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Best C# Article of August 2016

Contribute to CodeProject and you'll automatically be in the running for a monthly prize!

Each month at CodeProject we gather together the best of the articles submitted the previous month and ask our readers to choose the best of the best. Entry is automatic - just submit you articke and we'll do the rest.

Check out the submission guidelines for information on posting articles.

Current Entries

Articles that match the contest criteria are automatically entered. The top 50 entries are shown.

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3 Aug 2016Avelino Ferreira
The easiest way to implement the ToolStripControlHost and ToolStripDropDown classes, in a UserControl, in order to display a Container/Control beyond the limits of its Parent Container and Parent Form, with very few lines of code. Let's uncomplicate ...
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5 Aug 2016Grasshopper.iics
Live Streaming Multi Modality Controlled Intel Edison Smart RC Car
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7 Aug 2016Grasshopper.iics, Moumita Das
An assistive technology initiative for patients with upper body disability
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31 Aug 2016Sheshnath Kumar
This article will find out a solution to serialize/deserialize object by reference at server and client, also will serialize/deserialize objects having circular references.
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6 Aug 2016Clifford Nelson
This tip presents a way to have disabled items in your ComboBox
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25 Aug 2016Marc Clifton
Service Manager - Instantiation by Interface Specification
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28 Aug 2016Ali Adly
A simple example that shows how to create detail grid template at runtime using ASPxGridView
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20 Aug 2017Mohsen Esmailpour
Organizing Fluent configurations into separate classes in EF Core 1.0
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21 Aug 2016Keerat Singh
Get Bing Image of the Day using different methods for JSON parsing
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25 Aug 2016Marc Clifton
Bootstrapping with Module Manager and Service Manager
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25 Aug 2016Marc Clifton
The Semantic Publisher/Subscriber
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1 Aug 2016dibley1973
The stored procedure framework now supports dynamic fields within multiple recordsets
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5 Aug 2016Vincent Maverick Durano
This tip demonstrates how to upload an image to a specified folder within the root of the web application and display the image right away in the Image control after uploading.
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24 May 2020User 5250478
Application to show how to zigzag order a matrix
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7 Aug 2016User 9149614
Preserving alpha channel drawing transparent PNGs
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24 Aug 2016Serge Desmedt
(Yet Another) Investigation of WPF Templates
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2 Aug 2016douglas young
Visual Programming Language
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21 Aug 2016Anton Angelov
Learn how to create a recording engine for your automated tests. Configure it through attributes and even change its detailed implementation from a single location.The post Create Video Recording Engine - Usage in Automated Tests appeared first on Automate The Planet.
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20 May 2023Grasshopper.iics, Abhishek Nandy, Moumita Das
Virtual Reality with Unity, Intel Edison and MQTT
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23 Aug 2016Max Fedotov
Virtual Keyboard (TabTip) integration in WPF on Win 8.1 and Win 10
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1 Aug 2016douglas young
Visual Programming Language
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10 Aug 2016Nathan Minier
Generic AddOrUpdate for EF with composite key support
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18 Aug 2016Metaphysico
Clone a TFS Work Item and Its Children with links
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3 Aug 2016senthill
Let’s discuss about how to display logged in user profile picture in SharePoint Site
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30 Aug 2016B. Clay Shannon
Using the EPPlus open source library, this article shows how to generate Open XML Files from any data table results by means of a Winforms utility
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12 Aug 2016Florian Rappl
We utilize the Microsoft Bot Framework in conjunction with LUIS to make a Node.js powered bot available online via an ASP.NET Web API proxy. A software mock for the smart home system is supplied. Likewise a tutorial for a hardware mock using the CC3200 and / or sensor tags is provided.
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7 Aug 2016Grasshopper.iics, Moumita Das
Face Recognition based secured home, ThingSpeak based monitoring, Mqtt based control, Gmail based Notification With Low Cost Arduino UNO and C#
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27 Feb 2017n.podbielski
If you want to optimize code, which is based on Reflection, delegates may be the thing you are looking for.
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25 Aug 2016Marc Clifton
Module Manager - Dynamically Loading Assemblies at Runtime
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19 Aug 2016Clifford Nelson
This is an alternative for "A WPF Custom Control for Zooming and Panning"
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11 Aug 2016Vincent Maverick Durano
This article talks about how to perform Fetch, Edit, Update and Delete (FEUD) operations in our ASP.NET MVC 5 application.
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2 Jan 2021Brad Joss
Alter your clipboard contents before pasting to automate tasks
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28 Aug 2016Rodrigo Costa Camargos
Implement well-known agglomerative clustering algorithm in C#
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8 Aug 2016Grasshopper.iics
From unboxing to prototype, a complete C# and Node.js Intel Edison product development guide with a real time cloud biometric IoT project
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24 Aug 2016syed shanu
In this article you will learn about Insert/Select to database using Angular2 and WEB API in ASP.NET Core1.0.
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13 Aug 2016Shashangka Shekhar
In our previous article we have seen how to startup with .Net Core. In this article we will take a look on database operation according to previous sample application based previous concept.
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22 Dec 2016Abdulrahman Emad, Muhammad Magdi
A generic CRUD control implemented based on the MVVM pattern
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13 Feb 2018Halil ibrahim Kalkan
A step by step guide to create a web application based on ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework Core and ASP.NET Boilerplate frameworks with automated tests.
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13 Aug 2016Mark J. Caplin
Developing a web application front-end with Angular 2
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12 Dec 2016D. Infuehr
Make programs 5x faster - the easy way. Now on every GPU!
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3 Aug 2016M.M.Mohseni
This is a simple application for creating the serial number based on HDD hardware code. It has 3 necessary part of serial number application(Request Code, Getting Serial Number and Confirming that)
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5 Aug 2016Vincent Maverick Durano
A tip that demonstrates how to access GridView AutoGenerated Columns.
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13 Feb 2018Halil ibrahim Kalkan
A step by step guide to create a layered web application based on ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework Core and ASP.NET Boilerplate frameworks with automated tests.
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2 Aug 2016Alaa Ben Fatma
Gorgeous notification component for creating advanced notifications
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24 Nov 2016Shashangka Shekhar
In this article we are going to explore .Net Core, Know how to use MVC6 & AngularJS2, how to manage client side dependencies with Node package manager (NPM).
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9 Dec 2017Zijian
Overview of TraceHub, and the design concepts/contexts behind this open source project
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22 Aug 2016Sujith Karivelil
Creating a link in the left pane of the file Explorer - like OneDrive or DropBox
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17 Aug 2016Khunt Suchit
Global level Exception Handling, Handle Exception using Try...Catch Block, HandleError attribute

Current Participants

Those with articles that match the contest criteria are automatically entered.

France France
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Technical Lead
Egypt Egypt
I have 10 years of experiences in developing Web & Desktop Applications.

System Analysis
Software Design & Architecture
Web / Desktop Development
Data Modeling & Database Development
Software Developer (Senior) TecSolutionGroup
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia
I am a software engineer at TecSolutionGroup company.
About 3 years experience in developing server side modules for Enterprise Solutions using technologies of Java (C#, MVC, Razor).

Specialties: Back ends, Server side development, System Design, OOP, Test, Driven Development

Java, SQL, XML, HTML, C#, ASP.NET,python
CEO Automate The Planet
Bulgaria Bulgaria
CTO and Co-founder of Automate The Planet Ltd, inventor of BELLATRIX Test Automation Framework, author of "Design Patterns for High-Quality Automated Tests: High-Quality Test Attributes and Best Practices" in C# and Java. Nowadays, he leads a team of passionate engineers helping companies succeed with their test automation. Additionally, he consults companies and leads automated testing trainings, writes books, and gives conference talks. You can find him on LinkedIn every day.
Portugal Portugal
Working on computers since Mar,6 1969
Languages: RPN, Fortran, COBOL, Univac 1100 Meta-assembler, Basic, Z80 Assembly, 8086 Assembly, IBM Assembler (360/370, 38xx, 43xx), Clipper, ANSI C, SQL, Visual Basic, VBA, VB.NET
Lately, some HTML, JavaScript, C#
Actually retired, but still developing (for pleasure).
Founder Across Time & Space
United States United States
I am in the process of morphing from a software developer into a portrayer of Mark Twain. My monologue (or one-man play, entitled "The Adventures of Mark Twain: As Told By Himself" and set in 1896) features Twain giving an overview of his life up till then. The performance includes the relating of interesting experiences and humorous anecdotes from Twain's boyhood and youth, his time as a riverboat pilot, his wild and woolly adventures in the Territory of Nevada and California, and experiences as a writer and world traveler, including recollections of meetings with many of the famous and powerful of the 19th century - royalty, business magnates, fellow authors, as well as intimate glimpses into his home life (his parents, siblings, wife, and children).

Peripatetic and picaresque, I have lived in eight states; specifically, besides my native California (where I was born and where I now again reside) in chronological order: New York, Montana, Alaska, Oklahoma, Wisconsin, Idaho, and Missouri.

I am also a writer of both fiction (for which I use a nom de plume, "Blackbird Crow Raven", as a nod to my Native American heritage - I am "½ Cowboy, ½ Indian") and nonfiction, including a two-volume social and cultural history of the U.S. which covers important events from 1620-2006:
Software Developer (Senior)
United States United States
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Software Developer (Senior) Clifford Nelson Consulting
United States United States
Has been working as a C# developer on contract for the last several years, including 3 years at Microsoft. Previously worked with Visual Basic and Microsoft Access VBA, and have developed code for Word, Excel and Outlook. Started working with WPF in 2007 when part of the Microsoft WPF team. For the last eight years has been working primarily as a senior WPF/C# and Silverlight/C# developer. Currently working as WPF developer with BioNano Genomics in San Diego, CA redesigning their UI for their camera system. he can be reached at
Austria Austria
I use my spare time to make C# and C++ applications.
Software Developer Several
France France
Fan of .NET Technologies
Go to see my blog :
Software Developer
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Duane has worked in a commercial software development environment for 9 years, with all but three for a global fashion retailer.

He is proficient in ASP.Net, MVC, C#, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL Server TSQL.
United States United States
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Chief Technology Officer
Germany Germany
Florian lives in Munich, Germany. He started his programming career with Perl. After programming C/C++ for some years he discovered his favorite programming language C#. He did work at Siemens as a programmer until he decided to study Physics.

During his studies he worked as an IT consultant for various companies. After graduating with a PhD in theoretical particle Physics he is working as a senior technical consultant in the field of home automation and IoT.

Florian has been giving lectures in C#, HTML5 with CSS3 and JavaScript, software design, and other topics. He is regularly giving talks at user groups, conferences, and companies. He is actively contributing to open-source projects. Florian is the maintainer of AngleSharp, a completely managed browser engine.
CEO Integrated Ideas
India India
gasshopper.iics is a group of like minded programmers and learners in codeproject. The basic objective is to keep in touch and be notified while a member contributes an article, to check out with technology and share what we know. We are the "students" of codeproject.

This group is managed by Rupam Das, an active author here. Other Notable members include Ranjan who extends his helping hands to invaluable number of authors in their articles and writes some great articles himself.

Rupam Das is mentor of Grasshopper Network,founder and CEO of Integrated Ideas Consultancy Services, a research consultancy firm in India. He has been part of projects in several technologies including Matlab, C#, Android, OpenCV, Drupal, Omnet++, legacy C, vb, gcc, NS-2, Arduino, Raspberry-PI. Off late he has made peace with the fact that he loves C# more than anything else but is still struck in legacy style of coding.
Rupam loves algorithm and prefers Image processing, Artificial Intelligence and Bio-medical Engineering over other technologies.

He is frustrated with his poor writing and "grammer" skills but happy that coding polishes these frustrations.
This is a Organisation

115 members
Founder Volosoft
Turkey Turkey
I have started programming at 14 years old using Pascal as hobby. Then I interested in web development (HTML, JavaScript, ASP...) before university.

I graduated from Sakarya University Computer Engineering. At university, I learned C++, Visual Basic.NET, C#, ASP.NET and Java. I partly implemented ARP, IP and TCP protocols in Java as my final term project.

Now, I am working on Windows and web based software development mostly using Microsoft technologies in my own company.

My open source projects:

* ABP Framework:
* jTable:
* Others:

My personal web site:
Software Developer
Canada Canada
I am passionate about coding and developing applications that stand out in term of look and feel. My objective is to develop applications that can help people and are easily navigable. I love to update my skill set with the latest technologies and explore new challenges. Smile | :)
India India
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Software Developer (Senior)
Sweden Sweden
Mehdi Mohseni is a Software senior developer (Consultant) in Sigma ITC (, Mehdi has a deep experience in N-Tier software applications as well as MVC design pattern. Mehdi has led more than 100 Asp.Net C# or VB.Net Automation applications. Mehdi is working in Toyota Material Handling Logistic Solution as Senior .Net Developer now.
Architect Interacx
United States United States
Home Page:

All my life I have been passionate about architecture / software design, as this is the cornerstone to a maintainable and extensible application. As such, I have enjoyed exploring some crazy ideas and discovering that they are not so crazy after all. I also love writing about my ideas and seeing the community response. As a consultant, I've enjoyed working in a wide range of industries such as aerospace, boatyard management, remote sensing, emergency services / data management, and casino operations. I've done a variety of pro-bono work non-profit organizations related to nature conservancy, drug recovery and women's health.
Software Developer Joey Software Solutions
United States United States
Mark Caplin has specialized in Information Technology solutions for the past 30 years. Specializing in full life-cycle development projects for both enterprise-wide systems and Internet/Intranet based solutions.

For the past fifteen years, Mark has specialized in the Microsoft .NET framework using C# as his tool of choice. For the past four years Mark has been implementing Single Page Applications using the Angular platform.

When not coding, Mark enjoys playing tennis, listening to U2 music, watching Miami Dolphins football and watching movies in Blu-Ray technology.

In between all this, his wife of over 25 years, feeds him well with some great home cooked meals.

You can contact Mark at

Team Leader
Russian Federation Russian Federation
Max Fedotov is currently working in Moscow, Russia.
His set of skills include C#, XAML, Silverlight, WPF as well as Delphi and InterSystems Caché.
Software Developer
United States United States
I am currently an Automation Developer working on Coded UI Frameworks using Selenium, Load Testing Frameworks and Dynamic Data Frameworks for the prior mentioned testing systems. I maintain all of the software and hardware for our build, release and test systems, mostly using TFS, powershell and Hyper-V as well as building and maintaining Automated test systems.

SQL, Software Development, Microsoft SQL Server, Agile Methodologies
C#, JavaScript, HTML, C++, Markdown, XAML, XML
Quality Testing, Coded UI Testing, Selenium Testing, Load Testing
ALM, Team Foundation Server/VSO, Build Administration
Databases SQL/Oracle, Software and Hardware Installation/Maintenance
Troubleshooting, Project Management,
Solid State Electronics, Pulse Width Modulation, Metal Casting, Carbon Fiber Casting, Powder Coating.
Software Developer Afranet
Iran (Islamic Republic of) Iran (Islamic Republic of)
I'm software developer with several years of experience developing software mainly working on web platforms and new technologies.
Software Developer
Poland Poland
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Software Developer
United States United States
Specialized in Web Application back-end development using .NET(C#)
Software Developer (Senior)
Brazil Brazil
I started doing some code using VB/ASP back in 1996 and in 2001 I moved to the .Net environment. I am interested in backend development and everything with C#, algorithms and data structures.
Team Leader
India India
I am Senthil Gopal, a SharePoint Lead based out of Chennai, India.
I have around 9+ years of experience in Microsoft technologies such as C#,, SharePoint 2010 and 2013.
This is a Social Group

4 members
Software Developer (Senior)
Belgium Belgium
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Software Developer (Senior) s3 Innovate Pte Ltd
Bangladesh Bangladesh
Hi, I am Shashangka Shekhar,

Working with Microsoft Technologies. Since March 2011, it was my first step to working with Microsoft Technologies, achieved bachelor’s degree on Computer Science from State University of Bangladesh(Dhaka). Have 12+ years of professional experience, currently working as Technical Lead at Surbana Jurong Private Limited.

I believe in desire of learning & also love to be a part of .Net Community by sharing knowledge’s.
Technical Lead
India India
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Software Developer (Senior) Vanilla Networks Pvt.Ltd
India India
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Team Leader
India India
Microsoft MVP | Code Project MVP | CSharp Corner MVP | Author | Blogger and always happy to Share what he knows to others. MyBlog

My Interview on Microsoft TechNet Wiki Ninja Link
Software Developer Specialisterne ApS
Denmark Denmark
I am sometimes very interested in software development.
Germany Germany
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
United States United States
A code monkey who loves to drink beer, play guitar and listen to music.

My Tech Blog:
My Youtube Channel:

I currently work as a Solutions Architect and we build "cool things" to help people improve their health.

With over 14 years of professional experience working as a Sr. Software Engineer specializing mainly on Web and Mobile apps using Microsoft technologies. My exploration into programming began at the age of 15;Turbo PASCAL, C, C++, JAVA, VB6, Action Scripts and a variety of other equally obscure acronyms, mainly as a hobby. After several detours, I am here today on the VB.NET to C# channel. I have worked on Web Apps + Client-side technologies + Mobile Apps + Micro-services + REST APIs + Event Communication + Databases + Cloud + Containers , which go together like coffee crumble ice cream.

I have been awarded Microsoft MVP each year since 2009, awarded C# Corner MVP for 2015, 2016,2017 and 2018, CodeProject MVP, MVA, MVE, Microsoft Influencer, Dzone MVB, Microsoft ASP.NET Site Hall of Famer with All-Star level and a regular contributor at various technical community websites such as CSharpCorner, CodeProject, ASP.NET and TechNet.

Books written:
" Book: Understanding Game Application Development with Xamarin.Forms and ASP.NET
" Book (Technical Reviewer): ASP.NET Core and Angular 2
" EBook: Dockerizing ASP.NET Core and Blazor Applications on Mac
" EBook: ASP.NET MVC 5- A Beginner's Guide
" EBook: ASP.NET GridView Control Pocket Guide
Software Developer
Australia Australia
I started my IT career in programming on different embedded devices since 1992, such as credit card readers, smart card readers and Palm Pilot.

Since 2000, I have mostly been developing business applications on Windows platforms while also developing some tools for myself and developers around the world, so we developers could focus more on delivering business values rather than repetitive tasks of handling technical details.

Beside technical works, I enjoy reading literatures, playing balls, cooking and gardening.

Contest Entries and Requirements

  1. The contest period covers the the first day of the month 12AM US Eastern Standard Time and ends the final day of the month at 11:59:59 PM US Eastern Standard Time. All entries must be submitted during this period in order to qualify.
  2. Entries must be an article, or blog entry.
  3. With the exception of the Everything Else category, the article must be tagged with at least one of the tags corresponding to that competition's category (for example, to enter the C# Competition you would need to tag your article with a C# tag).
  4. Articles entries must follow the CodeProject submission guidelines.
  5. No cheating, lying, plagiarizing articles, chicanery, or kicking.
  6. Articles may only be considered for a single category. If an article is eligible for multiple categories (for example, it pertains to both the C# and Web Dev categories), CodeProject editors and judges will decide which category the article shall be entered in.
  7. No author can be nominated twice in the same category.
  8. If an author writes has two separate articles, each article may be considered in their respective categories provided none of the aforementioned rules are broken. For example, if an author wrote two separate articles, one related to C# and one related to VB.NET, the author and articles could be nominated in the C# and VB.NET competitions, respectively.
  9. In the event an author wins multiple competitions, and repeat, identical prizes, the number of prizes issued is solely at the discretion of the prize issuer.
  10. In the event an article has multiple authors and/or contributors, the number of prizes issued is solely at the discretion of the prize issuer.
  11. In the event of a tie,  the number of prizes issued is solely at the discretion of the prize issuer.
  12. Multiple votes from the same IP will be automatically disqualified.
  13. The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
  14. Only those who live in jurisdictions in which this contest is legal may enter.
  15. Any breach of the rules and the prize will be awarded to the runner up.
  16. By entering the contest you agree to the rules, conditions of entry, and agree that your member alias and any submitted material can be used for promotional purposes by CodeProject.
  17. Entries shall be deemed to be submitted by the authorized account holder of the email address submitted at the time of entry unless clearly indicated otherwise. "Authorized account holder" is defined as the natural person who is assigned to an email address by an internet access provider, on-line service provider, or other organization (e.g. business, educational institution, etc.) that is responsible for assigning email addresses for the domain associated with the submitted email address.


This competition is open to software development professionals & enthusiasts who are of the age of majority in their jurisdiction of residence; however, residents of Quebec and of the following countries are ineligible to participate due to legal constraints: Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Sudan, and Syria. Employees (or a member of their immediate family) of CodeProject or any of their affiliates, subsidiaries, advertising or promotional agencies are also ineligible to participate. Void where prohibited by law.

How to Enter

Entry is by the submission process described above. Please read the submission requirements before submitting your entry and ensure the article is tagged with at least one of the tags corresponding to that competition's category.

Lost, late, misdirected, or illegible entries will be disqualified. Any entry containing content that CodeProject deems objectionable for any reason will be disqualified. All decisions of CodeProject with respect to any aspect of the competition, including, without limitation, the eligibility of entries, are final and binding on all entrants in all matters as they relate to this competition. CodeProject reserves its right to modify the Rules.

CodeProject assumes no responsibility for lost, late, delayed, destroyed or misdirected mail, voice messages, email or any computer errors or malfunctions. No correspondence will be entered into with entrants.

CodeProject does not assume any responsibility for incorrect or inaccurate capture of entry information, technical malfunctions, human or technical error, lost, delayed or garbled data or transmissions, omission, interruption, deletion, defect or failures of any telephone or computer line or network, computer equipment, software or any combination thereof. Entry materials/data that have been tampered with or altered are void. If for any reason, in the opinion of CodeProject in its sole discretion, the competition is not capable of running as originally planned, or if the administration, security, fairness, integrity or the proper conduct of the competition is corrupted or adversely affected, including by reason of infection by computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures or any other causes beyond its control, CodeProject reserves its right to cancel, terminate, modify, amend, extend or suspend the competition including cancelling any method of entry, and select a winner from previously received eligible entries. CodeProject reserves its right in its sole discretion to disqualify any individual it finds to be tampering with the entry process or the operation of the competition or to be acting in violation of the Rules or otherwise in a disruptive manner. CodeProject reserves its right to seek remedies and damages to the fullest extent of the law for any attempts to deliberately damage the competition web site or to undermine the legitimate operation of this competition. CodeProject shall not be held responsible for any errors or negligence that may arise or occur in connection with the competition including any damage to an entrant's computer equipment, system, software or any combination thereof, as a result of their participation in this competition or from downloading any material from the competition website where applicable.

You must sign in to participate in this contest.
This contest has ended.
1 Aug - 31 Aug 2016