Cloud services such as Google Drive continue to grow in
popularity each year as a safe, secure and convenient way to store and back up
your documents, images, music and other files. For users with a large amount
of data in the cloud, searching and finding your files again can become
problematic. Most search features are limited in their scope, and only take
advantage of the file name or, for file formats such as PDF, the text within
the file itself. Therefore some level of customization or enhancement may be
necessary to take full advantage of your Google Drive cloud storage.
Searching for a PDF may be easier than searching for an MP3
or JPEG, but Google Drive has some limitations with the format as well. For
example, let’s say you scan an invoice or bank statement and save it as a PDF.
Even if you have a scanner or software that extracts the text with OCR, you
still might not have a reliable way of searching for that document. The text
would likely have words for the name of the company and date, but it might be
lacking keywords that you find useful for archiving and finding the document
later such as "bank", "insurance", "paid with PayPal" and so on.
This is exactly the kind of information you would want to
include in the Keywords metadata of your PDF file when saving it, but Google
Drive doesn’t use this metadata in its search index. Therefore you can use the
LEADTOOLS PDF SDK to read and edit the file metadata, and then update the
property in Google Drive. In
the white paper that follows, we will show how to read and write the PDF
keywords metadata, update the file on Google Drive, interface with your local
Google Drive database, and do all of this within a single right-click context
menu in Windows Explorer.
Creating the Right-Click Context Menu
When using a service such as Google Drive which comes with a
desktop application to automatically sync files on your computer with your online
cloud drive, a full blown application isn’t necessary. A more practical
approach is to add a context menu item that appears when you right-click on a
PDF file. After the command is added to the registry, you can right-click on
any PDF file and select "Update File Keywords," which will pass the file name
as an argument to the application.
using (RegistryKey pdfTypeRegKey =
string regPath = string.Format(@"{0}\shell\{1}",
(String)pdfTypeRegKey.GetValue(null), "UpdateFileKeywords");
using (RegistryKey key = Registry.ClassesRoot.CreateSubKey(regPath))
key.SetValue(null, "Update File Keywords");
string menuCommand = string.Format("\"{0}\" \"%L\"",
using (RegistryKey key = Registry.ClassesRoot.CreateSubKey(
string.Format(@"{0}\command", regPath)))
key.SetValue(null, menuCommand);

Using LEADTOOLS to Update PDF File Keywords Metadata
Now that the foundation for our application is laid, we must
update the keywords within the PDF File. LEADTOOLS includes comprehensive PDF
reading, writing and editing capabilities in a programmer-friendly SDK which
allows for the direct modification of PDF file properties, searchable text,
bookmarks and more. When our application loads from the right-click menu shell
command, it will use the LEADTOOLS
object to
retrieve the keywords and display them in the textbox for editing.
PDFFile _document = new PDFFile(fileName, password);
_txtKeywords.Text = _document.DocumentProperties.Keywords;
Saving is just as simple, requiring only a few lines of code. As
you can see, the document properties of the PDF are correctly updated with the
new keywords.
_document.DocumentProperties.Keywords = _txtKeywords.Text;

Updating Google Drive
Finally, a few more steps must be taken in order to wrap up
our enhancement to Google Drive’s PDF search. The keywords and other metadata
properties within PDF files are useful and powerful features, but Google Drive
does not use them within its search algorithm. However, each file in Google
Drive has the
property which can be
modified when using the Google Drive API.
When using the Google Drive desktop sync application for
Windows, it uses a local SQL database to keep track of the local files and
their online information. In order to complete this operation we must get the fileId
that matches the local file we just updated.
Depending on how your Google Drive folder is organized, you may need additional
queries to recursively find the file within subfolders. However, once you
acquire the
that matches the PDF file name
you passed through the right-click menu command, you can get the fileId
from the database and call the Google Drive web
sqLitecmd.CommandText = "SELECT resource_id FROM mapping
where inode_number='" + fileInodeNumber + "'";
reader = sqLitecmd.ExecuteReader();
String fileResourceId =
File file = googleDriveHelper.GetFile(fileResourceId);
file.IndexableText = new File.IndexableTextData();
file.IndexableText.Text = _document.DocumentProperties.Keywords;
Now you can search your Google Drive for your custom PDF
keywords, increasing the already incredible value of Google Drive’s free cloud
storage service.

Download the Full PDF Example
You can download the fully functional demo which includes
the features discussed above. To run this example you will need the following:
Need help getting this sample up and going? Contact
our support team for free technical support! For pricing or licensing
questions, you can contact our sales team (
or call us at 704-332-5532.