"Down, down, down. Would the fall never come to an end? 'I wonder how many miles I've fallen by this time?'"
Chris Maunder
I just used my Rolex lexer generator to generate a 5.7MB C# file and at least 95% of it is a single array of integers.
How's that for testing the limits of C# arrays?
Check out my IoT graphics library here:
And my IoT UI/User Experience library here:
And here I were thinking that my Rolex is just for telling time, oh sorry, just noted it is a Lolex, made in ...
In my student days, upon finding the book 'A Million Random Digits with 100,000 Normal Deviates[^], simply because I was fascinated by the madness of publishing a whole book of random numbers. In the Numerical Methods course, we had been through the theory of random number generator. The cost of the book was something like USD 150. It would be a great thing to pass around at parties with other Comp.Sci. students.
Well, I didn't spend the USD 150. Every now and then I regret it. As my link shows, it is still available, but my friends are different now; they don't see the absurdity / humor of it.
If I need a million integers, a generator would fit in a lot less space than 5.7 Mbytes.
(Btw: What makes a file of a million or so integers C#)? I'd think it was either binary or ASCII/ISO8859/UTF8, but neither is language dependent!)
It's a DFA state machine lexer for the C# language, so it's pretty expansive.
Check out my IoT graphics library here:
And my IoT UI/User Experience library here:
At work they have Windows Explorer set to automatically traverse to a place that I rarely, if ever, need to access. Why?!?
It kind of drove me crazy, because I'd open Windows Explorer then click multiple drives & folders to finally end up in my UserProfile , because 99% of the time I needed to be there to save some data.
Life-Changing Shortcut I don't think I'm overstating this.
Anyways, one of the best things I've done for myself in a long time was simply
1. Create a shortcut that opens File Explorer directly into my %UserProfile% directory -- that's c:\users\<your-user-name>\
2. Add the following Target: C:\windows\explorer.exe %userprofile%
3. Add a shortcut key Ctrl + Shift + Right (arrow) to immediately run the shortcut.
Here's a snapshot of what the shortcut looks like[^].
Now, any time I want File Explorer I just Ctrl+Shift+Right(arrow) and it opens up.
Shortcut Seems Faster
Also, I've discovered that for some reason this copy of File Explorer seems to open faster than if you click the one on the TaskBar
(Maybe because this one doesn't have to hit the network since it is going directly to a specific path???)
I've been using this for months now it has provided many benefits:
1. Less folder clicking
2. Less screaming, "Why am I automatically navigated to this @#&%@#!!! network folder!!"
3. I used to be bald and all my hair grew back.
4. Previously I was 5'2" and now I'm 6'4" tall
5. A bag of money fell out of the sky and landed next to me.
6. Various other benefits which are too good to mention here.
Have you tried Win + R, . <enter>? In other words just type "." in the Windows run dialog. It is one key longer than your shortcut but there is no setup involved.
That is very interesting and I just tried it.
However, that takes me to the preset location that the network admins force on us that we rarely use.
Actually, it does take us to %UserProfile% but it is the network one instead of the local drive one.
That's very interesting.
This may be related to the way the the admins set up SpecialFolders.
Thanks for the tip.
raddevus wrote: related to the way the the admins set up SpecialFolders That's why I never let any admin touch my machine. Needless to say, there has never been any love lost between me and admins. Luckily, I was the one writing the good code so they kind of needed me
I just discovered that the path is named %HomeShare%
That's basically like %MyDocuments% but we don't use MyDocuments for whatever reason.
The point is that %HomeShare% takes me off box to the network share by default and my shortcut helps me to get to the actual local C:\users\<user-name> directory.
very interesting.
In my Quick Launch I have a shortcut to "This PC", which I prefer, I can get where I want from there. Also a shortcut to open a browser to "about:blank" because I never want to see the corporate website. Ever.
Those are two good ones.
I like using QuickLaunch for quick access to commonly used apps too.
It's a nice feature that I don't think a lot of people know about.
I think when Win 7 (or 10?) came out, people were saying that the Quick Launch was completely gone, but it isn't.
I also have shortcuts for starting Word and Excel empty -- no open document.
modified 24-Dec-23 14:21pm.
I believe in Windows 11 Quick Launch is no longer available?
If yes, how do I activate/use it? Thanks!
I have no Win 11 systems. In Win 10 and earlier, look for
C:\Users\<your name here>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\
Maybe they've eliminated or changed the [ \Internet Explorer\ ] part?
It's gone on Win 11 unless you use a third party app (ExplorerPatcher). I'd still be on Win 10 without ExplorerPatcher.
So, what does ExplorerPatcher do? Create the directory?
It basically gives you the Win 10 taskbar in Win 11. You can then move the taskbar to the top, bottom or the sides. Gives you tool bars so you'll be able to enable Quick Launch, etc. It's basically indistinguishable for the standard Win 10 taskbar. I've been using it for months now and it appears to be working just fine. I also use Open Shell to replace the funky Win 11 start menu.
raddevus wrote: I've been using this for months now it has provided many benefits:
1. Less folder clicking
2. Less screaming, "Why am I automatically navigated to this @#&%@#!!! network folder!!"
3. I used to be bald and all my hair grew back.
4. Previously I was 5'2" and now I'm 6'4" tall
5. A bag of money fell out of the sky and landed next to me.
6. Various other benefits which are too good to mention here.
Sounds too good to be true 🤣
Paul Sanders.
If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter - Blaise Pascal.
Some of my best work is in the undo buffer.
Hush! Let raddevus have their moment.
Software Zen: delete this;
I have always used this shortcut to open a specific folder:
C:\Windows\explorer.exe /n, /e, C:\SomeFolder
Very interesting.
Because of your post, I started searching for the windows explorer command-line options to see what /n and /e meant.
Those are very difficult to find. There is no : c:\> explorer /?
Only thing I could find was: https://superuser.com/questions/21394/explorer-command-line-switches[^]
Do you know of a way to get the available options?
modified 25-Oct-23 11:29am.
notepad.exe explorer.exe
or better yet, String Dump feature of sys intern Process Explorer.
start digging…
Start / Run / "."
[win+R] [Period] [Enter]
Someone else mentioned that.
However, if your admins set your (env variable) HOMESHARE then when you do that you will be taken to that network location \\network\username\whatever-Admin-Created\
I wanted it to load directly to:
c:\users\<my-username> the local user directory.
However, if your admin has set the HOMESHARE, then even when I follow your instructions and use:
Then it takes me to : \\network\username\whatever-Admin-Created\
Only when I do c:\> explorer %userprofile% does it take me to the local user directory.
That's why I was so happy to finally "hack" it.