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C Language Dynamic String

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20 Dec 2019MIT5 min read 24.8K   690   17   14
Dynamic string for the C language


This article covers the implementation of the dynamic ANSI string for the C language.

String or more precisely character array is an important data structure for the programmatic text manipulation and presentation. And much of that is already covered in the standard libraries. However, I believe up to this day, there is no dynamically managed string type in the C language standard. There are 3rd party libraries free or otherwise, that probably require tons of additional code to come along.

I hope this implementation of low level dynamic string will help you in your C coding where the dynamic string is a must.


When you write a program in C, a need arises to hold or manipulate the text of variable size. Normally, this is done by writing code that covers growing, shrinking, etc. Mainly, this code is pointer arithmetic and memory management. It can be very messy code.

I wrote that code sometime back in 1994 and I probably will make Unicode version, but back then, this ANSI implementation only was sufficient for my needs.


Dynamic C string is implemented to be efficient in speed and memory ops. It keeps track of what was allocated and the length of the string that uses that allocation. This allows it to ignore allocations for the different assignment operations to the same string if the previously allocated memory is already big enough. That extra allocated memory can be shrunk by the programmer at will when needed.

It is not dependent on any frameworks and libraries.

It should compile for any platform and run on any device that runs compiled C code.

Base type for the string is a HSTRINGA. It stands for the HANDLE to an ANSI string. Handle encapsulates messy string data details from the user by hiding the implementation. HSTRINGA can be stored as a member of C structure, passed on as a parameter, copied, or returned from a function just as the normal pointer would.

It was originally built with C89 compliant compiler so there should be no issues going backward with this code to an older compilers as long as it is post C89 standard.

HSTRINGA internally encapsulates tagSTRINGA structure:

typedef struct tagSTRINGA
         char*    data;             /* string */
         size_t   data_length;      /* length of string */
         size_t   alloc_length;     /* malloc size */

The structure is not visible to the user and represented as a handle:


This approach guarantees type safety and your compiler either gives warning or error if accidentally another pointer passed in. Void pointer in its place would not give even a warning. At the same time, it hides tagSTRINGA structure members. User does not have access to the members and they are used internally to track the state of the string.

API Overview

API functions are decorated to prevent any namespace collision with other similar libraries.

Creation and destruction:

  • Astr_Create()
  • Astr_Destroy(HSTRINGA hstr)


  • Astr_Copy(HSTRINGA hstr)

Size management:

Assignment, concatenation, deletion, replacement:

  • Astr_GetLength(HSTRINGA hstr)
  • Astr_GetAllocLength(HSTRINGA hstr)
  • Astr_IsEmpty(HSTRINGA hstr)
  • Astr_FreeExtra(HSTRINGA hstr)
  • Astr_Empty(HSTRINGA hstr)
  • Astr_Set(HSTRINGA hstr, const char* str)
  • Astr_Get(HSTRINGA hstr)
  • Astr_SetAt(HSTRINGA hstr, size_t index, char ch)
  • Astr_GetAt(HSTRINGA hstr, size_t index)
  • Astr_Cat(HSTRINGA hstr, const char* str)
  • Astr_Insert(HSTRINGA hstr, size_t index, const char* str)
  • Astr_InsertCh(HSTRINGA hstr, size_t index, char c)
  • Astr_Replace(HSTRINGA hstr, const char* pOld, const char* pNew)
  • Astr_ReplaceCh(HSTRINGA hstr, char chOld, char chNew)
  • Astr_Remove(HSTRINGA hstr, const char* str)
  • Astr_RemoveCh(HSTRINGA hstr, char chRemove)
  • Astr_Delete(HSTRINGA hstr, size_t index, size_t count)

Case conversions and reversal:

Trimming white space:

  • Astr_ToUpper(HSTRINGA hstr)
  • Astr_ToLower(HSTRINGA hstr)
  • Astr_Reverse(HSTRINGA hstr)
  • Astr_TrimRight(HSTRINGA hstr)
  • Astr_TrimLeft(HSTRINGA hstr)
  • Astr_Trim(HSTRINGA hstr)


  • Astr_Find(HSTRINGA hstr, const char* sub, size_t start)
  • Astr_FindCh(HSTRINGA hstr, char ch, size_t start)
  • Astr_ReverseFind(HSTRINGA hstr, char ch)
  • Astr_FindOneOf(HSTRINGA hstr, const char* char_set)


  • Astr_Mid(HSTRINGA hstr, size_t start, size_t count)
  • Astr_Left(HSTRINGA hstr, size_t count)
  • Astr_Right(HSTRINGA hstr, size_t count)


  • Astr_Format(HSTRINGA hstr, const char* fmt, ...)

Allocation and Deallocation

This code snippet demonstrates basic usage of HSTRINGA:

HSTRINGA hstr = Astr_Create();
Astr_Set(hstr, "Hello Dynamic C String!");
printf("%s\n", Astr_Get(hstr));
// Use hstr . . .
// Cleanup

String must be deallocated by calling Astr_Destroy(HSTRINGA) function when you are done using it.

Any HSTRINGA handle returned by the API function must be deallocated individually because it is a complete copy of the original string. This is done to prevent things like deleting two pointers to the same string by accident or any other pointer mishaps.


HSTRINGA hstr = Astr_Create();
Astr_Set(hstr, "Hello Dynamic C String!");
printf("%s\n", Astr_Get(hstr));
hCopy = Astr_Copy(hstr);
// Use hstr and copy . . . 
// Cleanup

Copy operation will create an independent copy of the original string. Any consecutive modification of the original will not affect the copy and vice versa. Each copy of the original string must be deallocated separately.

Size Management

Call Astr_GetLength function to get a count of the bytes in this HSTRINGA object. The count does not include a null terminator.

Call Astr_GetAllocLength function to determine the total memory allocated to the string. It can be different from the string length. If you want to shrink the memory manually, you can call this function and compare it to the actual string length.

Astr_IsEmpty tests a HSTRINGA object for the empty condition.

Call Astr_FreeExtra function to free any extra memory previously allocated by the string but no longer needed. This should reduce the memory overhead consumed by the string object. The function reallocates the buffer to the exact length returned by Astr_GetLength.

Call to Astr_Empty makes this HSTRINGA object null string and frees memory. It does not destroy the string object and the object can be reused later.

printf("size:%d\n", Astr_GetLength(hstr));
printf("alloc:%d\n", Astr_GetAllocLength(hstr));
         // do something ..
         // do something ..
if(Astr_GetAllocLength(hstr) > Astr_GetLength(hstr))
         assert(Astr_GetAllocLength(hstr) == Astr_GetLength(hstr));
assert(Astr_Get(hstr) == NULL);
// can be repopulated later 

Assignment, Concatenation, Insertion, Deletion, Replacement

size_t i;
HSTRINGA hstr = Astr_Create();
Astr_Set(hstr, "Hello Dynamic C String!");
printf("%s\n", Astr_Get(hstr));
Astr_SetAt(hstr, 0, 'h');
Astr_SetAt(hstr, 6, 'd');
Astr_SetAt(hstr, 14, 'c');
Astr_SetAt(hstr, 16, 's');
printf("%s\n", Astr_Get(hstr));
for(i = 0; i < Astr_GetLength(hstr); i++)
         printf("%c\n", Astr_GetAt(hstr, i));
/* concatenate */
Astr_Cat(hstr, " For all");
Astr_Cat(hstr, " your c coding");
Astr_Cat(hstr, " needs");
printf("%s\n", Astr_Get(hstr));
/* insertion */
Astr_Insert(hstr, 6, "awesome ");
printf("%s\n", Astr_Get(hstr));
Astr_InsertCh(hstr, 6, '\'');
printf("%s\n", Astr_Get(hstr));
/* replacement */
Astr_Replace(hstr, "C", "awesome C");
printf("%s\n", Astr_Get(hstr));
Astr_ReplaceCh(hstr, 'l', 'L');
printf("%s\n", Astr_Get(hstr));
/* deletion */
Astr_Delete(hstr, 5, 7);

Case Conversions and Reversal

HSTRINGA hstr = Astr_Create();
Astr_Set(hstr, "String to reverse");
printf("%s\n", Astr_Get(hstr));
printf("%s\n", Astr_Get(hstr));
printf("%s\n", Astr_Get(hstr));
printf("%s\n", Astr_Get(hstr));
printf("%s\n", Astr_Get(hstr));

Trimming White Space

HSTRINGA hstr = Astr_Create();
Astr_Set(hstr, "String to trim   ");
printf("%s\n", Astr_Get(hstr));
printf("%s\n", Astr_Get(hstr));
Astr_Set(hstr, "    String to trim");
printf("%s\n", Astr_Get(hstr));
printf("%s\n", Astr_Get(hstr));
Astr_Set(hstr, "    String to trim    ");
printf("%s\n", Astr_Get(hstr));
printf("%s\n", Astr_Get(hstr));


size_t f;
HSTRINGA hstr = Astr_Create();
Astr_Set(hstr, "Hello Dynamic C String!");
printf("%s\n", Astr_Get(hstr));
f = Astr_Find(hstr, "String", 0);
printf("\nfound at %d\n", f);
f = Astr_Find(hstr, "to", f);
printf("found at %d\n", f);
f = Astr_Find(hstr, "tr", f);
printf("found at %d\n", f);
f = Astr_Find(hstr, "nonexitent", 0);
printf("found at %d\n", f);
f = Astr_FindCh(hstr, 'r', 0);
printf("found at %d\n", f);
f = Astr_FindOneOf(hstr, "tuwxyz");
printf("found at %d\n", f);


Extraction functions are one of the few which return type is HSTRINGA. Any function that returns HSTRINGA creates a new HSTRINGA so to speak. Therefore, it must be individually deallocated.

HSTRINGA h, hstr;
double d = 3.9876;
hstr = Astr_Create();
Astr_Format(hstr, "double %.*f", 10, d);
printf("%s\n", Astr_Get(hstr));
h = Astr_Mid(hstr, 6, 4);
printf("%s\n", Astr_Get(h));
h = Astr_Left(hstr, 8);
printf("%s\n", Astr_Get(h));
h = Astr_Right(hstr, 4);
printf("%s\n", Astr_Get(h));


HSTRINGA object can be formatted with the printf like statement providing appropriate growth of the internal buffer.

Example of the formatting:

int i = 10;
double d = 3.9876;
float f = 3.14f;
__int64 i64 = 200;
const char* s = "Test";
Astr_Format(hstr, "int %d, double %f, float %f, int64: %I64d", i, d, f, i64);
printf("%s\n", Astr_Get(hstr));
Astr_Format(hstr, "string: %s, int %d, double %f, float %f", s, i, d, f);
printf("%s\n", Astr_Get(hstr));
Astr_Format(hstr, "double %.2f, float %.3f", d, f);
printf("%s\n", Astr_Get(hstr));
Astr_Format(hstr, "double %.*f", 10, d);
printf("%s\n", Astr_Get(hstr));

Using the Code

Include "str.h" and "str.c" into your project.


Points of Interest

That code shows how to:

  • Encapsulate C language structures from the user
  • Memory management at low level
  • Pointer arithmetic


  • 31st August, 2018. Original article
  • 30th November, 2018. Fixed several typos in the example code
  • Dec 20th 2019. Fixed several parts of article 


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The MIT License

Written By
Architect Robotz Software
United States United States
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.

Comments and Discussions

GeneralGreat contribution Pin
Southmountain20-Jan-20 4:54
Southmountain20-Jan-20 4:54 
QuestionWhy use this? Pin
Member 1330167927-Dec-19 20:51
Member 1330167927-Dec-19 20:51 
AnswerRe: Why use this? Pin
steveb28-Dec-19 3:47
mvesteveb28-Dec-19 3:47 
GeneralRe: Why use this? Pin
Member 1330167928-Dec-19 20:36
Member 1330167928-Dec-19 20:36 
QuestionExcellent Work! Pin
dseverns525-Dec-19 4:45
professionaldseverns525-Dec-19 4:45 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
David A. Gray23-Dec-19 13:10
David A. Gray23-Dec-19 13:10 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
User 1106097922-Dec-19 5:07
User 1106097922-Dec-19 5:07 
GeneralRe: My vote of 5 Pin
steveb23-Dec-19 3:45
mvesteveb23-Dec-19 3:45 
QuestionVery Good Pin
John R. Shaw1-Oct-18 9:01
John R. Shaw1-Oct-18 9:01 
AnswerRe: Very Good Pin
steveb3-Oct-18 9:05
mvesteveb3-Oct-18 9:05 
GeneralRe: Very Good Pin
olivier gg23-Dec-19 0:36
olivier gg23-Dec-19 0:36 
GeneralRe: Very Good Pin
steveb23-Dec-19 3:41
mvesteveb23-Dec-19 3:41 
PraiseVery good contribution! Pin
Armando A Bouza8-Sep-18 3:14
Armando A Bouza8-Sep-18 3:14 
Very good contribution, well coded and useful. The same structure could be extended easily to other base objects.
Thanks for sharing this work!
GeneralRe: Very good contribution! Pin
steveb8-Sep-18 16:22
mvesteveb8-Sep-18 16:22 

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