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MySQL Membership, Role, Sitemap, Personalization Provider for ASP.NET 2.0

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7 Sep 2007CPOL2 min read 125.4K   891   66   26
A Membership, Role, Sitemap, and Personalization provider using MySQL.


This is the implementation of a Membership, Role, Sitemap, and Personalization provider of ASP.NET using MySQL as the backend database. This class uses the native net MySQL Connector version 5.1.2.


This code is based on the work of J Snyman; he used ODBC to connect to MySQL. I modified it to use the native net MySQL Connector version 5.1.2.

Using the code

This is actually a C# class project. You only need to reference the compiled DLL output from this project in your Web project. You can use this even if the language in your web app is VB. The provided compiled DLL can be used right out of the box, but if you prefer, you can compile your own.

Using the providers is really easy.

  1. Create a new database on your MySQL server, e.g.: SimpleProviders.
  2. Execute the following SQL statement on the newly created database:
  3. SQL
    CREATE TABLE 'personalization' (
    'username' varchar(255) default NULL,
    'path' varchar(255) default NULL,
    'applicationname' varchar(255) default NULL,
    'personalizationblob' blob
    CREATE TABLE 'profiles' (
    'UniqueID' int(8) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    'Username' varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
    'ApplicationName' varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
    'IsAnonymous' tinyint(1) default '0',
    'LastActivityDate' datetime default NULL,
    'LastUpdatedDate' datetime default NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY ('UniqueID'),
    UNIQUE KEY 'PKProfiles' ('Username','ApplicationName'),
    UNIQUE KEY 'PKID' ('UniqueID')
    CREATE TABLE 'roles' (
    'Rolename' varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
    'ApplicationName' varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
    PRIMARY KEY ('Rolename','ApplicationName')
    CREATE TABLE 'sitemap' (
    'ID' int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    'ApplicationName' varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
    'Title' varchar(255) default NULL,
    'Description' text,
    'Url' text,
    'Roles' text,
    'Parent' int(11) default NULL,
    CREATE TABLE 'users' (
    'PKID' varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
    'Username' varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
    'ApplicationName' varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
    'Email' varchar(128) default NULL,
    'Comment' varchar(255) default NULL,
    'Password' varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
    'FailedPasswordAttemptWindowStart' datetime default NULL,
    'PasswordQuestion' varchar(255) default NULL,
    'IsLockedOut' tinyint(1) default '0',
    'PasswordAnswer' varchar(255) default NULL,
    'FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount' int(8) default '0',
    'FailedPasswordAttemptCount' int(8) default '0',
    'IsApproved' tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
    'FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptWindowStart' datetime default NULL,
    'LastActivityDate' datetime default NULL,
    'IsOnLine' tinyint(1) default '0',
    'CreationDate' datetime default NULL,
    'LastPasswordChangedDate' datetime default NULL,
    'LastLockedOutDate' datetime default NULL,
    'LastLoginDate' datetime default NULL,
    KEY 'PKID_2' ('PKID'),
    KEY 'usr' ('Username')
    CREATE TABLE 'usersinroles' (
    'Username' varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
    'Rolename' varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
    'ApplicationName' varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
    PRIMARY KEY ('Username','Rolename','ApplicationName')

    There is a SQL file named DBStructure.sql included with the source code zip file that contains the code above.

  4. Open Visual Studio and create a new Website Project.
  5. Add a reference to Simple.Providers.MySQL.dll.
  6. Make the following changes to your web.config file:
    1. Add the connection string to your newly created database to the connectionStrings section:
    2. XML
                          user id=<put user>;pwd=<put password>" 

      * Please replace the {Your username} and {Your password} entries in the connection string with your own values.

    3. Under the <system.web> section, add the following:
    4. XML
      <siteMap defaultProvider="siteMapProvider" enabled="true">
          <clear />
           <add name="siteMapProvider" 
             applicationName="{Your App Name}" 
             description="MySQL site map provider" 
      <roleManager defaultProvider="roleProvider" enabled="true" 
             cacheRolesInCookie="false" cookieName=".ASPROLES" 
             cookieTimeout="7200" cookiePath="/" cookieRequireSSL="false" 
             cookieSlidingExpiration="true" cookieProtection="All">
        <clear />
        <add name="roleProvider" 
          applicationName="{Your App Name}" 
          description="MySQL role provider"/>
      <membership defaultProvider="membershipProvider" 
        <clear />
        <add name="membershipProvider" 
          applicationName="{Your App Name}" 
          enablePasswordRetrieval="true" enablePasswordReset="true" 
          requiresUniqueEmail="true" passwordFormat="Encrypted" 
          description="MySQL membership provider"/>
      <profile defaultProvider="profileProvider" 
        <clear />
        <add name="profileProvider" 
          applicationName="{Your App Name}" 
          description="MySQL Profile Provider"/>
        <clear />
            Add any needed attributes for profiles here.
            eg. <add name="Theme" type="System.String" 
        <personalization defaultProvider="personalizationProvider">
          <clear />
          <add name="personalizationProvider" 
             connectionStringName="{Your Connection String Name}" 
             applicationName="{Your App Name}" 
             description="MySQL Personalization Provider/>

      Please replace the {Your App Name} instances with a valid application name. The application name should not contain any spaces or special characters.

  7. Everything should be set up correctly now.

Continue with the rest of your project and make sure to make use of the features provided by the above mentioned providers.


  • 9/7/2007 - Uses the MySQL Net Connector 5.1.2 instead of ODBC.


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
Web Developer
Philippines Philippines
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Comments and Discussions

Generalhelp me remove this error. Pin
virus232-Feb-10 1:25
virus232-Feb-10 1:25 
QuestionHow do the Simple Providers recognize the current version of MySQL Connector Driver Pin
LuizItatiba8-Sep-09 17:34
LuizItatiba8-Sep-09 17:34 
QuestionRe: Webparts Pin
Member 41156042-Apr-09 13:27
Member 41156042-Apr-09 13:27 
QuestionHow CurrentNodes and accented with spaces in SiteMapPath? For example São Paulo-SP. Pin
LuizItatiba22-Oct-08 9:25
LuizItatiba22-Oct-08 9:25 
QuestionHow to correctly set the standard MemberShipProvider Provider of the SqlServer2005 to work together with the MySqlSiteMapProvider? Pin
LuizItatiba8-Oct-08 6:26
LuizItatiba8-Oct-08 6:26 
QuestionHow can I use same database for more than one application? Pin
Öncel Umut TÜRER2-Sep-08 6:39
Öncel Umut TÜRER2-Sep-08 6:39 
QuestionCan someone provide the same example with some aspx pages..... Pin
Member 358658015-Jul-08 23:20
Member 358658015-Jul-08 23:20 
QuestionFail to test to the provider in the Configuration Pin
CGARRIGOS20-May-08 1:54
CGARRIGOS20-May-08 1:54 
QuestionHow to Order Alphabetically by the children MySqlSiteMapProvider us Pin
LuizItatiba1-Apr-08 16:30
LuizItatiba1-Apr-08 16:30 
QuestionAs Custom Menus of MYSQLSITEMAPPROVIDER, based on profiles or roles Pin
LuizItatiba1-Apr-08 9:24
LuizItatiba1-Apr-08 9:24 
QuestionError Tool Administration of Site or ASP.NET Configuration Pin
LuizItatiba1-Apr-08 8:57
LuizItatiba1-Apr-08 8:57 
QuestionError WebConfig Pin
LuizItatiba31-Mar-08 10:18
LuizItatiba31-Mar-08 10:18 
QuestionUsing the driver MySqlConnector 5.0 instead of 5.1.2 Pin
LuizItatiba26-Mar-08 12:44
LuizItatiba26-Mar-08 12:44 
GeneralGeneral Comments Pin
#realJSOP19-Jan-08 4:33
professional#realJSOP19-Jan-08 4:33 
QuestionODBC still present in the MysqlPersonalizationProvider.cs Pin
Lisburn Lad8-Jan-08 4:01
Lisburn Lad8-Jan-08 4:01 
AnswerRe: ODBC still present in the MysqlPersonalizationProvider.cs Pin
luciano vilela26-May-10 4:20
luciano vilela26-May-10 4:20 
GeneralImplementation Example Pin
CreativeGolf19-Oct-07 5:54
CreativeGolf19-Oct-07 5:54 
Generaljust Note Pin
ibyasmo30-Sep-07 10:45
ibyasmo30-Sep-07 10:45 
Kanedogg17-Sep-07 7:48
Kanedogg17-Sep-07 7:48 
AnswerRe: ERROR MESSAGE - SECURITY [modified] Pin
onrac17-Sep-07 17:18
onrac17-Sep-07 17:18 
Kanedogg18-Sep-07 0:47
Kanedogg18-Sep-07 0:47 
QuestionRe: MySQL Membership, Role Provider [modified] Pin
Fuzziebrain13-Sep-07 15:23
Fuzziebrain13-Sep-07 15:23 
AnswerRe: MySQL Membership, Role Provider Pin
onrac17-Sep-07 17:20
onrac17-Sep-07 17:20 
Generalgood effort Pin
lxwde10-Sep-07 14:52
lxwde10-Sep-07 14:52 
but need to reformat the article ):
Generalnice Pin
ozkan.pakdil10-Sep-07 13:46
ozkan.pakdil10-Sep-07 13:46 

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