Don't keep on creating new questions that ask basically the same thing (
how to add menubar in visual studio[
Basically, I understand that you have
one image that should represent
three links: Home, Login and Logout. To do this, choose one of these approaches:
* Split up the image into three portions, one for Home (called "home.jpg" for example), one for Login (called "login.jpg") and one for Logout ("logout.jpg"). Then create three image hyperlinks, next to each other (or below, whatever makes sense for the image you're using), like so:
<a href="Home.aspx"><img src="home.jpg" /></a>
<a href="Login.aspx"><img src="login.jpg" /></a>
<a href="Logout.aspx"><img src="logout.jpg" /></a>
It might be an idea to put these into a table structure of some sort.
* Use one image, but add an image map that describes areas of the image that can be clicked on and link to other pages, like this:
<img src="MyMenuBar.jpg" width="180" height="20" usemap="#menumap" />
<map name="menumap">
<area shape="rect" coords="0,0,59,20" href="Home.aspx" alt="Home" />
<area shape="rect" coords="60,0,119,20" href="Login.aspx" alt="Login" />
<area shape="rect" coords="120,0,179,20" href="Logout.aspx" alt="Logout" />
Also see[
^]; this seems to be a tool that can do this for you automatically. Note that I haven't used it myself.