The idea of this project came to me when I tried to implement a project using a large amount of splitter views. I wanted to make my splitter views generic but the problem is the impossibility of passing arguments to the constructor of a class when using dynamic creation. More precisely, in my context, I am using the CSplitterWnd::CreateView()
to create and replace views. This method uses the runtime class of a view, to dynamically instantiate a view object and thus one cannot pass an argument to its constructor. This prevents from implementing a generic splitter class creating a splitter view with views (or runtime classes of views) passed as arguments to its constructor. To overcome the problem, I used templates instead.
Using the Code
Before explaining the code, I would like to point out that I have reduced it to the working minimum. This sample is a showcase for using templates and not a finished solution. CMySplitterView
, declared in mysplitterview.h, is the main template class responsible for creating a splitter view with 2 views. The template arguments TView1
and TView2
are the views to show in the splitter view, while TSplitterType
is the type of splitter view created.
template<class TView1, class TView2, class TSplitterType>
class CMySplitterView : public CView
The type defines the layout of the splitter view: horizontal or vertical. Two policy classes define the behaviour:
class CHSplitterType : public CObject
class CVSplitterType : public CObject
Each of these classes define the method CreateSplitterView()
called by CMySplitterView::OnCreate()
to create the splitter view with the specific layout. Moreover, they define OnSize()
called by CMySplitterView::OnSize()
to set the default size of the views. This part of the code could be very much improved. For example, the views used by the template splitter class could expose a method called by OnSize()
to get their desired default size.
Now, to make this work, one will need to define the splitter
classes used within the code. In the sample, I have used two splitter
views: one for the right horizontal splitter
view and one for the global vertical splitter
view (all of the views are CSplitterView
template class CMySplitterView<CSplitterView, CSplitterView, CHSplitterType>;
template class CMySplitterView<CSplitterView, tclRightView, CVSplitterType>;
Here, tclRightView
is a type definition for the right horizontal splitter
view CMySplitterView<CSplitterView, CSplitterView, CHSplitterType>
For the creation of the main view, I pass tclDefaultView
, a type definition for CMySplitterView<CSplitterView, tclRightView, CVSplitterType>
, to the constructor CSingleDocTemplate()
. Using the type definitions, one can imagine any possible combination of 2-view splitter
Points of interest
Now comes a little tricky part of the sample. Of course, you will need to use IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE
for your splitter
views. Microsoft provides macros for classes with one or two templates (IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE_T
…). Unfortunately, these macros are buggy and there are no macros for classes with 3 templates. I have included them in mysplitterview.cpp: M_IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE_T3
and the helper macros M_IMPLEMENT_RUNTIMECLASS_T3
. They work for classes with 3 templates. Here is how to use them:
M_IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE_T3( CMySplitterView, CSplitterView,
CSplitterView, CHSplitterType, CView )
M_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP_T3( CMySplitterView, CSplitterView,
CSplitterView, CHSplitterType, CView )
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Systems architect specialized in realtime and embedded systems and broadband systems.