Besides the problem of repeating the same thing inside a catch, the other big problem is that the second time also throws an error sometimes. The "easy" fix was to put another try and catch block inside that catch, until I could understand what the hell was happening in that code
This calls for a do-while! xD
bool failure = true;
failure = false;
catch(Exception e)
failure = true;
} while (failure);
See Einstein's definition of insanity.
If you have an important point to make, don't try to be subtle or clever. Use a pile driver. Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time - a tremendous whack.
--Winston Churchill
I don't think this counts, because they are EXPECTING different results once they have an exception...
Einstein never used a (modern) computer.
Two minor points here:
1. Einstein was a physicist, not a psychologist or psychiatrist. Being a genius in one field does not necessarily qualify you to speak with authority in any other.
2. He never said it anyway. At least he seems to have been smart enough to know (1).
"If you don't fail at least 90 percent of the time, you're not aiming high enough."
Alan Kay.
I'm assuming the programmer assumed the first try could go wrong and handles exceptions in the caller.
The retry is really just that, retry and if it fails just fail (like it could fail the first time, under normal conditions, as well).
Repeating two simple lines of code (not even business logic) isn't really a problem.
If that was the problem the author of that code tried to 'fix', (s)he should've added a comment to indicate that.
Even though I consider comments to be one of the evils of programming I agree with you on this one
If your comments do not fill at least one third of your code, copy & paste until it does!
We actually had such a rule.
Our automated build system would keep giving us errors "At least 25% of a file must be comments."
After some insistence from my part they disabled that rule
Being a rather elderly gentleman, I am very religious in my documentation. I know I will be maintaining my own code and will not remember why I did something. Most of my documentation is the "why" I did something or "how" it works, but occasionally I justify to myself why a particular construct or pathway was chosen. My code is self-documenting as far as it can be, but comments still give me quicker access to the areas that need modified/added. In addition, since the compiler doesn't care about whitespace, I use it systematically to separate blocks of code or related groups of commands from the rest.
Now when it comes to resources, I will use whatever the language supplies with the only limitations being running efficiently and being easy to read. I am as likely to use a generic list as I am a hash table depending on what is required.
Congratulations on successfully disabling the rule!
I don't like the way it is phrased.
If you phrase it: "At least 25% of the lines should be explained by a comment", then I agree. Leaving more than 75% as "self explanatory" is very costly, five years later.
I am very fond of end-of-line comments; they can be made short, to the point, and at the right place. If you need something between the software architecture documentation (I often describe "software architecture" as "the structures that will remain the same if you reimplement the system in a different programming language"), a comment block may apply to, say, an entire function, or at least the core part of it.
From the moment you compile a source file for the first time and three weeks thereafter, any code is "self explanatory". After two years, not even the code written by yourself qualifies. A classic: Geek & Poke[^]
Depends, most of the code is just properties, setting, getting, some database queries, standard stuff.
I always get a little sad when I see comments like:
someVar = someVal;
foreach (Product p in products)
product.Save(); Unfortunately, I've only seen comments like that.
And because of these kind of comments I came to detest them.
You may think I'm overreacting, but those are actual real-life comments I see almost daily.
I have 7 years of experience and I have yet to find a single comment that is actually helpful.
I rarely comment my code, maybe once or twice when there were some weird side-effects (which is just bad code).
I'm at the point that I prefer my code uncommented (especially when it's bad code, people who write bad code also write bad comments).
Yeah, comments can't be done right.
Have you been reviewing your own code years later?
At the beginning I was like you, but then I started having to upgrade my own code... I ended writing comments where needed
note: I say where needed, not overall. But... if not sure, the default is... comment, better one too much than one too few.
If something has a solution... Why do we have to worry about?. If it has no solution... For what reason do we have to worry about?
Help me to understand what I'm saying, and I'll explain it better to you
Rating helpful answers is nice, but saying thanks can be even nicer.
Yes, I did.
And I've always been able to follow it (and my memory concerning code is really bad, most of the time I can't even remember writing it, let alone what it does)
Nothing you can say or do will make me change my mind on comments.
They do more harm than good.
I've written a little tip about comments some years ago: Write comments that matter[^]
It shows that I'm not completely against comments, but use them sparse and wise
Sander Rossel wrote: Nothing you can say or do will make me change my mind on comments. I am not trying to convince you. I am just giving another point of view related to your message.
Sander Rossel wrote: And I've always been able to follow it I forgot to say: I have been programming in AWL/LAD for PLCs a quite similar language to assembly. There is a bit more difficult make code "self explanatory" and sometimes the names for the variables are coming from electrical engineer / customer...
Sander Rossel wrote: t shows that I'm not completely against comments, but use them sparse and wise That's exactly the point. And I agree with you, obvious comments just make the program unnecessarily longer and uncomfortable to read
If something has a solution... Why do we have to worry about?. If it has no solution... For what reason do we have to worry about?
Help me to understand what I'm saying, and I'll explain it better to you
Rating helpful answers is nice, but saying thanks can be even nicer.
Nelek wrote: AWL/LAD for PLCs a quite similar language to assembly I'd comment the hell out of that!
When students learn their first programming, and hopefully good programming habits, the big issue is learning the craft of programming, not the complexities of the problem solution they are set to program. So the problem solution is usually fairly simple, down to trivial. So simple that the code line says it all. The professor requires is to comment the code, but what should I write? Isn't it obvious, doesn't the code line tell? - that is common reaction from students.
You don't need comments until the problem solution is getting more complex than you can handle in the first programming course (and second, and third). The problem is so simple that the code IS obvious, and students get into the habit of writing obvious information into the comments. When they later in life get into really huge and composite data structures, intricate execution logic and complex interfaces, they are not into the habit of identifying the non-obvious, only the obvious.
When I teach people programming, I give them one rule regarding comments: Don't waste comments on what the code does, but on why it does it. Of course some students rephrased the "what" part, and I remarked: Sure, you said so in the code statement. Now tell me why you did it! - and usually, they were able to come up with a "why". That's what comments are for.
It's my fundamental issue with Literate programming - Wikipedia[^], it assumes programmer's have basic literacy.
"If you don't fail at least 90 percent of the time, you're not aiming high enough."
Alan Kay.
Sander Rossel wrote: Once had an issue with a rather unstable connection that often made it fail the first time.
This reminds me of a funny story where a customer kept having intermittent issues with our software...database connections kept timing out.
Every time the guy would call having problems, I would remote in, and the problem wouldn't happen. Luckily, they were within driving distance, so I went onsite to try and sort it out.
The end user's office was across the driveway to a shipping dock and warehouse. The database server was located in the warehouse office, and the network connection between the two offices was a p2p (line of sight) wireless setup. (apparently a short term solution while they were constructing new offices) When I arrived, there wasn't a lot going on...the software worked without fail. After a while, a truck arrived and began backing into the dock...and suddenly, the database connection was gone!
For weeks, the customer never made the 'connection'! Luckily, the fix was simply raising the p2p units by a few more feet.
"Go forth into the source" - Neal Morse
Customers do that
I have a similar story with a printer.
The user pressed the print button to print somewhere around 100 to 150 invoices.
It often happened that the printing stopped after 50 or so invoices.
And always at the end of the day (because that's when they printed invoices).
So I was testing my software, looking for bugs, writing "fixes" for "what could be it", added additional logging, everything, but I was never able to find the problem.
And when I visited it didn't happen, of course.
This went on for weeks.
Then my manager visited them, for completely unrelated business, and called me "Is that print problem fixed already? I'm about to leave, but they're going to print invoices so I can check on them now."
He checked and you'll never believe what their issue was.
They clicked the print button and SHUT DOWN THEIR COMPUTER TO GO HOME!!!
Never did it occur to them that shutting down the computer would stop it from printing.
I can tell you I felt like driving a truck over their computers!
True story.
Some users seems to assume that printers have internal memory which would keep our queued documents.
This assumption comes from a fact that printer keeps printing even when they closed our software.
They don't know that these queued documents are stored on operating system's printer spooler service.
Some colleagues once asked me, why did her printer stop printing? I who was in the middle of serious work mode, glanced over at her desk and yelled, you turned off your computer, that's why!
We have a networked printer that very much does have an internal queue, so different people may have had different experiences.
(At first I found it unsettling, as jobs disappeared from the queue on my PC almost immediately every time).
"If you don't fail at least 90 percent of the time, you're not aiming high enough."
Alan Kay.