Average article rating: 4.85
Database Development
SQL Server |
9 Aug 2004
Updated: 5 Apr 2016
Rating: 4.85/5
Votes: 25
Popularity: 6.60
Licence: CPOL
Views: 279,539
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SQL Function to parse a delimited string and return it as a table. Handles multi-character delimiters and returns the results as a table.
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Web Developer
Clayton Groom, LLC
United States
I am a database design consultant with over 20 years experience in consulting.
My primary focus is designing and bulding data driven, highly automated OLTP and datatwarehouse applications that leverage the Microsoft SQL Server platform. I am skilled in SQL Server Analysis Services (MDS and Tabular), MDX, DAX, and all the related technologies. I am experienced with SharePoint Business Intelligence and dashboard capabilities, including installation, configuration, and Kerberos authentication set up.
I have worked with SQL Server since version 4.12 and have experience with Oracle, Sybase, Teradata and DB/2 as well.
I would term myself as a Data Warehouse Architect and programmer DBA, with a good dose of system architect and troubleshooter thrown in.