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About ObjectLookup
This is the second version of ObjectLookup. The UI has been enhanced a
bit with shortcut keys etc. Also the ProgID field now has focus per default.
Objectlookup is a small utility that will give you the classname and
executable based on a CLASID
or ProgID
. It is handy in those situations where
you for instance have a Progid, and you want to refer it in you Visual Basic
project through 'references', but do nok know where to find the DLL housing the
Another use is for those situations where you want to convert a Visual Basic
sample utilising COM objects based on Progid to C++ code based on CLSID
without using the ProgIDToCLSID()
It should be noted that all this information can be obtained manually through
the registry editor - but this tool will take the pain out of the process.
The source code
The source code for this program are freely available, and it may be altered
and used in any way you wish, aslong as the program are not sold for profit. The
executable has been compiled with Microsoft Visual C++ v. 6.0 SP3 on
This program has been implemented with a very nice registry class programmed
by Joerg Koenig.