Deprecation Note
The code presented in this article is deprecated and is no longer maintained. It is recommended that a new version of this library be used instead. The new library is not at all compatible with code presented in this article. It is a major rewrite of the whole thing, and should be much friendlier and easier to use. It is available here.
There are many breaking changes in this version of the code. This version is not backward compatible with previous versions. The article text has been updated to reflect the changes, and the code snippets provided here will work only with the latest version of Light.
This article is about a small and simple ORM library. There are many good ORM solutions out there, so why did I decide to write another one? Well, the main reason is simple: I like to know exactly which code runs in my applications and what is going on in it. Moreover, if I get an exception, I'd like to be able to pinpoint the location in the code where it could have originated without turning on the debugger. Other obvious reasons include me wanting to know how to write one of these and not having to code simple CRUD ADO.NET commands for every domain object.
Purpose and Goal
The purpose of this library is to allow client code (user) to run basic database commands for domain objects. The assumption is that an object would represent a record in the database table. I think it is safe to say that most of us who write object-oriented code that deals with the database have these objects in some shape or form. So the goal was to create a small library that would allow me to reuse those objects and not constrain me to any inheritance or interface implementations.
Also, I wanted to remain in control: I definitely did not want something to be generating the tables or classes for me. By the same token, I wanted to stay away from XML files for mapping information because this adds another place to maintain the code. I understand that it adds flexibility, but in my case, it is not required.
One of the things I wanted to accomplish was to leave the user in control of the database connection. The connection is the only resource that the user has to provide for this library to work. This ORM library (Light) allows users to run simple INSERT
, and SELECT
statements against a provided database connection. It does not even attempt to manage foreign keys or operate on multiple related objects at the same time. Instead, Light provides the so-called triggers (see the section about triggers below) that allow you to achieve similar results. So, the scope of the library is: single table/view maps to a single object type.
Using the Code
Light uses attributes and Reflection to figure out which statements it needs to execute to get the job done. There are two very straightforward attributes that are used to describe a table that an object maps to:
- This attribute can be used on a class, interface, or struct. It defines the name of the table and the schema to which objects of this type map. It also lets you specify the name of a database sequence that provides auto-generated numbers for this table (of course, the target database has to support sequences).ColumnAttribute
- This attribute can be used on a property or a field. It defines the column name, its database data type, size (optional for non-string types), and other settings such as precision and scale for decimal numbers.
There are two more attributes that aid with inheritance and interface implementation:
- This attribute can be used on a class, interface, or struct. It is useful if you need to delegate table definition to another type.MappingAttribute
- This attribute can be used on a class, interface, or struct. It extends the ColumnAttribute
(therefore inheriting all its properties), and adds a property for a member name. This attribute should be used to map inherited members to columns. More on this later, in the code example.
There is another attribute that helps with such things as object validation and management of related objects:
- This attribute can only be used on methods with a certain signature. In short, it marks a method as a trigger. These trigger methods are executed either before or after 1 of 4 CRUD operations. More on this later, in the code example.
The most useful class of the Light library is the Dao
class. Dao here stands for Data Access Object. Instances of this class provide methods to perform inserts, updates, deletes, and selects of given objects, assuming that objects have been properly decorated with attributes. If a given object is not properly decorated or is null
, an exception will be thrown.
A word about exceptions is in order. There are couple exceptions that can be thrown by Light. The most important one is System.Data.Common.DbException
, which is thrown if there was a database error while executing a database statement. If your underlying database is SQL Server, then it is safe to cast the caught DbException
exception to SqlException
. Other exceptions are: DeclarationException
, which is thrown if a class is not properly decorated with attributes; TriggerException
, which is thrown if a trigger method threw an exception; and LightException
, which is used for general errors and to wrap any other exceptions that may occur.
Please note that both DeclarationException
and TriggerException
are subclasses of LightException
, so the catch
statement catch(LightException e)
will catch all three exception types. If you want to specifically handle a DeclarationException
or a TriggerException
, their catch
statements must come before the catch
statement that catches the LightException
. Here is an example:
try {
T t = new T();
catch(DbException e) {
SqlException sqle = (SqlException) e;
catch(DeclarationException e) {
catch(TriggerException e) {
catch(LightException e) {
if(e.InnerException != null)
bool truth = e.Message.Equals(e.InnerException.Message);
You cannot create an instance of a Dao
class directly using its constructor, because Dao
is an abstract
class. Instead, you should create instances of Dao
subclasses targeted for your database. So far, without any modifications, Light can work with SQL Server (SqlServerDao
) and SQLite .NET provider (SQLiteDao
) databases. If you need to target another database engine or would like to override the default implementations for SQL Server or SQLite, all you have to do is create a class that extends the Dao
class and implement all its abstract
All operations (except Select) are performed within an implicit transaction unless an explicit one already exists and was started by the same Dao
instance. In that case, the existing transaction is used. The user must either commit or rollback an explicit transaction. If the Dispose
method is called on the Dao
object while it is in the middle of a transaction, the transaction will be rolled back. An explicit transaction is the one started by the user by calling the Dao.Begin
method. Implicit transactions are handled by Dao
objects internally, and are automatically committed upon successful execution of a command, or rolled back if an exception was thrown during command execution.
Note that for all of this to work, the Dao
object must be associated with an open database connection. This can be done via the Dao.Connection
property. SqlServerDao
and SQLiteDao
also provide constructors that accept a connection as a parameter. Remember that it is your responsibility to manage database connections used by Light. This means that you are responsible for opening and closing all database connections. A connection must be open before calling any methods of the Dao
object. The Dao
object will never call the Open
or Close
methods on any connection, not even if an exception occurs. Here is some sample code to demonstrate the concept. Let's assume that we will be connecting to a SQL Server database that has the following table defined:
create table dbo.person (
id int not null identity(1,1) primary key,
name varchar(30),
dob datetime
Now, let's write some code. Note that this code has not been tested to compile; please use the demo project as a working sample:
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Light;
[Table("person", "dbo")]
public interface IPerson
[Column("id", DbType.Int32, PrimaryKey=true, AutoIncrement=true)]
Id { get; set; }
[Column("name", DbType.AnsiString, 30)]
Name { get; set; }
[Column("dob", DbType.DateTime)]
Dob { get; set; }
public class Mother : IPerson
private int id;
private string name;
private DateTime dob;
public Mother() {}
public Mother(int id, string name, DateTime dob)
{ = id; = name;
this.dob = dob;
public int Id
get { return id; }
set { id = value; }
public string Name
get { return name; }
set { name = value; }
public DateTime Dob
get { return dob; }
set { dob = value; }
[Table("person", "dbo")]
public class Father
private int id;
private string name;
private DateTime dob;
public Father() {}
public Father(int id, string name, DateTime dob)
{ = id; = name;
this.dob = dob;
[Column("id", DbType.Int32, PrimaryKey=true, AutoIncrement=true)]
public int Id
get { return id; }
set { id = value; }
[Column("name", DbType.AnsiString, 30)]
public string Name
get { return name; }
set { name = value; }
[Column("dob", DbType.DateTime)]
public DateTime Dob
get { return dob; }
set { dob = value; }
[Table("person", "dbo")]
public struct Son
[Column("id", DbType.Int32, PrimaryKey=true, AutoIncrement=true)]
public int Id;
[Column("name", DbType.AnsiString, 30)]
public string Name;
[Column("dob", DbType.DateTime)]
public DateTime Dob;
public struct Daughter : IPerson
private int id;
private string name;
private DateTime dob;
public int Id
get { return id; }
set { id = value; }
public string Name
get { return name; }
set { name = value; }
public DateTime Dob
get { return dob; }
set { dob = value; }
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
string s = "Server=.;Database=test;Uid=sa;Pwd=";
SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(s);
Dao dao = new SqlServerDao(cn);
Mother mother = new Mother(0, "Jane", DateTime.Today);
int x = dao.Insert(mother);
Console.WriteLine("Records affected: " + x.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Mother ID: " + mother.Id.ToString());
Father father = new Father(0, "John", DateTime.Today);
x = dao.Insert(father);
Console.WriteLine("Father ID: " + father.Id.ToString());
dao.Insert(typeof(IPerson), father);
x = dao.Delete(father);
IList<Father> fathers = dao.Select<Father>();
Son son;
son.Name = "Jimmy";
son.Dob = DateTime.Today;
Daughter daughter = dao.Find<Daughter>(son.Id);
daughter.Name = "Mary";
object obj = dao.Find(typeof(Son), son.Id);
if(obj != null)
son = (Son) obj;
catch(LightException e)
catch(Exception e)
try { cn.Close(); }
catch {}
Delegating table definition to another type was fairly easy, in my opinion. You simply apply TableRefAttribute
to a type. This feature was geared towards being able to use patterns similar to the Strategy pattern. You can define an interface or an abstract class with all the required data elements. You can also have implementing classes delegate their table definition to this interface or abstract class, but have their business logic in methods differ. Here is some code that shows the use of MappingAttribute
, which should help with inheritance. Assume that we are using the same connection and that the same dbo.person table exists in the database.
using System;
using System.Data;
using Light;
public class AbstractPerson
protected int personId;
public int PersonId
get { return personId; }
set { personId = value; }
public abstract string Name { get; set; }
public abstract DateTime Dob { get; set; }
public abstract void Work();
[Table("person", "dbo")]
[Mapping("PersonId", "id", DbType.Int32,
PrimaryKey=true, AutoIncrement=true)]
public class Father : AbstractPerson
private string name;
private DateTime dob;
public Father() {}
[Column("name", DbType.AnsiString, 30)]
public override string Name
get { return name; }
set { name = value; }
[Column("dob", DbType.DateTime)]
public override DateTime Dob
get { return dob; }
set { dob = value; }
public override void Work()
[Table("person", "dbo")]
[Mapping("personId", "id", DbType.Int32,
PrimaryKey=true, AutoIncrement=true)]
public class Mother : AbstractPerson
[Column("name", DbType.AnsiString, 30)]
private string name;
[Column("dob", DbType.DateTime)]
private DateTime dob;
public Mother() {}
public override string Name
get { return name; }
set { name = value; }
public override DateTime Dob
get { return dob; }
set { dob = value; }
public override void Work()
allows you to map an inherited member to a column. It doesn't really have to be an inherited member; you can also use variables and properties defined in the same type. However, I like to see meta information along with the actual information, that is, attributes applied to class members. This makes it easier to change the attribute if you are changing class members, for example, the data type.
Notice that Father
uses the inherited property, while Mother
uses the inherited field. Also, notice the case of the member name parameter in MappingAttribute
. Father
starts the string PersonId
with a capital letter, which hints Light to search through properties first. If a property with such a name is not found, the fields will be searched. If a field with such a name is not found, an exception will be thrown. Similarly, Mother
has a personId
starting with a lower case letter, so fields will be searched first. I guess the order in which members are searched does not give you a lot, and is not a huge performance gain, but I always wanted to implement something that could "take a hint" and actually use it.
Light provides a way to query the database. This comes in handy if you don't want Light to load all objects of any given type and then filter them yourself. I don't think you ever want to do that. The Light.Query
object allows you to specify a custom WHERE
clause so that the operation is performed only on a subset of records. This object can be used with the Dao.Select
and Dao.Delete
methods. When used with the Dao.Delete
method, the WHERE
clause of the Light.Query
object will be used to limit the records that will be deleted.
The concept is identical to using a WHERE
clause in a SQL DELETE
statement. Using the Light.Query
object with the Dao.Select
method allows you to specify records that will be returned as objects of a given type. In addition, the Dao.Select
method takes into account the ORDER BY
clause (the Dao.Delete
method ignores it), which can also be specified in the Light.Query
object. Again, the concept is identical to using WHERE
The Light.Query
object is a very simple object, and it does not parse the WHERE
and the ORDER BY
statements you give it. This means two things. First, you must use the real names of table columns as they are defined in the database. You cannot use a name of a property of a class to query the database. Second, you must specify a valid SQL statement for both the WHERE
clauses. If you will be using a plain (not parameterized) WHERE
clause, then it is also your responsibility to protect yourself from SQL injection attacks. I don't think this is a problem when using parameterized statements.
Parameterized SQL statements are a recommended way of querying the database. It allows the database to cache the execution plan for later reuse. This means that the database does not have to parse your SQL statements each time they are executed, which definitely helps the performance. The Light.Query
object allows you to create a parameterized WHERE
clause. To achieve this, you simply use a parameter syntax as you would when writing a Stored Procedure and then set the values of those parameters by name or order. The following example should make this clear (code not tested).
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Light;
IDbConnection cn = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
Dao dao = new SqlServerDao(cn);
IList<Son> bornLastYear = dao.Select<Son>(
new Query("dob BETWEEN @a AND @b", "dob DESC")
new Parameter()
new Parameter()
IList<Son> johnsNoParam = dao.Select<Son>(new Query("name='John'"));
IList<Son> johnsParam = dao.Select<Son>(
new Query("name=@name", "dob ASC").Add(
new Parameter("@name", DbType.AnsiString, 30, "John")
Query query = new Query("name like @name").Add(
new Parameter("@name", DbType.AnsiString, 30, "J%")
IList<Son> startsWithJ = dao.Select<Son>(query);
int affectedRecords = dao.Delete<Son>(query);
The creation of the Query
and Parameter
objects (in the first query) may look a bit awkward. Both the Query
and Parameter
classes follow the Builder pattern that allows for such code. Classes that implement the Builder pattern contain methods that, after performing required actions, return a reference to the object on which the method was called. This allows you to chain method calls on the same object. The Query
and Parameter
classes also have regular properties that you can set in a well-known manner. Both approaches work equally well. I just thought it would be easier to use these classes with such methods and the code would be more compact.
Default Table and Column Names
You can omit the name of the table in TableAttribute
and the name of a column in ColumnAttribute
. Light will provide default names to tables and columns based on the class and field names to which the attributes are applied. The rules to figure out the default name are very simple. In fact, there are no rules. The name of the class or field is used as is if the name is not provided in the attribute. It is best to see an example:
public class Person
[Column(DbType.Int32, PrimaryKey=true, AutoIncrement=true)]
private int personId;
private string myName;
[Column(DbType.AnsiString, 30)]
public string Name
get { return myName; }
set { myName = value; }
The concept of triggers comes from the database. A database trigger is a piece of code that is executed when a certain action occurs on a table on which the trigger is defined. Light uses triggers in a similar fashion. Triggers are methods marked with Light.TriggerAttribute
, have a void
return type, and take a single parameter of type Light.TriggerContext
. TriggerAttribute
allows you to specify when the method is going to be called by the Dao
object. The same method can be marked to be called for more than one action. To do this, simply use the bitwise OR operator on the Light.Action
s passed to TriggerAttribute
Trigger methods can be called before and/or after insert, update, and delete operations. However, it can only be called after a select operation (denoted by Actions.AfterConstruct
) because, before the select operation, there are simply no objects to call triggers on: they are being created in the Dao.Select
or Dao.Find
So, the point here is that triggers are only called on existing objects. Hence, another caveat. When calling Dao.Delete
and passing it a Query
object, no triggers will be called on objects representing the records to be deleted simply because there are no objects for Light to work with. Internally, Light will not instantiate an instance just so it can call its triggers. If such behavior is required, you should first Dao.Select
objects that are to be deleted and then pass them to the Dao.Delete
Here is some code demonstrating the use of triggers. The code has not been tested to compile or run. Assume we have the following table in our SQL Server database:
create table parent (
parentid int not null identity(1,1) primary key,
name varchar(20)
create table child (
childid int not null identity(1,1) primary key,
parentid int not null foreign key references parent (parentid),
name varchar(20)
Here are C# classes defining this fake parent/child relationship:
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Light;
public class Parent
[Column("parentid", DbType.Int32, PrimaryKey=true, AutoIncrement=true)]
private int id = 0;
[Column("name", DbType.AnsiString, 20)]
private string name;
private IList<Child> children = new List<Child>();
public Parent()
public int ParentId
get { return id; }
public string ParentName
get { return name; }
set { name = value; }
public int ChildCount
get { return children.Count; }
public Child GetChild(int index)
if(index > 0 && index < children.Count)
return children[index];
return null;
public void AddChild(Child child)
child.Parent = this;
public void RemoveChild(Child child)
child.Parent = null;
[Trigger(Actions.BeforeInsert | Actions.BeforeUpdate)]
private void BeforeInsUpd(TriggerContext context)
context.Fail("Parent's name cannot be empty.");
[Trigger(Actions.AfterInsert | Actions.AfterUpdate)]
private void AfterInsUpd(TriggerContext context)
Dao dao = context.Dao;
if(context.TriggeringAction == Actions.AfterUpdate)
dao.Delete<Child>(new Query("parentid=@id").Add(
new Parameter().SetName("@id").SetDbType(DbType.Int32)
private void AfterActivate(TriggerContext context)
Dao dao = context.Dao;
children = dao.Select<Child>(new Query("parentid=@id").Add(
new Paremter().SetName("@id").SetDbType(DbType.Int32)
foreach(Child child in children)
child.Parent = this;
public class Child
[Column("childid", DbType.Int32, PrimaryKey=true, AutoIncrement=true)]
private int id = 0;
[Column("name", DbType.AnsiString, 20)]
private string name;
private Parent parent;
public Child()
public int ChildId
get { return id; }
public string Name
get { return name; }
set { name = value; }
public Parent Parent
get { return parent; }
set { parent = value; }
[Column("parentid", DbType.Int32)]
private int ParentId
if(parent != null)
return parent.Id;
return 0;
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection("Server=.; Database=test; Uid=sa; Pwd=");
Dao dao = new SqlServerDao(cn);
Parent jack = new Parent();
jack.Name = "Parent Jack";
Child bob = new Child();
bob.Name = "Child Bob";
Child mary = new Child();
mary.Name = "Child Mary";
int jacksId = jack.Id;
Parent jack2 = dao.Find<Parent>(jacksId);
Console.WriteLine("Jack's children are:");
for(int i = 0; i < jack2.ChildCount; i++)
Be careful not to create triggers that load objects in circles. For example, say we would add a trigger to the Child
class that would load its parent object on AfterActivate
. This trigger would load the parent, which would start loading children, which in turn would start loading the parent again, and so on and so forth, until you run out of memory and your program crashes.
So, in a one-to-many relationship or cases where one object fully depends on another, triggers are very helpful. However, they will rarely be able to handle many-to-many relationships unless your code is disciplined enough to only access related objects from one side all the time. Of course, triggers don't solve all the issues of related objects, but in some cases, they might help.
Stored Procedures
Light allows you to call Stored Procedures to select objects. This is useful to call procedures that perform searches based on multiple tables. Alternatively, you can create a view to deal with this, but in most cases, it is easier to deal with a Stored Procedure. However, an even better use for it is to bypass an intermediate table in a many-to-many relationship defined in the database. An example should make this clear.
Example: The SQL
create table users (
userid int identity(1,1) primary key,
username varchar(30)
create table roles (
roleid int identity(1,1) primary key,
rolename varchar(30)
create table userrole (
userid int foreign key references users(userid),
roleid int foreign key references roles(roleid),
constraint pk_userrole primary key(userid, roleid)
create procedure getroles(@userid int) as
select roles.*
from roles join userrole on roles.roleid = userrole.roleid
where userrole.userid = @userid
Example: The C#
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Collection.Generic;
using Light;
public class Role
[Column(DbType.Int32, PrimaryKey=true, AutoIncrement=true)] private int roleid;
[Column(DbType.AnsiString, 30)] private string rolename;
public int Id {
get { return roleid; }
set { roleid = value; }
public string Name {
get { return rolename; }
set { rolename = value; }
public class User
[Column(DbType.Int32, PrimaryKey=true, AutoIncrement=true)] private int userid;
[Column(DbType.AnsiString, 30)] private string username;
private IList<Role> roles = new List<Role>();
public int Id {
get { return userid; }
set { userid = value; }
public string Name {
get { return username; }
set { username = value; }
public IList<Role> Roles {
get { return roles; }
private void T1(TriggerContext ctx)
Dao dao = ctx.Dao;
roles = dao.Call<Role>(
new Procedure("getroles").Add(
new Parameter("@userid", DbType.Int32, this.userid)
public class UserRole
[Column(DbType.Int32, PrimaryKey=true)] private int userid;
[Column(DbType.Int32, PrimaryKey=true)] private int roleid;
public int UserId {
get { return userid; }
set { userid = value; }
public int RoleId {
get { return roleid; }
set { roleid = value; }
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection("Server=.; Database=test; Uid=sa; Pwd=");
Dao dao = new SqlServerDao(cn);
User user1 = new User();
user1.Name = "john";
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
Role role = new Role();
role.Name = "role " + (i+1).ToString();
UserRole userrole = new UserRole();
userrole.UserId = user1.Id;
userrole.RoleId = role.Id;
User user2 = dao.Find<User>(user1.Id);
Console.WriteLine("Roles of " + user2.Name + ":");
foreach(Role role in user2.Roles)
Light is a wrapper around ADO.NET, so it is slower than ADO.NET by definition. On top of that, Light uses Reflection to generate table models and create objects to be returned from the Dao.Select
and Dao.Find
methods. That is also slower than the creation of objects using the new
operator. However, Light does attempt to compensate for these slowdowns.
Light generates only parameterized SQL statements. Every command that runs is prepared in the database (IDbCommand.Prepare
is called before a command is executed). This forces the database to generate an execution plan for the command and cache it. Later calls to the same type of command (INSERT
, etc.) with the same type of object should be able to reuse the previously created execution plan from the database, unless the database removed it from its cache.
Light has a caching mechanism for generated table models, so it doesn't have to use Reflection to search through a type of any given object every time. By default, it stores up to 50 table models, but this number is configurable (see Dao.CacheSize
). Light uses the Least Recently Used algorithm to choose table models to be evicted from the cache when it becomes full.
The demo project provided is not really a demo project. It is just a bunch of NUnit tests that I ran against a SQL Server 2005 database. So, if you want to run the demo project, you will need to reference (or re-reference) the NUnit DLL that is on your system. Also, you will need to compile the source code and reference it from the demo project. No binaries are provided in the downloads, only source code. You don't need Visual Studio to use these projects; you can use a freely available SharpDevelop IDE (which was used to develop Light) or the good old command line.
Also included is an extension project by Jordan Marr. His code adds support for concurrency, and introduces a useful business framework structure. It keeps track of object properties that were changed, and only updates objects if anything was changed. This reduces the load on the database. The business framework also allows you to add validation rules to your objects.
The code is fully commented, so you may find some more useful information there. I hope this was, is, or will be useful to somebody in some way...
Many thanks to Jordan Marr for his contribution, feedback, ideas, and the extension project.
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