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Simple AJAX implementation for ASP.NET Web applications

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16 May 2006CPOL6 min read 349.1K   209   67
The article describes a simple approach of implementing AJAX functionality in ASP.NET web applications.


This document describes a simple approach of implementing AJAX functionality in ASP.NET web applications. Pros and cons of using AJAX are also discussed. The document contains a working JavaScript and C#.NET code demonstrating the suggested solution.


Most of you already know that AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. This technology was introduced first by Microsoft (from my best knowledge) back in 1999, and had been known as “DHTML / JavaScript web application with remote calls”. The whole idea of the technology was to allow an internet browser to make an asynchronous HTTP call to remote pages/services, and update a current web page with the received results without refreshing the whole page. By creators’ opinion, this should have improved customers’ experience, making HTTP pages look and feel very similar to Windows applications.

Because the core implementation of this technology was based on internet browser functionality, the usability was very limited at that time. But several years later, the technology has been reborn with new browsers support and massive implementation by such giants as Google,, eBay, etc.

Today, it’s known as AJAX, and considered as a natural part of any dynamic web page with advanced user experience.

Solution Description

The suggested approach provides a very simple, yet effective implementation of the AJAX functionality. It’s very easy to maintain and change, does not require any special skills from developers, and, from our best knowledge, is cross-browser compatible.

Basically, a regular AJAX-like implementation includes two main components: a client HTML page with JavaScript code making an AJAX call and receiving a response, and a remote page that can accept a request and respond with the required information. The JavaScript code on the client page is responsible for instantiating an XmlHttp object, then providing this object with a callback method which will be responsible for processing the received information, and finally, sending a request to the remote page via the XmlHttp object. All this is done by the JavaScript code.

Our approach is intended for use in ASP.NET applications, and considers the following possible scenarios:

  • AJAX calls may be performed on different ASP.NET pages of the web application to different remote pages;
  • A remote page URL may contain dynamically calculated parameters, and it may be more convenient to build a URL string in the code-behind of the ASP.NET page;
  • A remote page may respond with a complex data requiring parsing before updating an HTML page, that once again may be done in the code-behind of the ASP.NET page;
  • A remote page may be either an external third party page, or the web application’s own page or service.

All these considerations are illustrated by the diagram below:

Solution diagram


Basic AJAX JavaScript methods

I divided all the JavaScript methods into two parts: calling page specific JavaScript methods, and AJAX JavaScript methods common for all the calling pages. Specific methods include a callback method as well, as it is responsible for updating the page content. Common AJAX methods are responsible for instantiating an XmlHttp object and sending an asynchronous request to the remote page.

Getting an XmlHttp object differs depending on the type of the browser. I distinguish two basic types: a Microsoft browser which is one of the IE family, and a Mozilla browser which is one of Mozilla Firefox, Netscape, or Safari. I tested the code with the Opera browser too, but I would not guarantee that it will always be working well.

function GetXmlHttpObject(handler)
    var objXmlHttp = null;
    if (!window.XMLHttpRequest)
        // Microsoft
        objXmlHttp = GetMSXmlHttp();
        if (objXmlHttp != null)
            objXmlHttp.onreadystatechange = handler;
        // Mozilla | Netscape | Safari
        objXmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
        if (objXmlHttp != null)
            objXmlHttp.onload = handler;
            objXmlHttp.onerror = handler;
    return objXmlHttp; 

function GetMSXmlHttp()
    var xmlHttp = null;
    var clsids = ["Msxml2.XMLHTTP.6.0","Msxml2.XMLHTTP.5.0",
    for(var i=0; i<clsids.length && xmlHttp == null; i++) {
        xmlHttp = CreateXmlHttp(clsids[i]);
    return xmlHttp;

function CreateXmlHttp(clsid) {
    var xmlHttp = null;
    try {
        xmlHttp = new ActiveXObject(clsid);
        lastclsid = clsid;
        return xmlHttp;
    catch(e) {}

According to Umut Alev, the code for the GetMSXmlHttp method can be simplified considering that we do not have to refer MSXML5 as it has been designed only for Office applications. Correspondingly, the simplified revision of the GetMSXmlHttp method may look as follows:

function GetMSXmlHttp() {
    var xmlHttp = null;
    var clsids = ["Msxml2.XMLHTTP.6.0",
    for(var i=0; i<clsids.length && xmlHttp == null; i++) {
        xmlHttp = CreateXmlHttp(clsids[i]);
    return xmlHttp;

As you see, GetXmlHttpObject methods accept a handler parameter which is a name of the callback method that should be defined in the page-specific code. Now that we already have an XmlHttp object, we can send an asynchronous request.

function SendXmlHttpRequest(xmlhttp, url) {'GET', url, true); 

I use a GET HTTP method to a given URL, but this can be easily changed by changing the JS code above.

Page-specific methods

Now we have all the methods we need to perform a call to the remote page. In order to do this, we need to pass the callback method name to the GetXmlHttpObject method and then pass the URL string to the SendXmlHttpRequest method.

var xmlHttp; 

function ExecuteCall(url)
        xmlHttp = GetXmlHttpObject(CallbackMethod); 
        SendXmlHttpRequest(xmlHttp, url); 
//CallbackMethod will fire when the state 
//has changed, i.e. data is received back 
function CallbackMethod() 
        //readyState of 4 or 'complete' represents 
        //that data has been returned 
        if (xmlHttp.readyState == 4 || 
            xmlHttp.readyState == 'complete')
            var response = xmlHttp.responseText; 
            if (response.length > 0)
                //update page
                                                   = response; 

The CallbackMethod is responsible for updating the page content. In our example, it simply updates the inner HTML of the given HTTP element. But in real life, it can be much more complex.

The last question regarding the calling page implementation is how we call the ExecuteCall JS method. Well, it depends on what the page is doing. In some cases, the ExecuteCall method can be called when the JS event is fired. But if that is not the case, we can register the method as a startup script for the page using the corresponding C# code in the page's code-behind.

   String.Format("<script>ExecuteCall('{0}');</script>", url));

We can add this line of code either in the Page_Prerender or Page_Load method of the ASP.NET code-behind file.

Remote Page

Let’s find out what a remote page could look like. If this is an ASP.NET page (what we assume), we are interested in the code-behind only. We can easily remove all the code from the .aspx file: it won’t affect the behavior of the page in any way.

For example, we take a public web service that converts temperature values in Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice versa. The service is available here. If you add this URL as a web reference to your project, Visual Studio will generate a proxy class with the name com.developerdays.ITempConverterservice in your current namespace. Our remote ASP.NET page, let’s name it getTemp.aspx, will accept a query string parameter with the name “temp” which should contain an integer value of a temperature in Celsius to convert. So the target URL to the remote page will look like this: http://localhost/getTemp.aspx?temp=25. And the code-behind for this page is shown below:

private void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    string temp = Request.QueryString["temp"];
    if (temp != null)
            int tempC = int.Parse(temp);
            string tempF = getTempF(tempC);

private string getTempF(int tempC)
          svc = new ITempConverterservice();
    int tempF = svc.CtoF(tempC);
    return tempF.ToString();

According to our convention, we can now build a URL string for the remote page that we will pass to the RegisterStartupScript method in the example above, like this:

int tempC = 25;
string url = String.Format("http://localhost/" + 
             "getTemp.aspx?temp={0}", tempC);

Using the approach with an intermediate ASP.NET page, calling in its turn a remote service, allows simplifying response processing, especially if it requires parsing. In simple cases when the response contains just text, we can pass the remote service URL directly to the JS ExecuteCall method.


This article is aimed to illustrate the simplicity of using the AJAX technology in any ASP.NET application. While AJAX has some drawbacks, it also provides some advantages from the user experience perspective. It’s completely up to the developer whether to use the AJAX technology or not, but I have just demonstrated that in simple cases, it does not take a long time or require any special skills.


I would like to thank my colleagues Oleg Gorchkov and Chris Page who helped me out with testing and optimizing the approach described in the article.


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
Canada Canada
Alexander Turlov is a professional software development consultant that has been working in IT industry since 1987. His programming experience includes such languages as FORTRAN, Pascal, Basic, C, C++ and C#. He's been working for different industries including but not limited to science, manufacturing, retail, utilities, finance, insurance, health care, education and so on. His area of professional interests is cloud powered rich web applications development with .NET, C#, ASP.NET/MVC and JavaScript. He is working in software development doing architecture, design and development on .NET platform and using Microsoft Visual Studio, Azure and Visual Studio Team Services as his primary tools. He holds a M.Sc. degree in physics and various industry certifications including MCSD.NET, Azure and Scrum.

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Comments and Discussions

JokeExcellent article Pin
IlanMog18-Apr-06 1:34
IlanMog18-Apr-06 1:34 
GeneralRe: Excellent article Pin
Alexander Turlov22-Apr-06 9:26
Alexander Turlov22-Apr-06 9:26 
GeneralPlease remove old and office xmlhttps Pin
Umut Alev11-Apr-06 20:59
Umut Alev11-Apr-06 20:59 
GeneralRe: Please remove old and office xmlhttps Pin
Alexander Turlov22-Apr-06 9:22
Alexander Turlov22-Apr-06 9:22 
GeneralRe: Please remove old and office xmlhttps Pin
Alexander Turlov16-May-06 17:13
Alexander Turlov16-May-06 17:13 
GeneralIt works Excellent Pin
pchelp11-Apr-06 8:18
pchelp11-Apr-06 8:18 
GeneralRe: It works Excellent Pin
Alexander Turlov22-Apr-06 9:21
Alexander Turlov22-Apr-06 9:21 
General5 here Please Pin
AnasHashki7-Apr-06 21:54
AnasHashki7-Apr-06 21:54 
Very good articles
I like it
Smile | :)

Software Developer
LIFE'S SHORT. If you don't look around once in a while you might miss it

GeneralRe: 5 here Please Pin
Alexander Turlov8-Apr-06 6:55
Alexander Turlov8-Apr-06 6:55 
Generalbrowser incompatbility Pin
NeverHeardOfMe6-Apr-06 23:25
NeverHeardOfMe6-Apr-06 23:25 
GeneralRe: browser incompatbility Pin
Alexander Turlov8-Apr-06 6:54
Alexander Turlov8-Apr-06 6:54 
GeneralRe: browser incompatbility Pin
NeverHeardOfMe8-Apr-06 8:32
NeverHeardOfMe8-Apr-06 8:32 
GeneralRe: browser incompatbility Pin
DotNetYogi13-Apr-06 22:28
DotNetYogi13-Apr-06 22:28 
GeneralRe: browser incompatbility Pin
wik23-May-06 10:21
wik23-May-06 10:21 
GeneralRe: browser incompatbility Pin
Alexander Turlov23-May-06 17:24
Alexander Turlov23-May-06 17:24 
GeneralRe: browser incompatbility Pin
wik24-May-06 2:18
wik24-May-06 2:18 
GeneralRe: browser incompatibility Pin
Alexander Turlov24-May-06 16:22
Alexander Turlov24-May-06 16:22 
GeneralVery good example,thanks Pin
Zhouguo6-Apr-06 15:23
Zhouguo6-Apr-06 15:23 
GeneralRe: Very good example,thanks Pin
Alexander Turlov6-Apr-06 16:31
Alexander Turlov6-Apr-06 16:31 
QuestionNo source download? Pin
robrich6-Apr-06 7:27
robrich6-Apr-06 7:27 
AnswerRe: No source download? Pin
Alexander Turlov6-Apr-06 8:30
Alexander Turlov6-Apr-06 8:30 

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