Average article rating: 4.88
Desktop Programming
3 Apr 2004
Updated: 19 May 2004
Rating: 4.88/5
Votes: 62
Popularity: 8.42
Licence: CPOL
Views: 608,347
Bookmarked: 194
Downloaded: 12,905
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Web Developer
United States
Technical Evangelist and Computer Programmer. OS of choice is any Win32 OS. Started working in the gaming industry, programming mainframe VOS OS and dealing with Slot machine serials comms protocols, creating test-tools and line monitoring software on W2K.
Moved on to working in a small software company that worked with electronic forms.
Next, worked at a company with Security, Identity and Trust Solutions. Learnt lots about encryption, signing, digital signatures, hashing and all sorts of new buzz words. It might as well be another language.
Now at Nintex. World class workflow software vendor and am a Technical Evangelist. IF you're looking to automate business processes, this is the place to look.