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PJ Naughter's Freeware Library

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10 May 2000 267.8K   302   42
A collection of articles that provide freeware classes covering GUIs, networking, wrapper classes and general code snippets


This is a collection of articles that provide freeware classes covering GUIs, networking, wrapper classes and general code snippets.

Copyright / Usage Details for my freeware source code

  • You are allowed to include the source code in any product (commercial, shareware, freeware or otherwise) when your product is released in binary form.
  • You are allowed to modify the source code in any way you want except you cannot modify the copyright details at the top of each module.
  • If you want to distribute source code with your application, then you are only allowed to distribute versions released by the author. This is to maintain a single distribution point for the source code.

The Articles

Combo & List Boxes

IconComboBox2 Freeware MFC icon selection combo box classes

C++ / MFC / STL

CHookWnd v1.02 A freeware MFC class to support MFC subclassing
CInt96 v1.04 A Freeware MFC class which provides 96 bit integers
CSingleInstance An MFC class to implement single instance apps.

Date / Time handling

CCPUTicker v1.22An ultra high precision MFC timing class for Pentium or greater CPUs.

Dialog and Windows Programming

CClockCtrl v1.01 A Freeware MFC class to display an analog clock
CIconDialog A Freeware MFC dialog class to select an icon
CPushPinFrame v1.11 A Freeware MFC PushPin property page dialog class
DDXFile v1.11 A Freeware DDX routine for selecting a filename
Splasher v1.32 An improved splash screen component for MFC.


HookImportFunctionByName v1.0A class to hook any imported function call made by your app.

Edit Controls

DDXFolder & CChooseDirDlg v1.24A Freeware DDX routine for selecting a Directory / Folder.

Internet & Network

CRasMonitor v1.41 A shareware application to monitor your Dial-Up Networking Connections.
CAnonymousPipe A Freeware MFC class to encapsulate Anonymous Pipes
CCmc v1.0 An MFC class to encapsulate sending mail using CMC
CEQD v1.0 A Freeware MFC class to support retrieval of recent Earthquake data from the USGS
CFinger v1.01 An MFC class to encapsulate the Finger protocol
CFTPTransferDlg v1.0A dialog implementation that performs a FTP file transfer
CHttpDownloadDlg v1.03 A dialog implementation that performs HTTP downloads
CNamedPipe v1.0 A Freeware MFC class to encapsulate Named Pipes
CPing v1.22An MFC class to encapsulate the Ping utility
CPop3Connection v1.19 An MFC class to encapsulate the POP3 protocol
CServerMailslot & CClientMailslot Freeware MFC wrapper classes for Win32 Mailslots
CSMTPConnection v1.36 An MFC class to encapsulate the SMTP protocol
CSNTPClient A collection of freeware MFC classes to encapsulate the SNTP protocol
CTraceRoute v1.0 A freeware MFC class to implement traceroute functionality
IPEnum v1.01 An MFC class to allow enumeration of IP addresses
MfcCDDB v1.15 A freeware MFC class to support access to CDDB servers
PopWatch v1.01A freeware application to monitor your POP3 mailbox
W3Mfc v1.11 A collection of freeware MFC classes to implement a simple Web server
CMapi v1.01 An MFC class to encapsulate sending mail using Simple MAPI.

Miscellaneous Controls

CMapPin A Freeware MFC class to implement Map pins
CPushPinButton v1.13 A Freeware MFC PushPin button class.

Shell Programming

CShellLink & CUrlShellLink v1.12 Freeware MFC classes to encapsulate shell shortcuts.


CFile64 A freeware MFC class to encapsulate the Win32 64 bit file system API
CPdh v1.03 A collection of freeware MFC classes to encapsulate the NT Performance Counters.
CSerialPort v1.03 A freeware MFC class for Win32 serial ports
DtWinVer v1.34 A comprehensive OS detection utility
DynData v1.0 A collection of freeware MFC classes to encapsulate the Windows 95/98 performance counters
EnumSerialPorts v1.02 A freeware MFC function to enumerate serial ports
ShelExec v1.01 A freeware utility to call the ShellExecute API
CHKLM v1.1 A Freeware MFC class to write to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
CNTService v1.06 A class framework for developing NT services in MFC

Threads, Processes & Inter-Process Communication

PStat v1.2 A Freeware generalized framework for executing a lengthy operation in a thread.

Programming Tips

ResSwitch & ResList v1.22 freeware utilities to quickly change Screen Depth and Resolution.

Tree Controls

CTreeFileCtrl & CSortedArray v1.06 Implements a tree control similar to the left hand side of Windows Explorer
CTreeOptionsCtrl v1.21 A freeware MFC class to provide a tree options control.


CMemMapFile v1.41 A freeware MFC class to encapsulate Memory Mapped Files.
CPL++ v1.1 A freeware MFC class framework for developing Control Panel Applets.

About PJ Naughter

I grew up in a small village called Ballygarrett in the south east corner of Ireland in a rural setting. I got my degree in Electronic Engineering from Dublin City University. Since my graduation in 1993, I have been working as a software developer in Leopardstown, Co. Dublin with Softech Telecom, who specialize in producing telecommunications costing software. I was involved in a number of their products including Ringmaster for Windows and Ringmaster 2000. Currently I am working on a product called "Ringmaster IMS" in the companies "New Products" Department.

Check out PJ's homepage at


This article has no explicit license attached to it but may contain usage terms in the article text or the download files themselves. If in doubt please contact the author via the discussion board below.

A list of licenses authors might use can be found here

Written By
United States United States
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.

Comments and Discussions

Questione-mail in HTML format? Pin
Daniele Fusi8-Mar-01 22:13
Daniele Fusi8-Mar-01 22:13 
GeneralTotalPages field of JOB_INFO_2 struct Pin
15-Nov-00 4:02
suss15-Nov-00 4:02 
GeneralI've an error message Pin
Simon C. Lam30-Oct-00 21:26
sussSimon C. Lam30-Oct-00 21:26 
GeneralRe: I've an error message Pin
pjnaughter16-Jan-03 23:05
pjnaughter16-Jan-03 23:05 
GeneralCHKLM memory leaks Pin
Jean Guillot1-Sep-00 8:24
sussJean Guillot1-Sep-00 8:24 
GeneralRe: CHKLM memory leaks Pin
pjnaughter16-Jan-03 23:06
pjnaughter16-Jan-03 23:06 
GeneralJour Library is simply GREAT!!!!!!! Pin
Carlo Comino11-Aug-00 21:18
sussCarlo Comino11-Aug-00 21:18 
QuestionMay I ask you a question? Pin
Member 240718-Jul-00 15:37
Member 240718-Jul-00 15:37 
We can get string from explorer browser's edit box?
If I input address in edit box of browser and press Enter
Key, my application should know the input string in browser.
How can I implement? please give me a hand.
Have a nice da
AnswerRe: May I ask you a question? Pin
pjnaughter16-Jan-03 23:08
pjnaughter16-Jan-03 23:08 
GeneralRe: May I ask you a question? Pin
andrewtruckle30-Sep-04 20:42
andrewtruckle30-Sep-04 20:42 
GeneralThanx Pin
Rajendra Koti30-May-00 16:39
sussRajendra Koti30-May-00 16:39 
Generalthanx a lot Pin
frank24-May-00 15:17
frank24-May-00 15:17 
GeneralThanks! Pin
MordachaiWolf24-May-00 6:49
MordachaiWolf24-May-00 6:49 
GeneralThank you Pin
Tim Hodgson - ExclamationSoft.com15-May-00 11:23
sussTim Hodgson - ExclamationSoft.com15-May-00 11:23 
GeneralVery cool Pin
Member 459003412-May-00 4:56
Member 459003412-May-00 4:56 

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