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QuestionRe: submit button Pin
ZurdoDev28-Aug-20 4:51
professionalZurdoDev28-Aug-20 4:51 
QuestionWhy ASP.NET MVC\Core ??? Pin
Steve Naidamast16-Aug-20 6:38
professionalSteve Naidamast16-Aug-20 6:38 
AnswerRe: Why ASP.NET MVC\Core ??? Pin
Mycroft Holmes16-Aug-20 12:53
professionalMycroft Holmes16-Aug-20 12:53 
GeneralRe: Why ASP.NET MVC\Core ??? Pin
Steve Naidamast18-Aug-20 6:51
professionalSteve Naidamast18-Aug-20 6:51 
GeneralRe: Why ASP.NET MVC\Core ??? Pin
Mycroft Holmes18-Aug-20 12:11
professionalMycroft Holmes18-Aug-20 12:11 
GeneralRe: Why ASP.NET MVC\Core ??? Pin
Steve Naidamast18-Aug-20 12:28
professionalSteve Naidamast18-Aug-20 12:28 
AnswerRe: Why ASP.NET MVC\Core ??? Pin
Richard Deeming16-Aug-20 22:47
mveRichard Deeming16-Aug-20 22:47 
AnswerRe: Why ASP.NET MVC\Core ??? Pin
F-ES Sitecore17-Aug-20 1:10
professionalF-ES Sitecore17-Aug-20 1:10 
I can't say I've ever considered performance to be one of the benefits of MVC, however given there is less framework stuff going on under the covers it should perform slightly better and I believe tests have shown that it does.

WebForms was an attempt to being the desktop paradigm of coding to the web where the mechanics of http was hidden behind a framework that supplied a persisted state and event-driven model the way desktop GUI apps work. I suppose this was to help people move from desktop to web easier with less of a learning curve. Conversely MVC is more of a bare-bones framework that requires better understanding of http. I'd also say it is better balanced than webforms where you can make your code server-side only, client-side heavy or a mix of both, where WebForms was focused on making things server-side only and it could be tricky doing things that were client-rich. When WebForms was popular this wasn't an issue but as the web got more client-right WebForms got slightly more unwieldy.

As Richard said, while this was a learning curve for some is it really a bad thing? Shouldn't people commit to understanding web technologies if they are writing web sites? Your remarks that MVC somehow requires javascript is a common misconception I see. You can still write everything server-side and have your partial views function like asp serverside controls if that is what you want, nothing is stopping you, you just have to handle the state management yourself and know how to work out what button was pressed, or if you want a linkbutton or autopostback type feature you'll need some js to replace the js that WebForms created for you automatically. Sure it's more work, there's no doubting that WebForms made certain tasks easier but that ease of use came at an efficiency cost and it was easier to write "bad" WebForms code.

Testing is another tool in the MVC toolbox even if you don't do test-driven development. Properly written MVC applications make it far easier to unit-test more aspects of your code due to the decoupling from a web context. That might not be important for you, but it is important in many big organisations that like to have test coverage.

I think what it really comes down to is that WebForms was seen by many (rightly or wrongly...I personally think wrongly) as a RAD or a "prototyping" technology and moving to the MVC paradigm has allowed it to grow up a little and become a bit more professional, offering greater flexibility at the expense of the developer having to do a little more work and understand web technologies a bit better.
AnswerRe: Why ASP.NET MVC\Core ??? Pin
Steve Naidamast18-Aug-20 4:22
professionalSteve Naidamast18-Aug-20 4:22 
GeneralRe: Why ASP.NET MVC\Core ??? Pin
F-ES Sitecore18-Aug-20 5:14
professionalF-ES Sitecore18-Aug-20 5:14 
GeneralRe: Why ASP.NET MVC\Core ??? Pin
Steve Naidamast18-Aug-20 5:40
professionalSteve Naidamast18-Aug-20 5:40 
GeneralRe: Why ASP.NET MVC\Core ??? Pin
F-ES Sitecore18-Aug-20 6:24
professionalF-ES Sitecore18-Aug-20 6:24 
GeneralRe: Why ASP.NET MVC\Core ??? Pin
Steve Naidamast18-Aug-20 7:30
professionalSteve Naidamast18-Aug-20 7:30 
GeneralRe: Why ASP.NET MVC\Core ??? Pin
F-ES Sitecore18-Aug-20 7:54
professionalF-ES Sitecore18-Aug-20 7:54 
AnswerRe: Why ASP.NET MVC\Core ??? Pin
ZurdoDev28-Aug-20 4:55
professionalZurdoDev28-Aug-20 4:55 
QuestionWeb.config Encryption and Decryption Pin
Otekpo Emmanuel15-Aug-20 11:21
Otekpo Emmanuel15-Aug-20 11:21 
AnswerRe: Web.config Encryption and Decryption Pin
Richard Deeming16-Aug-20 22:37
mveRichard Deeming16-Aug-20 22:37 
GeneralRe: Web.config Encryption and Decryption Pin
Otekpo Emmanuel16-Aug-20 22:45
Otekpo Emmanuel16-Aug-20 22:45 
GeneralRe: Web.config Encryption and Decryption Pin
Richard Deeming16-Aug-20 22:49
mveRichard Deeming16-Aug-20 22:49 
GeneralRe: Web.config Encryption and Decryption Pin
Otekpo Emmanuel17-Aug-20 0:53
Otekpo Emmanuel17-Aug-20 0:53 
AnswerRe: Web.config Encryption and Decryption Pin
Otekpo Emmanuel21-Aug-20 4:19
Otekpo Emmanuel21-Aug-20 4:19 
QuestionASP .NET sql database network connection string Pin
Member 1462055331-Jul-20 9:19
Member 1462055331-Jul-20 9:19 
AnswerRe: ASP .NET sql database network connection string Pin
DerekT-P31-Jul-20 9:41
professionalDerekT-P31-Jul-20 9:41 
GeneralRe: ASP .NET sql database network connection string Pin
Member 1462055331-Jul-20 10:05
Member 1462055331-Jul-20 10:05 
GeneralRe: ASP .NET sql database network connection string Pin
F-ES Sitecore1-Aug-20 1:20
professionalF-ES Sitecore1-Aug-20 1:20 

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