On each Tab Page there is a tiny application to show something like Clipboard actions, TCP server/client, Network Performance, serial communication, creating Processes. Source code which belongs to one Tab Page is in a separate Code Region or own class, so you don�t have to search too much if you are looking only for one thing.
Here I give a short overview of what you can find in the Application. The Application stays in the Tray, if you want to exit, then use the Context menu of the tray icon.

Whenever you put Text to the Clipboard (e.g. pressing Ctrl-c) this Text is added to the ClipBoardLocal. It�s like collection of all Clipboard actions. The ClipBoardLocal Text can be saved to a file.

You can connect your Clipboard to a �Remote Clipboard� of another Computer through tcp connection. So you can copy Data through the Clipboard to another PC without using a file transfer.

Here you can find an example for doing Address Resolution and watching the Network Performance with Performance counters. On pressing the Start Button a Popup Windows appears to select the Network Adapter.
File Change

Here is an example playing with the FileSystemWatcher
Class to show how to monitor a drive for file access.
Mini Terminal

Communication through the serial port is not implemented in the .NET Framework, but fortunately there is a JH.CommBase
class which imports all necessary stuff from the kernel32.dll. The Data can be watched in ASCII or in Hex Values. You can connect 2 PCs through a null modem cable or monitor another device.

Here are examples to call DOS Commands in a separate process and show the result in a textbox (instead of starting the dos box).
Net Shares

All Computers of the Network are listed in a list view and the shares of the Resources are shown in a textbox.
- V1.0.0 First Release
- V1.1.0 Added Tab for showing Network Shares; Network Device can be selected for the Performance counter