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asp2php shell

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21 Aug 20052 min read 278.3K   12.2K   33   50
A shell application for the asp2php utility.

Sample Image - a2pshell.jpg


OK, well, this isn't going to change the world or anything but I developed it because I needed it and I figured I'd share it with y'all because we do that at CodeProject right?

What is it? Well if you have ever tried to use the .asp to .php conversion utility (asp2php written by Michael Kohn) you may have had the same problems I had to do with converting whole directory structures in one go. It seems as though a single file error causes the whole conversion process to abort. Then you have the choice to convert the files one by one (ugh!) or write something like this (yay!).

Michael has done a great job on the utility and although it's not perfect it sure does give you a good start when you have to convert a site from .asp to .php.

Using the code

The code presented here isn't anything radical like I said before but it may prove useful to some people who don't know how to do things like recursive file searching and shelling out to other apps. The code is commented enough and simple enough to be understandable by most people. I think so, I'm not going to go into detail here ... just look at it and say "big deal!" I know there are a lot of you who are way better than me at writing code so any idiot mistakes you find please let me know ... as well as anything that could be done better if you can be bothered to tell me about them :)


Oh yeah ... a big thanks to Dana Holt (I swear I thought you were female from your name) for the 'Browse For Folder" classes ... it was late and I was too tired to figure that stuff out and he had posted it here on CodeProject so I used it :)

Using the program

After you compile the program (or download the release version) just put it in the same folder as the asp2php utility and off you go :)


I finally got round to fixing the "spaces in the path" problem ... it still wont change your world but it's a bit better...


  • 10th Feb 2003 - Version 1.
  • 12th August 2005 - Version 1.1.


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Written By
Software Developer
Germany Germany
i write code and i travel and i like dinosaurs and i write in lowercase

Comments and Discussions

Questiona question from sureshkaki Pin
Sean Ewington8-May-07 3:31
staffSean Ewington8-May-07 3:31 
QuestionWhere do PHP files go? Pin
Rhettinari1-Sep-04 12:32
Rhettinari1-Sep-04 12:32 
AnswerRe: Where do PHP files go? Pin
ghanley7-Nov-04 14:50
ghanley7-Nov-04 14:50 
GeneralRe: Where do PHP files go? Pin
Abunai10-Dec-04 9:28
Abunai10-Dec-04 9:28 
AnswerRe: Where do PHP files go? Pin
sunner13-Dec-04 12:28
sunner13-Dec-04 12:28 
Generaldid not convert anything Pin
iffo10-Jul-04 4:07
iffo10-Jul-04 4:07 
Questionwhere are the converted files? Pin
daino30-Apr-04 6:15
daino30-Apr-04 6:15 
AnswerRe: where are the converted files? Pin
Pulsorock19-May-04 19:08
sussPulsorock19-May-04 19:08 
AnswerRe: where are the converted files? Pin
el_ade1-Jul-04 0:22
el_ade1-Jul-04 0:22 
GeneralDid not work at all for me Pin
virtual78-Dec-03 11:57
virtual78-Dec-03 11:57 
GeneralRe: Did not work at all for me Pin
l a u r e n8-Dec-03 17:19
l a u r e n8-Dec-03 17:19 
GeneralMe2, it's still asp files Pin
Mad4U24-Feb-04 19:20
Mad4U24-Feb-04 19:20 
GeneralRe: Me2, it's still asp files Pin
l a u r e n25-Feb-04 7:03
l a u r e n25-Feb-04 7:03 
GeneralDidn't work on the things I needed it for Pin
DaAlmighySmithy2-Mar-04 15:58
DaAlmighySmithy2-Mar-04 15:58 
GeneralPHP and ASP with IIS Pin
farocam65-Dec-03 8:03
farocam65-Dec-03 8:03 
GeneralRe: PHP and ASP with IIS Pin
l a u r e n5-Dec-03 8:29
l a u r e n5-Dec-03 8:29 
GeneralRe: PHP and ASP with IIS Pin
farocam65-Dec-03 8:54
farocam65-Dec-03 8:54 
GeneralRe: PHP and ASP with IIS Pin
l a u r e n5-Dec-03 8:57
l a u r e n5-Dec-03 8:57 
GeneralRe: PHP and ASP with IIS Pin
farocam68-Dec-03 5:07
farocam68-Dec-03 5:07 
GeneralRe: PHP and ASP with IIS Pin
Gary Canada10-Feb-09 10:06
Gary Canada10-Feb-09 10:06 
Generalfile/directory names with spaces Pin
borsnpl28-Apr-03 23:05
borsnpl28-Apr-03 23:05 
GeneralWhy does this site have .asp extensions!! Pin
barrymac2-Apr-03 5:42
barrymac2-Apr-03 5:42 
GeneralRe: Why does this site have .asp extensions!! Pin
TJDEV27-Jun-07 15:14
TJDEV27-Jun-07 15:14 
GeneralRe: Why does this site have .asp extensions!! Pin
l a u r e n27-Jun-07 15:18
l a u r e n27-Jun-07 15:18 
GeneralMe :-) Pin
Dana Holt1-Apr-03 7:54
Dana Holt1-Apr-03 7:54 
Thanks for the mention. I'm glad you found the class useful.

I'm used to the confusion about my name/gender from time to time. Wink | ;)

Dana Holt
Xenos Software LLC

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