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Balloon Tips Galore!

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14 Sep 20032 min read 356.3K   7.9K   113   73
An article describing the various forms of Balloon Tips

Image 1


This article introduces creating Balloon Tooltips, using available standard APIs. Balloon Tooltips can be very useful sometimes, however if used improperly can be painful for the user. Simply put, the code creates different types of balloon Tooltips. To use this, download the code, and choose the class you want to add in your project. Copy it over to your solution and you are ready to go. Have a look at the code behind the forms (Form1, Form2, Form3) in order to use it. The aim here was to keep the code as simple and modular as possible.

There are quite a few excellent articles on Code Project explaining how to create BalloonTips. Some even create them from scratch and are probably more feature rich. While I found these articles very informative, I also felt the need to use the original tips which come with Windows XP. The result is this simple API based project. Most of the code is based on this MSDN article.

I have omitted a notification kind of Tooltip or a Task Tray kind of balloon tip, just because there is already a good example on Code Project.

Using the code

All classes contain explanatory doc comments where necessary. Also code has been provided in both VB and C# to help ease of usage. The solution has been created in VS. NET 2003, hence may not be usable from VS. NET 2002, However the source code shouldn't be a problem.

HoverBalloon: Instead of showing a Tooltip over a control, a balloon tip can be shown over the control. Use this in cases where you want to attract the user's attention to detail. Use this sparingly in your application, so that user doesn't end up seeing a festival of balloons scattered over the form.

MessageBalloon: Has more control over the display of the balloon. The stem, location of the balloon can be changed with this class. This can be shown and hidden at will. Use this whenever you need a non-modal message box.

EditBalloon: Notice how a balloon comes up while entering the password in a edit control, if the CAPS lock is pressed accidentally ? It just reminds the user, but doesn't stop the process. Use this class as a reminder to the user while entering key edit fields.

If using VS. NET 2002 then a manifest file needs to be added to the directory in which the binary resides. (Find one in the 'bin' directory of download). If using VS. NET 2003 then Application.EnableVisualStyles() needs to be called before any form is loaded.

Enjoy the code, any feedback is appreciated.


If the user has disabled BalloonTips in the registry then this probably wont work. This hasn't been tested on operating systems other than XP, so probably it won't work there.

Future Improvements

Provide designer support similar to the Tooltip control, by deriving from System.ComponentModel.Component class, similar to the System.Windows.Forms.ToolTip class at design time.


This article has no explicit license attached to it but may contain usage terms in the article text or the download files themselves. If in doubt please contact the author via the discussion board below.

A list of licenses authors might use can be found here

Written By
Web Developer
United States United States
Ramesh is very much into Microsoft technologies, and silently marvels at the power of Windows SDK.
He juggles his time between his family, work and his computer.

Comments and Discussions

GeneralRe: HoverBalloon disappears rather quickly Pin
sgennette10-Apr-09 3:06
sgennette10-Apr-09 3:06 
GeneralRe: HoverBalloon disappears rather quickly Pin
bobishkindaguy10-Apr-09 9:15
bobishkindaguy10-Apr-09 9:15 
GeneralBalloonTip Visual Stype & WPF Pin
RStern26-Aug-08 0:15
RStern26-Aug-08 0:15 
QuestionHow to do it for richtextbox? Pin
Priyank Bolia10-Apr-08 9:29
Priyank Bolia10-Apr-08 9:29 
GeneralHelp with edit tooltip Pin
rageit15-Jul-07 19:22
rageit15-Jul-07 19:22 
GeneralEdit ToolTip Appears and dissapears Pin
Carl Ja23-May-07 13:52
Carl Ja23-May-07 13:52 
GeneralRe: Edit ToolTip Appears and dissapears Pin
Carl Ja23-May-07 16:28
Carl Ja23-May-07 16:28 
Nicola Costantini12-Mar-07 6:10
Nicola Costantini12-Mar-07 6:10 
Great Stuff Man!!! Here a new feature for you:;P

Since Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) and later you can add a custom Icon. In this way:

Icon should be 16 x 16 ....

mTip.Icon = this.Resourcer.LoadIcon("_1616").Handle


private IntPtr mIcon;

public IntPtr Icon
get { return mIcon; }
set { mIcon = value; }

mTool.Handle, TTM_SETTITLE,
(int)mIcon, ptrTitle);

Cheers to the Community

QuestionMissing feature? Pin
petemaverick11-Feb-07 8:29
petemaverick11-Feb-07 8:29 
Generalballoon becomes orphan Pin
Harm Salomons25-Oct-06 7:38
Harm Salomons25-Oct-06 7:38 
GeneralTimeout option Pin
Kashif Iqbal Khan15-Jun-06 4:42
Kashif Iqbal Khan15-Jun-06 4:42 
AnswerRe: Timeout option Pin
JesusAbizanda23-Jun-06 0:35
JesusAbizanda23-Jun-06 0:35 
GeneralRe: Timeout option Pin
sgennette9-Apr-09 8:53
sgennette9-Apr-09 8:53 
Questionproblem with OpenFIleDialog, SaveFileDialog and FolderBrowseDialog Pin
Kashif Iqbal Khan31-May-06 3:07
Kashif Iqbal Khan31-May-06 3:07 
AnswerRe: problem with OpenFIleDialog, SaveFileDialog and FolderBrowseDialog Pin
marantz10-Jul-07 23:45
marantz10-Jul-07 23:45 
GeneralDirectly copied from MSDN bugs and all Pin
Mach00512-May-06 13:32
Mach00512-May-06 13:32 
GeneralRe: Directly copied from MSDN bugs and all Pin
Ramesh Shrivastav13-May-06 11:36
Ramesh Shrivastav13-May-06 11:36 
GeneralAccessViolationException: Bug in FMSEditTip.cs Pin
Mach00510-May-06 13:11
Mach00510-May-06 13:11 
GeneralRe: AccessViolationException: Bug in FMSEditTip.cs Pin
jose.mira1-Oct-08 3:44
jose.mira1-Oct-08 3:44 
QuestionHow can the EditBallon be hidden? Pin
User 17912914-Feb-06 2:53
professionalUser 17912914-Feb-06 2:53 
AnswerRe: How can the EditBallon be hidden? Pin
User 17912914-Feb-06 3:18
professionalUser 17912914-Feb-06 3:18 
QuestionHow to enable balloon on XP Pin
riscy19-Dec-05 20:23
riscy19-Dec-05 20:23 
AnswerRe: How to enable balloon on XP Pin
Fabio Poroli4-Jan-06 3:59
Fabio Poroli4-Jan-06 3:59 
QuestionWhat with tray? Pin
Marcin Bobowicz (rent0n)24-Nov-05 23:00
Marcin Bobowicz (rent0n)24-Nov-05 23:00 
QuestionRight to Left Ballon Pin
AmirSasan10-Nov-05 10:38
AmirSasan10-Nov-05 10:38 

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