You stuck with EDT and did not switch to EVE/TPU?
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Correct. Though EDT became an option of TPU eventually -- EDIT/EDT .
I never got the hang of EVE and I could never figure out how to exit it whenever I started it accidently.
I still have a file of EDT macros I use when I use my OpenVMS systems (which is rare).
I also knew developers who used VI rather than TPU-based editors. An amber-screen dumb terminus doesn't know the difference.
Again, I don't adopt new things without some good reason to do so. I certainly prefer a screen editor to a line editor.
Always consider what happens if you have to work with an older system without the new tool(s). Such as, does the version of OpenVMS/VAX I have on my MicroVAX even support TPU? (I think it does.) One reason I bought the MicroVAX is because VAX BASIC has Immediate Mode .
About twenty years ago I was asked to write a program with only the tools installed on a fresh install of Windows XP (?) -- e.g. notepad and CSC.
Developers who have no clue how to write code without an IDE may find themselves unable to make any progress.
Edit: When I first learned BASIC on the PDP-11 (in 1983), the teacher taught us to use EDT in line mode (was there no screen mode yet?), but the cool kids used TECO.
modified 1-Sep-22 13:59pm.
Do you see what is wrong with the Base64 encoded data (below)?*
*Find answer at bottom of this entry.
Also, don't try decoding the data because it is non-sense because it is base64 of encrypted data.
Had a problem where my Base64 data (all of a sudden) was being corrupted.
However, it is very subtle (see ANSWER at bottom). HINT: Just one char was being corrupted.
Data Only Corrupted After Posting
I couldn't understand this. The data (before I posted it was completely fine).
Only after posting data did it get corrupted (and it's not a URL-encoding thing).
Actually, that is incorrect. The data is posted to the web site & saved in DB with no corruption.
Only after the data is returned as a part of a JSON object is the base64 data corrupted. CRazy!!
I Finally Found This Argument At Github - Spoiler ALERT!!
+ sign is changing into \u002B using JsonSerializer.Serialize · Issue #35281 · dotnet/runtime · GitHub[^]
This is a very WEIRD (and obscure) thing. I can't believe I finally figured this out. Now, I will have to implement a fix. Discovering the problem was extremely difficult because the base64 data is upwards of 40K.
Have any of you seen this?
If you guessed that the \u002B should actually be a + character, you are amazing!!
I'm sure that you've figured this out by now. That escaping behavior is actually in the JSON specification.
RFC 8259 - Section 7[^]
Yeah, it seems like it is a normal thing. It seems that it was just altering a test I had (that didn't parse it as json) that used the base64 encoded data and that is where I was seeing the issue.
It's part of a larger challenge so it looks like it was a false-positive for me.
Gads, I remember dealing with a similar issue. Turned out the issue was that the front-end wasn't using encodeURIComponent in the utility app for setting password.
Think that's because Json had a quarrel with the Argonauts some time ago
I can understand why - he got fleeced[^].
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer
Ah, learned something new, should have known that being Dutch:
Quote: In matters of commerce the fault of the Dutch Is offering too little and asking too much
Public Shared Function GetAssemblyVersion() As String
Dim version() As String = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString().Split("."c)
Return version(0) & "." & version(1) & "." & version(2) & "." & version(3)
End Function
Dijkstra was right...
anything special? sorry I am not good at VB...
diligent hands rule....
It would be almost the same in C#. He could have already gotten everything at Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version, but he continued to get a string and split it, as any VB6 programmer would prefer. And then, in the next line, he joined the strings with the same character on which he split them, meaning he already had the same result on ToString().
thanks for explaining it to me
diligent hands rule....
Saša Ćetković wrote: as any VB6 programmer would prefer
Remind me why. I have not touched VB6 since 2008.
"It is easy to decipher extraterrestrial signals after deciphering Javascript and VB6 themselves.", ISanti[ ^]
I noticed a pattern that they really like string manipulation - using magic strings, concatenating HTML as strings in ASP Classic, concatenating SQL...
This looks like VB6 to VB.Net automated code converter generated code. I tried these when VS 2005 came out and discovered it was faster, easier, and less error prone to simply copy/paste my VB6 code into the IDE and then fix it. I also ended up with faster code as a result.
There is some code that builds a dynamic Class name to load a different class as needed.
The are multiple other places where this code was copied, but there is only a single, fixed class that is needed.
Replace 10-20 lines of unnecessary code with
“new Fixed()”
For giggles I programmatically created a query that had a huge number of unions. The full message from SQL Server was:
Quote: The query processor ran out of internal resources and could not produce a query plan. This is a rare event and only expected for extremely complex queries or queries that reference a very large number of tables or partitions.
I believe SQL Server has a maximum query memory of 2 gigs. You obviously surpassed that with all the unions. I believe all unions are read into memory.
I am guessing here, I could be wrong.
There are also only 100 levels of recursion in a cursor. Found that out in the poast two weeks when a client's process failed on a stored procedure that was last edited a decade ago.
I’ve given up trying to be calm. However, I am open to feeling slightly less agitated.
Or a recursive CTE, but you can increase that I think.
I never make a large JOIN , I split it up:
Oh that's interesting! I'll have to try that!
For inner joins the optimizer will disregard any order of the joins, or any parentheses for that matter.
If you want to force a specific order there's a hint for that: OPTION (FORCE ORDER)
For outer joins this is not the case, they will happen in the relative order specified.