In this article, you will see how easy it is to write REST applications using httplite, and how off-the-shelf open source security components can combine to implement an interesting "pretty secure" file storage application.
This project shows how you can weave httplite REST APIs with off-the-shelf security components to build a "pretty secure" file storage application. The application may well have no use in the computer and networking world it lives in but it was fun to write and get to work, and some interesting code fell out, so enjoy.
Shoulders We're Standing On
securelocker - Pretty Secure File Storage Locker
The idea with securelocker
is that we'd like to model a software system after the real world businesses that rent lockers for people to store and exchange items. You pay the fee, you get a locker number and a key to the locker. You put your stuff in it, lock it up, then maybe you give the number and key to somebody else as an exchange, or maybe you just come back later to retrieve your stuff.
Important: The locker company keeps a copy of the key you got. So it's pretty secure: it's as secure as you trust the locker company.
To model this in C++, I decided to write two applications. System operators run securelockerd
to run the locker business, and end users operate securelocker
to work with their lockers. A lot happens out-of-band of the computer commands and network operations.
is the server-side command line application that you use to run the locker business. The application takes commands to register, checkin, and checkout clients. It also runs an httplite web server for handling clients running securelocker
, the client-side program described below.
The register
command is the phone call before you go to the locker
business, reserving a locker
. This command takes the name of the person making the reservation, and stores it in the leger
described below. The client would convey their name outside of the application, out-of-band. I'm not sure of the value of this step, it might be unnecessary. Chime in with your thoughts on that.
The checkin
command finds a free locker
, creates the key to the locker
, and stores the room number and key to the locker
in the leger
and gives the number and key to the operator to give to the client out-of-band. You may gather that this system employs shared secret symmetric encryption, Blowfish.
The checkout
command empties the locker
and erases the record from the leger
There is a leger
object where locker information is managed. This leger
is shared between the command processing code and the web server. The leger
is thread-safe. The leger
data is stored on disk in an encrypted file. When the operator launches securelockerd
, it prompts the user for the password to the leger
file, and loads the leger
into memory. All changes made to the leger
write the leger
file back out. This is obviously not designed for thousands of locker
s, but it should be adequate for hundreds of locker
s, sort of in line with a real locker
class locker leger
public: lockerleger(const std::wstring& password, const std::wstring& legerFilePath);
void load();
void registerClient(const std::wstring& name);
void checkin(const std::wstring& name, uint32_t& room, std::string& key);
void checkout(const std::wstring& name, uint32_t& room);
struct legerentry
legerentry(const std::wstring& _name, uint32_t _room, const std::string& _key);
legerentry(const std::wstring& str);
std::wstring toString() const;
std::wstring name;
uint32_t room;
std::string key;
private: void save();
bool isNameRegistered(const std::wstring& name) const;
std::shared_ptr<legerentry> getNameEntry(const std::wstring& name) const;
uint32_t getAvailableRoom() const;
private: std::vector<std::shared_ptr<legerentry>> m_entries;
mutable std::mutex m_mutex;
const std::string m_password;
const std::wstring m_legerFilePath;
The algorithm for finding an available room is fun, a decent interview question:
uint32_t lockerleger::getAvailableRoom() const
std::vector<uint32_t> rooms;
for (const auto& legerentry : m_entries)
if (legerentry->room > 0)
std::sort(rooms.begin(), rooms.end());
uint32_t last = 0;
for (uint32_t cur : rooms)
uint32_t should = last + 1;
if (cur > should) return should;
last = cur;
return last + 1;
contents are stored in a directory, one subdirectory per locker
. Each locker
contains a flat list of files, no subdirectories. This made implementation simpler. If you want subdirectories, use a ZIP file. If you want better security, use a password-protected ZIP file. Even with a password-protected ZIP file, if you want to exchange the file, you're going to need to share the password with the other party in some way. It's all in who you trust.
needs to get the leger
password from the user at program startup. As the leger
contents are highly sensitive, password entry should not display the user's password on the screen. To accomplish this, you #include <conio.h>
and use a blob of code like this:
printf("Leger Access Password: ");
std::wstring password;
while (true)
char c = _getch();
if (c == '\r' || c == '\n')
password += c;
Before receiving commands from the user, the program loads the leger, and starts the web server:
std::wstring lockerRootDir = argv[2];
std::wstring legerFilePath = fs::path(lockerRootDir).append("leger.dat");
lockerleger leger(password, legerFilePath);
lockerserver server
The code for preventing malicious file access is pretty cute:
bool securelib::IsFilenameValid(const std::wstring& filename)
if (filename.empty())
return false;
filename == L"."
filename.front() == ' '
filename.back() == ' '
filename.back() == '.'
filename.find(L"..") != std::wstring::npos
return false;
for (auto c : filename)
if ((c >= 0x0 && c <= 0x1F) || c == 0x7F)
return false;
switch (static_cast<char>(c))
case '\"':
case '\\':
case ':':
case '/':
case '<':
case '>':
case '|':
case '?':
case '*':
return false;
return true;
is the client-side command line program where you can:
files in the locker.
I implemented a basic httplite wrapper class to implement these functions so that the app just does command line stuff:
void lockerclient::put(const std::wstring& filename, const std::vector<uint8_t>& bytes)
Request request;
request.Verb = "PUT";
request.Payload.emplace(Encrypt(bytes, m_key));
std::vector<std::wstring> lockerclient::dir()
Request request;
request.Verb = "DIR"; request.Path.push_back(L"/");
Response response = doHttp(request);
std::wstring dirResult =
response.Payload.has_value() ? response.Payload->ToString() : L"";
return Split(dirResult, L'\n');
std::vector<uint8_t> lockerclient::get(const std::wstring& filename)
Request request;
request.Verb = "GET";
Response response = doHttp(request);
return Decrypt(response.Payload->Bytes, m_key);
void lockerclient::del(const std::wstring& filename)
Request request;
request.Verb = "DELETE";
Response lockerclient::doHttp(Request& request)
Response response =
if (response.GetStatusCode() / 100 != 2)
throw std::runtime_error(("HTTP operation failed: " + response.Status).c_str());
return response;
...but what pray tell is issueClientHttpCommand
? It implements the client side of a challenge-response authentication mechanism:
static Response issueClientHttpCommand
httplite::HttpClient& client,
uint32_t room,
const std::string& key,
httplite::Request& request
trace(L"Client HTTP Command: " + std::to_wstring(room) + L" - " +
toWideStr(request.Verb) + L" - " + request.Path[0]);
request.Headers["X-Room-Number"] = std::to_string(room);
bool gotChallenge = false;
bool submittedChallenge = false;
std::string challengePhrase;
std::string challengeNonce;
while (true) {
if (gotChallenge)
auto encryptedResponse =
std::to_string(room) +
challengePhrase +
std::string challengeResponse =
Hash(, encryptedResponse.size());
request.Headers["X-Challenge-Response"] = challengeResponse;
submittedChallenge = true;
trace("Got challenge, response: " + challengeResponse);
trace("Issuing request...");
Response response = client.ProcessRequest(request);
trace("Response: " + response.Status);
uint16_t statusCode = response.GetStatusCode();
if (statusCode / 100 == 2)
return response;
else if (statusCode / 100 == 4)
if (submittedChallenge)
throw std::runtime_error("Access denied.");
gotChallenge = true;
challengePhrase = response.Headers["X-Challenge-Phrase"];
challengeNonce = response.Headers["X-Challenge-Nonce"];
throw std::runtime_error(("Unregonized Server Response: " +
The server side of authentication is sort of a mirror image. I added ConnectionVariables
to httplite to get slipped from the per-socket-thread's local variable into the Request
object. It's sort of session variables without cookies, just state persisted on each socket thread in the server. Not scalable, but very simple.
static std::shared_ptr<Response> authServerHttpRequest
const Request& request,
std::function<int()> nonceGen,
std::function<std::string(uint32_t room)> keyGet
auto& connVars = *request.ConnectionVariables;
if (connVars.find(L"Authenticated") != connVars.end())
trace("Auth: Client authenticated");
return nullptr;
auto roomIt = connVars.find(L"RoomNumber");
auto challengeIt = connVars.find(L"ChallengePhrase");
auto nonceIt = connVars.find(L"ChallengeNonce");
roomIt == connVars.end()
challengeIt == connVars.end()
nonceIt == connVars.end()
trace("Auth: Client not challenged yet");
auto roomRequestIt = request.Headers.find("X-Room-Number");
if (roomRequestIt == request.Headers.end())
trace("Auth: No room number");
std::shared_ptr<Response> response = std::make_shared<Response>();
response->Status = "403 Invalid Request";
return response;
int roomInt = atoi(roomRequestIt->second.c_str());
if (roomInt <= 0)
trace("Auth: Invalid room number");
std::shared_ptr<Response> response = std::make_shared<Response>();
response->Status = "403 Invalid Request";
return response;
std::string challenge = UniqueStr();
std::string nonce = std::to_string(nonceGen());
trace("Auth: Challenge: " + challenge + " - " + nonce);
connVars[L"RoomNumber"] = std::to_wstring(roomInt);
connVars[L"ChallengePhrase"] = toWideStr(challenge);
connVars[L"ChallengeNonce"] = toWideStr(nonce);
std::shared_ptr<Response> response = std::make_shared<Response>();
response->Status = "401 Access Denied";
response->Headers["X-Challenge-Phrase"] = challenge;
response->Headers["X-Challenge-Nonce"] = nonce;
return response;
else {
trace("Auth: Client challenged");
uint32_t room = static_cast<uint32_t>(_wtoi(roomIt->second.c_str()));
std::string challengePhrase = toNarrowStr(challengeIt->second);
std::string challengeNonce = toNarrowStr(nonceIt->second);
std::string challengeClientResponse;
auto requestChallengeResponseIt = request.Headers.find("X-Challenge-Response");
if (requestChallengeResponseIt == request.Headers.end())
trace("Auth: Client did not respond to challenge");
std::shared_ptr<Response> response = std::make_shared<Response>();
response->Status = "401 Access Denied";
return response;
challengeClientResponse = requestChallengeResponseIt->second;
auto encryptedLocalResponse =
std::to_string(room) +
challengePhrase +
std::string challengeLocalResponse =
Hash(, encryptedLocalResponse.size());
if (challengeClientResponse == challengeLocalResponse) {
trace("Auth: Client challenge response matches, client authenticated");
connVars[L"Authenticated"] = L"true";
connVars[L"RoomNumber"] = std::to_wstring(room);
return nullptr;
trace("Auth: Client challenge response does not match");
std::shared_ptr<Response> response = std::make_shared<Response>();
response->Status = "401 Access Denied";
return response;
securelib - About Those Shoulders We're Standing On
The securelib
global function API provides a clean interface to the security primitive operations the application relies on:
std::string securelib::Hash(const uint8_t* data, size_t len)
SHA256 hasher;
hasher.update(data, len);
uint8_t* digestBytes = hasher.digest();
std::string digest = hasher.toString(digestBytes);
delete[] digestBytes;
return digest;
std::string securelib::Hash(const std::string& str)
return Hash(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(str.c_str()), str.size());
inline void PadVectorTo8ths(std::vector<uint8_t>& vec)
while (vec.size() % 8)
union lenbytes
uint32_t len;
uint8_t bytes[4];
inline void AddLengthToVector(std::vector<uint8_t>& vec, uint32_t len)
lenbytes holder;
holder.len = htonl(len);
inline uint32_t RemoveLengthFromVector(std::vector<uint8_t>& vec)
lenbytes holder;
memcpy(holder.bytes, + vec.size() - 4, 4);
vec.resize(vec.size() - 4);
return ntohl(holder.len);
std::vector<uint8_t> securelib::Encrypt(std::vector<uint8_t> data, const std::string& key)
uint32_t originalInputSize = static_cast<uint32_t>(data.size());
if (data.size() > 0)
auto keyVec = StrToVec(key);
CBlowFish enc(, keyVec.size());
enc.Encrypt(, data.size());
AddLengthToVector(data, originalInputSize);
return data;
std::vector<uint8_t> securelib::Decrypt(std::vector<uint8_t> data, const std::string& key)
if (data.size() < sizeof(uint32_t))
return std::vector<uint8_t>();
uint32_t originalInputSize = RemoveLengthFromVector(data);
if (originalInputSize == 0)
return data;
auto keyVec = StrToVec(key);
CBlowFish dec(, keyVec.size());
dec.Decrypt(, data.size());
return data;
std::string securelib::Encrypt(const std::string& str, const std::string& key)
return VecToStr(Encrypt(StrToVec(str), key));
std::string securelib::Decrypt(const std::string& str, const std::string& key)
return VecToStr(Decrypt(StrToVec(str), key));
std::vector<unsigned char> securelib::StrToVec(const std::string& str)
std::vector<unsigned char> vec;
memcpy(, str.c_str(), vec.size());
return vec;
std::string securelib::VecToStr(const std::vector<unsigned char>& data)
std::string retVal;
memcpy(const_cast<char*>(retVal.c_str()),, data.size());
return retVal;
std::string securelib::UniqueStr()
static std::mutex mutex;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex); std::stringstream stream;
stream << xg::newGuid() << rand() << time(nullptr);
return Hash(stream.str());
I hope you've seen how easy C++ REST API programming is with httplite, and how you can easily use off-the-shelf security components to build pretty secure applications, like securelocker
- 6th January, 2022: Initial version
Michael Balloni is a manager of software development at a cybersecurity software and services provider.
Check out for all the programming fun he's done over the years.
He has been developing software since 1994, back when Mosaic was the web browser of choice. IE 4.0 changed the world, and Michael rode that wave for five years at a .com that was a cloud storage system before the term "cloud" meant anything. He moved on to a medical imaging gig for seven years, working up and down the architecture of a million-lines-code C++ system.
Michael has been at his current cybersecurity gig since then, making his way into management. He still loves to code, so he sneaks in as much as he can at work and at home.