OK, I think I understand the question - the call to timeapi.org returns the current time according to the timeapi server. You're then using that time create a future time, one month in the future at 7:10 pm. The "current" time (latime, today, and todaystring) is never incremented once created, so the countdown is always comparing the future time to an unchanging current time.
To avoid using a local user clock (that can be changed) to get the current time, you can either make a new ajax call to timeapi.org for the trusted current time, realizing there will be a lag, or increment the original current time locally in the script.
In my experience, incrementing on the client machine may lag behind the true time, depending on the client machine capabilities and computing load, especially over long time periods.
I've added a few progress messages that display various variables as the script runs to show where the current time and future time are compared and might be incremented.
<span id="dday">days</span> d <span id="dhour">hours</span> h <span id="dmin">minutes</span> min <span id="dsec">seconds</span> sec
<div id="count2">id=count2</div>
<div class="numbers" id="dday" hidden=true >id=dday</div>
<hr />
<div id="debug"></div>
var montharray = new Array("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec");
var year;
var month;
var day;
var hour = 19;
var minute = 10;
var tz = 0;
var ladate;
var today;
var bugbox;
function myCallback(json) {
ladate = new Date(json.dateString);
year = ladate.getFullYear();
month = ladate.getMonth() + 1;
day = ladate.getDate();
bugbox.innerHTML+='<p>ladate= '+ladate+'</p>';
bugbox.innerHTML+='<p>1. year, month, day, hour, minute= '+year+','+month+','+day+','+hour+','+minute+'</p>';
countdown(year, month, day, hour, minute);
function countdown(yr, m, d, hr, min) {
theyear = yr;
themonth = m;
theday = d;
thehour = hr;
theminute = min;
today = ladate;
today=new Date(yr,m-1,d,hr,min);
bugbox.innerHTML+='<p>today= '+today+'</p>';
var todayy = today.getYear();
if (todayy < 1000) {
todayy += 1900;
var todaym = today.getMonth();
var todayd = today.getDate();
var todayh = today.getHours();
var todaymin = today.getMinutes();
var todaysec = today.getSeconds();
var todaystring1 = montharray[todaym-0] + " " + todayd + ", " + todayy + " " + todayh + ":" + todaymin + ":" + todaysec;
var todaystring = Date.parse(todaystring1) + (tz * 1000 * 60 * 60);
var futurestring1 = (montharray[m - 0] + " " + d + ", " + yr + " " + hr + ":" + min);
bugbox.innerHTML+='<p>2. todaystring1= '+todaystring1+'</p>';
bugbox.innerHTML+='<p>3. futurestring1= '+futurestring1+'</p>';
var futurestring = Date.parse(futurestring1) - (today.getTimezoneOffset() * (1000 * 60));
var dd = futurestring - todaystring;
var dday = Math.floor(dd / (60 * 60 * 1000 * 24) * 1);
var dhour = Math.floor((dd % (60 * 60 * 1000 * 24)) / (60 * 60 * 1000) * 1);
var dmin = Math.floor(((dd % (60 * 60 * 1000 * 24)) % (60 * 60 * 1000)) / (60 * 1000) * 1);
var dsec = Math.floor((((dd % (60 * 60 * 1000 * 24)) % (60 * 60 * 1000)) % (60 * 1000)) / 1000 * 1);
if (dday <= 0 && dhour <= 0 && dmin <= 0 && dsec <= 0) {
bugbox.innerHTML+='<p>ERR: '+dday+','+dhour+','+dmin+','+dsec+'</p>';
document.getElementById('count2').style.display = "inline";
document.getElementById('dday').style.display = "none";
document.getElementById('dhour').style.display = "none";
document.getElementById('dmin').style.display = "none";
document.getElementById('dsec').style.display = "none";
} else {
document.getElementById('count2').style.display = "none";
document.getElementById('dday').innerHTML = dday;
document.getElementById('dhour').innerHTML = dhour;
document.getElementById('dmin').innerHTML = dmin;
document.getElementById('dsec').innerHTML = dsec;
setTimeout("countdown(theyear,themonth,theday,thehour,theminute)", 1000);
bugbox.innerHTML+='<p>4. dday, dhour, dmin, dsec= '+dday+','+dhour+','+dmin+','+dsec+'</p>';
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.timeapi.org/utc/now.json?callback=myCallback"></script>