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Create a Recent File List Menu and Save to File

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2 Jan 2009CPOL 57.3K   2K   21   4
Creating a recent file list and saving it to a configuration-like file


When creating an application, sometimes it's useful if you want to create a recent file list as a shortcut to open a previously-opened file. This makes opening a file look simple and handy.

Using the Code

To create a recent file list, we need just three methods:

  • Save file list

    This method is called whenever you want to add an item to a list and save it. Usually, this item is a path to a previously-opened file.

  • Load file list

    This method is to load a list from file but doesn't insert it to menu. Usually, this method is called at form_load and whenever you want to refresh list and list menu.

  • Recent file click

    This is a click handler when user clicks the menus. Usually, this reopens a file.

The Code

Save File List

private void SaveRecentFile(string path)
    //clear all recent list from menu
    LoadRecentList(); //load list from file
    if (!(MRUlist.Contains(path))) //prevent duplication on recent list
       MRUlist.Enqueue(path); //insert given path into list
    //keep list number not exceeded the given value
    while (MRUlist.Count > MRUnumber ) 
    foreach (string  item in MRUlist )
       //create new menu for each item in list
       ToolStripMenuItem fileRecent = new ToolStripMenuItem
					(item, null, RecentFile_click);  
       //add the menu to "recent" menu
    //writing menu list to file
    //create file called "Recent.txt" located on app folder
    StreamWriter stringToWrite = 
	new StreamWriter(System.Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\Recent.txt"); 
    foreach (string  item in MRUlist )
       stringToWrite.WriteLine(item); //write list to stream
    stringToWrite.Flush(); //write stream to file
    stringToWrite.Close(); //close the stream and reclaim memory

Load File List

private void LoadRecentList()
{//try to load file. If file isn't found, do nothing
      //read file stream
      StreamReader listToRead = 
	new StreamReader(System.Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\Recent.txt"); 
      string line;
      while ((line = listToRead.ReadLine()) != null) //read each line until end of file
         MRUlist.Enqueue(line); //insert to list
      listToRead.Close(); //close the stream
   catch (Exception){}

Recent File Click

private void RecentFile_click(object sender, EventArgs e)
   //just load a file
   richTextBox1.LoadFile(sender.ToString (), RichTextBoxStreamType.PlainText); 

And here's where those methods are called:

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
   LoadRecentList(); //load a configuration-like file containing recent list
   foreach (string  item in MRUlist )
       //populating menu
       ToolStripMenuItem fileRecent = 
		new ToolStripMenuItem(item, null, RecentFile_click);  
       //add the menu to "recent" menu
private void openToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
{ ...
   //insert new item after open a file

So that's it -simple but useful code.


  • 2nd January, 2009: Initial post


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
Engineer Donatus Inc.
Indonesia Indonesia
I'm currently a student of Brawijaya University. I work on programming just for hobby. I learn programming since 2nd year of my college. That's when I first bought my PC on year 2004.

Comments and Discussions

PraiseSimple and works fine Pin
betojasz29-Jun-16 6:55
betojasz29-Jun-16 6:55 
Generalgood job thanks Pin
matafill++c5-Nov-12 0:37
matafill++c5-Nov-12 0:37 
GeneralA very nice article Pin
zippy19812-Jan-09 5:28
zippy19812-Jan-09 5:28 
I developed a similar approach for a recent files menu for my program PlaneDisaster.NET ( The one basic difference was I used the System.Configuration namespace instead of raw file IO.

I have also made a template for the code that does this in SharpDevelop (

Your solution probably makes sense for applications that have no configuration file as it resuces the dependency on the System.Configuration assembly.


Justin Dearing
GeneralRe: A very nice article Pin
asugix5-Jan-09 2:10
asugix5-Jan-09 2:10 

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