/VS2012 for XNA/Silverlight WP7.x apps.
Thank you. I got it published to the market place. If you want to check it out, its called "WhichWay". And if you rate it, that would be most appreciated too.
I need android Game source code To understand about android Game concepts any body help me
Of which game?
Skipper: We'll fix it.
Alex: Fix it? How you gonna fix this?
Skipper: Grit, spit and a whole lotta duct tape.
You can google for samples online. There are many.
There are only 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who don't.
I'm going to go surf the support boards, but maybe someone here has an idea. If you go look at the documentation for setsockopt under Windows CE 5.0, you will read this:
The following list shows BSD options that are not supported for setsockopt .
Today I did some poking around as our next project will be on Windows Compact Embedded 7. I'm reading for Windows Compact 2013, the same options are not supported. If anything, Microsoft is consistent. <-- for the humor impaired.
Anyone out there know as to why Microsoft would not / never support the full BSD socket implementation? I can work around it (it's coyote ugly), but I'm just curious.
Charlie Gilley
<italic>Stuck in a dysfunctional matrix from which I must escape...
“Let me give you a tip on a clue to men's characters: the man who damns money has obtained it dishonorably; the man who respects it has earned it.”
Why did the chicken cross the road-question?
Better ask Microsoft.
In Word you can only store 2 bytes. That is why I use Writer.
Hi all!
I'm sorry for my english, this is not my language.
I'm developping an application on a Motorola MC75A. The language used is C# (Compact .Net 3.5) and the EMDK 2.7 (SDK of motorola).
I can take a picture and store it on the device. But I want to take a video and store it but I do not find anything to do it.
Can you help me?
Thank you.
I'm trying to make a small app to fetch some numbers from my smarthome webpage.
When trying the query in a browser like Chrome (uri: http://smarthome.trab.dk/wpf/getData.php?g=power) everything works.
In the app, it just stalls - no exceptions or errors but no data either.
The module is like this:
Public uriString As String = "http://smarthome.trab.dk"
Public Async Function getData(ByVal gType As String) As Tasks.Task(Of String)
Dim Resp As String = Nothing
Using httpClient As New HttpClient
httpClient.BaseAddress = New Uri(uriString)
httpClient.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)
Dim response As HttpResponseMessage = Await httpClient.GetAsync("/wpf/getData.php?g=" + gType.ToLower)
Resp = Await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync
End Using
Return Resp
Catch webEx As HttpRequestException
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Function
Public Function ACount() As String
Dim resp As String = getData("power").Result
Return "Actual: " + resp
End Function
Can anyone see what the problem is?
Morten Trab
I don't use VB. But you are expecting a numeric value and are returning a string (I think).
The line it strands on are:
Dim response As HttpResponseMessage = Await httpClient.GetAsync("/wpf/getData.php?g=" + gType.ToLower)
Way before returning anything to the app.
I tried to work with your code but I was a bit lost(I don't do vb). But I threw this together in no time and retrieved the result You wanted.
static void Main(string[] args)
Uri addr = new Uri( "http://smarthome.trab.dk/wpf/getData.php?g=power");
using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
string responce = client.DownloadString (addr);
I hope this helps.
Did you test this on a mobile device?
'Using' operand of type 'System.Net.WebClient' must implement 'System.IDisposal'
'DownloadString' is not a member of 'System.Net.WebClient'
Your example lead me to this, found on another site:
Public Sub getData(ByVal gType As String)
Dim addr As Uri = New Uri("http://smarthome.trab.dk/wpf/getData.php?g=" + gType)
Dim client As New WebClient()
AddHandler client.DownloadStringCompleted, AddressOf client_DownloadStringCompleted
End Sub
Private Sub client_DownloadStringCompleted(sender As Object, e As DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs)
Dim data As String = e.Result
End Sub
And it returns the data
Glad You found an answer. Good luck!
i required free XMPP library or code for Windows phone 8.1.
i was check Matrix and agsXMPP but both are paid.
please suggest me best way to develop with Chat Application using XMPP gabber.
Mahesh Arya
To develop chat app for wp all you need is appropriate winAPI.
WinAPI lets you develop SXX in quick and efficient way.
Just start with index.dre and build upon this.
Hello Doug,
I am getting issue in firmware update in GPS Y modem file write using C#.
I want to discuss with you. can you send me your skype ID?
Who, among the 11,000,000+ members of this site, is Doug?
If he was looking for Doug, I wouldn't know. But if any of you should find Dough please inform me at once
Geek code v 3.12
GCS d--- s-/++ a- C++++ U+++ P- L- E-- W++ N++ o+ K- w+++ O? M-- V? PS+ PE- Y+ PGP t++ 5? X R++ tv-- b+ DI+++ D++ G e++>+++ h--- r++>+++ y+++*
Weapons extension: ma- k++ F+2 X
Sorry by mistake message transfer to other way.
Ignore it.
I know this forum is mainly for developers. But just curious anyone does not only wanna do coding work, but also has some interests of designing a mobile game together?
My idea is to design a small but creative strategy game. It's gonna release in AppStore. The story of the game is that the player drives a spacecraft to explore the unknown universe and look for a planet that fits for human being to live. The story is inspired by the movie - Interstellar. I like it so so much. The game strategy is mainly about designing a most effective way of upgrading your spacecraft so that you could travel farther. I personally like hard sci-fic so I want the game to be visually hard sci-fic. In my current design, I'm looking at a 1 man/month coding work size of project so I'm looking for just one experienced developer to work with. If anyone happened to be a hard sci-fic fan or just be interested in making such a game, please let me know. We could talk more. I'm pretty confident that the gameplay is very attractive. And I have some creative design for in-game-purchase so we are not doing charity. But the very first thing is I need a trustworthy partner. Are you the one?
By the way, I don't think we have to sit together to work on the game. So, where you and I live is not a question. We can work out some doable procedure to make sure it's a healthy remote working relationship.