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ASP.NET File Upload with Progress Bar

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20 Jul 2012CPOL2 min read 5M   68.4K   442   357
File upload widget that will display real time file upload progressbar


File upload widget that will display real time file upload progress bar:



This will allow user to upload, download and delete file with classic user interface and without reloading page.

Using the Code

The upload widget includes the following:

  • File Upload interface (Default.aspx)
    • IFRAME (which contains upload engine page UploadEngine.aspx)
    • Upload button (that will allow user to upload file on server)
    • Display statistics for uploading file (Filename, Status, Progress and Transferred Bytes)
    • Grid (that will display list of uploaded files)
    • Hidden field (it will monitor and refresh file list whenever file was successfully uploaded on server)
  • Upload Engine (UploadEngine.aspx)
    • File Upload control

Page Structure (Default.aspx)


Upload Engine structure (UploadEngine.aspx)


Page execution flow

During page loading, it will automatically register click event for Upload button.

  1. Choose File to upload
  2. Clicking on Upload button (it will automatically register click event for Upload button)
    • The following function is checking basic validation on client site like
      • File Upload should not be empty
      • File name should be unique
    • Executing (UploadEngine) submit event using JavaScript
    • During execution of (UploadEngine) two processes are executing simultaneously
      • Page will maintain File Upload details in session with the help of UploadDetail class
      • Every 500 milliseconds, the PageMethod will call and display progress of current uploading file with Size and Percentage value
    • Display continuous progress using StartProgress function
  3. FileUploadWithProgrss/PageExecutionFlow_2.png

  4. Display real time progress


  5. Update message based on result, result may from following:
    Success Information Warning Error


  6. The two processes are executing simultaneously on server side are as follows:
    • Upload Engine


    • Default


  7. During file upload processes, the following screen would be appear:


  8. Following functionality is also available in Grid:


  9. I provided classical look and feel (with CSS) and cross browser compatible script (with JavaScript).
  10. The upload widgets are supported by the following browser:


    UPDATED - 2: 

    I have added three new files for saving file in database. 

    • App_Code  
      1. SaveFile.cs  (Logic for saving file database, Attention: modify only database connection)
      2. Result.cs (this will return status success of failed with description)
    • App_Data 
      1. Script.Sql (Database script for creating Table and Stored Procedure) 

    Modified only one file UploadEngine.aspx.cs

    Please add following code after

    if (this.fileUpload.PostedFile != null && this.fileUpload.PostedFile.ContentLength > 0
    //START : Saving File in Database
                   SaveFile saveFileInDB = new SaveFile();
                   saveFileInDB.FileName = this.fileUpload.PostedFile.FileName;
                   saveFileInDB.FileExtension = Path.GetExtension(this.fileUpload.PostedFile.FileName);
                   saveFileInDB.FileContent = this.fileUpload.FileBytes;
                   Result Result = saveFileInDB.SaveFileInDB();
                   if (Result.IsError == false)
                       //File Save in Database Successfully!
                       //Error in Saving File in Database!
                       //Error: Result.ErrorMessage
                       //InnerException: Result.InnerException
                       //StackTrace: Result.StackTrace
                   //END : Saving File in Database

Points of Interest 

Now I will try to support multiple files upload feature.  


If you find some issues or bugs with it, just leave a comment or drop me an email. If you make any notes on this, let me know that too so I don't have to redo any of your hard work.

1.                      Initial Upload

2.  21-07-12       Add functionality to uploaded file in Database also

Please provide a "Vote", if this would be helpful.  


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
Technical Lead Infostretch Ahmedabad-Gujarat
India India
Aspiring for a challenging carrier wherein I can learn, grow, expand and share my existing knowledge in meaningful and coherent way.

sunaSaRa Imdadhusen


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Comments and Discussions

GeneralRe: My vote of 5 Pin
Sunasara Imdadhusen7-Oct-10 2:40
professionalSunasara Imdadhusen7-Oct-10 2:40 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
thatraja6-Oct-10 23:20
professionalthatraja6-Oct-10 23:20 
GeneralRe: My vote of 5 Pin
Sunasara Imdadhusen7-Oct-10 2:46
professionalSunasara Imdadhusen7-Oct-10 2:46 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
MikaHaki5-Oct-10 21:19
MikaHaki5-Oct-10 21:19 
GeneralRe: My vote of 5 Pin
Sunasara Imdadhusen9-Jan-11 17:46
professionalSunasara Imdadhusen9-Jan-11 17:46 
GeneralAwesome!! Pin
Jason Vetter5-Oct-10 8:30
Jason Vetter5-Oct-10 8:30 
GeneralRe: Awesome!! Pin
Sunasara Imdadhusen9-Jan-11 17:44
professionalSunasara Imdadhusen9-Jan-11 17:44 
GeneralExcellent !!! Pin
Frans Vander Meiren5-Oct-10 7:14
Frans Vander Meiren5-Oct-10 7:14 
Very good article. Code works terrific
Thanks! Smile | :)
GeneralRe: Excellent !!! Pin
Sunasara Imdadhusen9-Jan-11 17:46
professionalSunasara Imdadhusen9-Jan-11 17:46 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
Code-Elements5-Oct-10 5:31
Code-Elements5-Oct-10 5:31 
GeneralRe: My vote of 5 Pin
Sunasara Imdadhusen9-Jan-11 17:45
professionalSunasara Imdadhusen9-Jan-11 17:45 
GeneralTesting question. Pin
RussClarke4-Oct-10 23:45
RussClarke4-Oct-10 23:45 
GeneralRe: Testing question. [modified] Pin
Xmen Real 5-Oct-10 16:37
professional Xmen Real 5-Oct-10 16:37 
GeneralRe: Testing question. Pin
RussClarke6-Oct-10 2:08
RussClarke6-Oct-10 2:08 
GeneralRe: Testing question. Pin
Xmen Real 6-Oct-10 2:18
professional Xmen Real 6-Oct-10 2:18 
GeneralRe: Testing question. Pin
RussClarke6-Oct-10 4:11
RussClarke6-Oct-10 4:11 
GeneralRe: Testing question. Pin
Xmen Real 6-Oct-10 4:43
professional Xmen Real 6-Oct-10 4:43 
GeneralRe: Testing question. Pin
Xmen Real 6-Oct-10 5:01
professional Xmen Real 6-Oct-10 5:01 
GeneralRe: Testing question. Pin
RussClarke6-Oct-10 21:45
RussClarke6-Oct-10 21:45 
GeneralIt's horribly Pin
bordima3-Oct-10 8:32
bordima3-Oct-10 8:32 
GeneralRe: It's horribly Pin
Sunasara Imdadhusen3-Oct-10 22:04
professionalSunasara Imdadhusen3-Oct-10 22:04 
GeneralRe: It's horribly Pin
bordima3-Oct-10 22:25
bordima3-Oct-10 22:25 
GeneralRe: It's horribly Pin
Sunasara Imdadhusen3-Oct-10 23:10
professionalSunasara Imdadhusen3-Oct-10 23:10 
GeneralRe: It's horribly Pin
Xmen Real 4-Oct-10 5:30
professional Xmen Real 4-Oct-10 5:30 
GeneralRe: It's horribly Pin
vdykcj4-Oct-10 20:01
vdykcj4-Oct-10 20:01 

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